

Study on Explosion of Pulverized Soft Coal Injection on Blast Furnace at Bayi Iron & Steel Co.Itd.

【作者】 张群

【导师】 兰新哲; 刘铁汉;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 冶金工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 针对新疆煤质的特殊性,研究解决高炉喷煤安全性问题,用炼铁界常规的传统的方法只能对煤质性能做出定性分析,所以迫切需要一种全新的定性的方法和研究手段。研究发现,符合IEC标准的粉尘爆炸全套研究方法能对煤质性能作较全面定量分析,但该标准涉及的粉尘爆炸测试设备只能对常压状态下的爆炸性参数做出定量分析,与煤粉喷吹系统承压状态有一定的差距。本课题基于IEC标准,合作研制了特殊环境下20升粉尘爆炸测定装置、粉尘层最低着火温度测定装置和粉尘云最低着火温度测定装置,该装置均属国内首创。 使用上述装置,从经济性、煤质等基本要求出发,对新疆境内可能用于高炉喷煤的煤点进行大规模调查筛选,最后确定了用于高炉喷煤的煤种。用先进方法与设备对煤粉爆炸性首次进行了全面系统研究,研究了抑制爆炸的方法途径,开发了一种抑爆剂,该抑爆剂成本低效果好,提出了抑制爆炸的工艺参数。 本实验室研究结果,扩大到八钢高炉喷煤生产,效果很好,没有因煤粉爆炸性强而发生安全问题。烟煤配比达到95%左右。烟煤喷煤比很快达到国内最好水平。用八钢附近的硫磺沟一带烟煤,经加工成合格的煤粉后,喷入高炉的成本为150元/t,二级冶金焦价格430元/t,煤焦置换比按0.8计算,高炉喷吹烟煤粉每吨节约成本194元。显然,现阶段高炉喷吹煤粉是炼铁工序降低成本提高企业竞争力最直接、最有效的技术措施。

【Abstract】 According to the specific quality of Xinjing coal, for concern of safety during coal injection into a BF, conventional qualitatively study a method for coal powder explosion does not meet the need of scientific study. A new method of quantitative describe the parameters during the coal powder injection explosion processes has been developed, which is based on the IEC standard related to dust explosion study method. Different from the under atmosphere pressure; the discovered method can detect the related parameters under given pressure and temperature which is to a coal injection system of a BF. To carry out the experiment, by cooperation, there related experimental equipments have been developed, including a 20L dust explosion device with special condition controlling and detecting system, a MITCC test device, which meet the needs of IEC standard, a MIT(L) test device. These devices are the all first ones in China, respectively test.A large-scale investigation was carried out for choosing coal and their mining site in Xinjiang area. The kinds of coal used for BF injection were selected according to Xinjiang economic and local coal quality. In this paper, explosiveness of coal powder was analyzed with advanced device and method, means of inhibiting explosion and process parameters were studied, and an inhibiting reagent was discovered.Up to now, the bituminite rate in the injected coal has reached to 95%, which is the best in China on a similar BF. With the nearby Sulphur-ditche bituminite, the cost of spraying the bituminte powder into a BF per ton is 150 yuans, while that of the second metallurgical coke is 430 yuans, if one bituinmite powder displaces 0.8 ton metallurgical coke, 194 yuans cost has been cut down when each ton of bituinmite powder has been sprayed into a BF. Which results in a large economic efficiently. Therefore, coal injection is the most effective technique measure to decrease the cost and increase the competition ability of a BF.

【关键词】 喷煤爆炸性烟煤抑爆
【Key words】 coal injectionexplosivenessbituminiteexplosion control
  • 【分类号】TF54
  • 【下载频次】222