

Initial Study on the Architectural Design for Building as the Enterprise Incubator

【作者】 徐劲

【导师】 张勃;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “企业孵化器建筑”是在我国改革开放以后,各地出台了一系列扶植高科技小企业发展政策的历史背景下出现的新建筑类型,对其的系统研究国内目前尚处在初级阶段。甚至许多建筑师和开发商至今不清楚“企业孵化器”和“企业孵化器建筑”是两个不同的概念,也没有对在孵企业的性质、规模、专业特点及运行机制进行深入的分析,并提出具有针对性的行之有效的方法去设计和开发建设,以致许多已建成的并冠以“企业孵化器”名称的建筑并不能真正有效地发挥孵化功能,造成一定意义上的浪费和闲置。 论文首先就“企业孵化器”的定义和名称产生由来进行阐述,进而对其和高科技产业的关系及自身优势与劣势作了分析,叙述了“企业孵化器”目前国内外发展的现状,总结了其基本功能作用、目标和成效标准,为后文叙述作了铺垫。 论文接着对“企业孵化器建筑”进行界定,归纳其常见形态,详细分析了影响“企业孵化器建筑”设计和建设的内在原因,对常见“企业孵化器建筑”的研发办公区、中试实验区以及信息支持系统的设计内容进行分析和初步总结,对其建筑造型和环境景观设计提出了看法,并结合部分实例以便读者形成直观印象,最后提出了设计“企业孵化器建筑”的原则和途径。

【Abstract】 Building as the enterprise Incubator is a new type building emerging on the historical background of reform and opening, and locality have promulgated a series of policy to prop up small high-tech businesses. The systematic research on it lies in a primary phase in our country. Even now, many architects and investors do not know that enterprise incubator and building as the enterprise incubator are two different concepts. They also have not analyzed the character, scale, specialty characteristic and operation mechanism of those incubated enterprises, and put forward any effective and proper process to guide architectural design or constructioa This situation leads to the phenomenon that so many building named enterprise incubator architecture cannot play a big role in propping up small high-tech businesses, and been left unused.The article elaborates the definition of enterprise incubator and the derivation firstly, analyses the relationship of enterprise incubator and high-tech industry, point out the dominant position and inferior position of it Secondly, the article recounts the developing present situation of enterprise Incubator, sums up the basic function, aim and standard of effects. All of these lay a foundation for next part of the papers.In the next part, the article defines building as the enterprise incubator, makes an induction of common formation, and minutely analyses the internal factors, which affect design and constructioa According to these, Ihe article sums up design content of office region, experiment region and information sustainment-system, then, gives a piece of option on building modeling design and landscape design. In the end, the paper brings forward some design principle and method through analyzing cases.

  • 【分类号】TU243
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】434