

Historical Study on the Ancient Chinese Flute Family Instruments

【作者】 朱清泉

【导师】 修海林;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 音乐学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是在历史的框架内,以中国古代笛属乐器(边棱类吹管乐器)的不同类型、源流与演变、地位与作用、传播与交流为主要研究对象;主要运用音乐史学的研究方法,同时与传播学的研究方法相结合,对笛属乐器的历史作多方面的分析和研究。本文的研究主要集中在中国古代音乐史的范围,不包括民族乐器的研究。现存少数民族的乐器有很多,但古代文献史料的记载极为罕见,因此,本文对少数民族乐器中的笛属乐器虽有涉及,但不作全面的铺开。本文不属于对中国民族乐器中笛属乐器的全面研究。文献中记录现象的史料很多,但能反映比较详细史实的史料相当少,所以本文在把握其发展的基本特点时,主要通过事例来说明。 全文的正文共分五个部分。 绪论:对笛属乐器的概念进行界定;分析构成笛属乐器的因素,并以此作为判断笛属乐器的主要依据;讨论有争议的乐器——篪和羌笛。 第一章“历史上的笛属乐器和笛属乐器的源流与演变”:对中国笛属乐器作史的梳理,以历史上形成的各类笛属乐器作为研究对象,分阶段对边棱类吹管乐器主要类型(包括单管斜吹、单管横吹、编管竖吹和单管竖吹等)的代表性乐器进行研究;分析笛属乐器的传承关系和演变规律,并对某些有分歧的观点和看法作进一步的探讨。 第二章“笛属乐器在历代音乐活动中的地位及作用”:重点论述贾湖骨笛、排箫、横笛、洞箫等几种具有代表性的笛属乐器在不同历史时期音乐活动中的功能作用,并分析其不同时期的地位变化。 第三章“笛属乐器的对外传播、交流及影响”:通过对中原汉族与外族外域之间、中国与外国之间与笛属乐器有关的音乐文化交流进行研究,分析笛属乐器传播的几个重要途径及中国古代笛属乐器对世界音乐文化的深远影响。 结语:概述本文的研究成果。 总之,本文对中国历史上笛属乐器的发生、发展给予了较为充分的分析。其中对我国古代各历史时期中笛属乐器的种类、笛属乐器的演变和不同乐器的传承、在社会音乐活动中的地位与作用、对外传播和交流以及笛属乐器对世界音乐文化的影响均作了专门的分析与研究。

【Abstract】 In the framework of history, taking the different types of flute family instruments, their origin and evaluation, their status and effects, their spreading and exchange, etc. as the research objects, with the method of music history, combining with the research method of musical instruments articulation and communication, the paper makes analysis on and research into the history of flute family instruments from different perspectives. The research of the paper centers on the ancient music history of China, excluding the the research of national musical instruments. There are many national musical instruments in existence, but few of them are recorded in the ancient data. As a result, the paper touches some of the flute family musical instrument without thorogh study. It is not an overall research about the flute family instruments of the national instruments of Chinal. Since there are few detailed historical documents despite their large number, the paper mainly illustrates the features of the flute family instruments’development through facts.The paper consists of five parts.The part of introduction defines the concept of flute family instruments, analyzes on the factors meeting the requirements of being a member of the flute family instrument. These factors are taken as the main criterion to judge whether the instrument belongs to flute family. The instruments on which disagreement exists, Chi and Qiang-flute are discussed.Chapter One is about the flute family instruments in history and the origin and evalution of the flute family instruments. The study on the history of flute family instruments in China is based on the development of different types of flute family instruments in history. Historical stages of the development of the representatives of side organ pipes are studied (including single-pipe slanting blowing, single-pipe horizontal blowing, multi-pipe erect blowing and single-pipe erect blowing). Theinherent relationship among the flute family instruments and their developing rules are analyzed. Views and opinions on which disagreement exist are explored.Chapter Two is about the status and effects of flute family instruments in music activities in different historical periods. Focusing on the bone flute of Jiahu, multi-pipe xiao, the bamboo horizontal flute, and Dongxiao, the function of these representatives of flute family instruments in different historical periods is analyzed. The position and its change in different periods are discussed.Through the study on the flute family instruflutments’ spread over, exchange with, and influence on other nations, Chapter Three analyzes the main ways of the flute family instruflutments’ spread, The musical exchange between Han and other minorities and that between China and foreign countries. The far-reaching influence of the ancient Chinese flute family instruments’ spread on the development of world music culture is illustrated.The part of conclusion is about the achievement and significance of the research.This paper makes a rather complete analysis on the appearance and the development of Chinese flute family instruments. The different types, the inheritance, the status and function, the spread and the exchange with foreign countries, and the influence of the flute family instruments on the world music culture are specially analyzed and studied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】J632
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】740