

An Approach to the Design of the Newly Built University Libraries in China

【作者】 黄宁

【导师】 张勃;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 在高等学校里,作为“文献信息中心”和“学术性机构”的图书馆,是学校教学科研的重要组成部分,许多国家把图书馆与教师队伍、实验设备列为办好现代化大学的三大支柱。美国《大学图书馆标准》(1979)提出“图书馆是大学心脏”的观点,已为世界各国所接受。由此可见高校图书馆在高等教育中所起到的重要作用。 目前,我国高校图书馆正处于继往开来的发展变革时期,即正处于由传统图书馆向现代图书馆的观念过渡与转变阶段。本文从建筑空间布局的角度对现阶段高校新建图书馆进行细致的剖析,试图探索一条适合我国高校图书馆变化发展的建筑设计之路。 论文共分五章。第一章提出了课题产生的背景及来源,对研究的目的、意义,研究的对象、范围以及当前我国图书馆建筑的研究现状进行了简要的阐述。第二章着重叙述了国内外高校图书馆建筑产生及发展概况。第三章对现阶段我国高校图书馆的特征及其影响因素进行了分析。第四章是本论文的重点章节,在这一章中,论文首先从建筑总体布局、建筑单体布局、建筑功能的可扩展性、“三统一”的设计模式等方面进行了细致的分析。我们发现:灵活性是目前我国高校图书馆建筑设计的核心问题;“三统一”并不是图书馆建筑设计的唯一方式和最佳方式,于是提出了一种分区设计柱网、分区设计层高、分区设计荷载的另一种设计模式——复合式图书馆建筑设计,旨在增加灵活性的同时,进一步提高建筑的经济性与实用性。在章节的最后,从宏观上探讨了高校图书馆建筑的设计原则及发展趋势。第五章论文结合笔者参与设计的西安思源学院图书馆这一实际项目,理论联系实际,将复合式图书馆的设计模式运用其中,以期提高图书馆建筑的设计水平。

【Abstract】 In the university, the library, as "documentary information center" and "scholarly organization", is an important component of education and scientific research. Many countries classify library , facility and experimental equipments as three props of modern universities. In America, <<The UniversityLibrary Standard>> (1979) puts forward the standpoint--"The library is the heart of the college",which is accepted by every country of the world. So the library play an important role in the university.At present, the university library is in the developing and reforming period. In this stage, The conception of the library is changing from traditional library to modern library. This paper carefully analyzes the newly built library from the space arrangement of the building, trying to explore an architectural design way which suits our country.This paper has five diapers. The first chapter puts forward the backgrounds and the origin of the thesis, expounds the purpose, the meaning, the object, the extent and our country’s present conditions. The second chapter mainly narrates the general situation of the development and the producement of the library in our country and other countries. The third chapter analyzes the features and the influtential factors of the nowaday university library in China. The fourth chapter is the important chapter of this paper: firstly, this chapter analyzes the total arrangement of the buildings, the single building’s distribution , the extensibility of the building’s functions and the design model of" trinity " , we find out that flexibility is the core of the university library design, " trinity" is not the only way and the best way in the library design; secondly, this diaper raises another design model--the design of hybrid library, in which the array of pillars, the level height and the load aredesigned according to the subarea, this design method can improve the flexibility and ecnomization ofthe buildings; at last, this chapter approaches the principles and the developing trend in the design ofthe university library. The fifth chapter apply the design model of hybrid library in the library of Xi’anSiYuan University, tying to improve the design level of the library.

  • 【分类号】TU242
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2257