

Study on Planning of Pedestrian System in Central Retail District of Downtown

【作者】 王健

【导师】 罗西;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 城市中心商业区是各种交通汇集的区域,具有较高的可达性,因此一直面临着各式各样的交通问题。步行在中心商业区占有较高的比重,与其它交通方式的混杂,使得步行者的步行行为受到抑制,出现诸如步行舒适度降低,交通事故频发等一系列步行交通问题。为了改善城市中心商业区步行交通环境,为中心商业区提供良好的商业活动环境,给步行交通一个完整、合理、独立的空间,有必要对步行系统规划进行研究。本文试图讨论如何构建中心商业区完整的步行系统,以适应步行出行的要求。 首先文章基于城市交通分流理论,从研究步行者的需求出发,对步行交通流进行分析研究,在研究中心区的交通问题的基础上,研究中心商业区步行交通问题,提出发展城市中心区道路系统之——步行系统,是改善中心商业区步行交通问题,乃至缓解中心区交通问题的可行之道。继而对中心商业区步行系统按照所处的不同平面分为地面步行系统和非地面步行系统进行研究,对各个组成部分的规划设计进行了分析。然后讨论了影响步行系统服务水平的因素,解析了与其相衔接的公共交通和停车设施的关系,最后提出构建完整步行系统的规划方法并通过实证对步行系统的规划作出了示范。

【Abstract】 Central Retail District where types of traffic are assembled has more accessibility, therefore has been facing kinds of problems of traffic. Pedestrian traffic occupies a large percentage, kinds of traffic are mixed restrain pedestrian behavior, lead to problems of traffic accidents and decrease comfortable of walking in central retail district of downtown. For improve environment of walking and business in Central Retail District, provide a complete, reasonable and independent space for pedestrian traffic, it is necessary to study on pedestrian system planning. This article tries the discussion how to set up the complete pedestrian system in Central Retail District.According to traffic separation theory, firstly, this article analysis pedestrian traffic characters in view of pedestrian demand. It put forward that form a complete pedestrian system is away to resolve traffic jams and pedestrian traffic problems. Then pedestrian system is divided into ground pedestrian system and non-ground pedestrian system according to space position, and study on the components planning are given. After that, the environment factors to level of pedestrian system service are discussed, the relationship to bus and parking facilities are researched. Finally, it raise a planning method of complete pedestrian system and a example is given as a guide.

  • 【分类号】TU984.13
  • 【被引频次】35
  • 【下载频次】1527