

A Study of the Education Approaching to Life Experience

【作者】 曹晶

【导师】 刘济良;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我们正在走向一个多元多变的时代。不确定性、相对性和新颖性成为时代的主旋律。在这些层出不穷的变化背后,是人类永远无法触摸灵魂、抚慰心灵的深深忧虑。科技带来的巨大繁荣和人所面临的精神危机使人类陷入无法自拔的深渊之中,教育作为提升人的生命质量和生存价值,关照人的精神生活的事业,理应担负起这一时代的重任。然而,我们的教育以一种附庸的形态出现,使我们对它产生了种种质疑。我们无数次的追问:教育是什么?教育为了什么?生命体验作为生命最直接的存在方式使人更加切近生命本身,并体现着生命的独特性和超越性。关涉人的心灵世界的教育就必须从生命体验出发,以整体的方式来把握和理解生命。 论文从分析时代背景出发,认为理性主义时代必须终结,走向生命哲学和哲学解释学的教育是我们必然的选择,而生命体验是21世纪凸显的时代强音。以关怀生命为价值取向的教育就必须关注人之独特的、丰富的生命体验。这是本论文的理论基础和基本价值取向。要将生命体验引入教育,就必须首先对生命体验作一认识和了解。在论文第一部分“识读生命体验”,首先从纵向的历史发展角度对中西方文化中的体验和生命的理论予以梳理,感悟时代变迁和文化、思维方式对教育的影响;然后就中国特有的直觉体悟的圆融思维方式在现代背景中的发展予以分析,认为“后主体性的天人合一”是一种既可促进人的主体性发展,又可避免类似西方精神危机的选择。因此,以引导人的精神建构和关涉人的灵魂的教育应以这种“天人合一”的生命境界为行动的方向。在这部分的最后明确界定了本论文中生命体验的内涵:生命体验是一种生命历程,是将自然空间和自然时间创造成生命时间和生命空间的过程;生命体验是不断处于生成中的内心形成物;是一种对自我存在的确认和生命意义感。 论文第二部分在对生命体验理论梳理和认识的基础上,系统分析和论证了教育视野中的生命体验的本体地位,并剖析了生命体验在现实教育中缺席的种种原因,为生命体验教育的理想建构提供理论依据和现实依据。首先,综合哲学、美学、心理学等学科对生命体验的阐释,认为作为一种综合性实践活动的教育中的生命体验是一种具有累积性和非连续性的生命个体建构自己精神生命的独特历程,它将引导着人走向不断超越自我、走向更加广阔的可能生活。然后,从三个方面论证了生命体验是教育的本体:生命体验是教育的起点;教育的过程是生命体验产生、表达、凝聚的过程;教育应该指向人的智慧的获得,天人合一生命境界的形成。并用理论对现实问题予以观照,认为当前教育对生命体验的遗忘主要有以下方面:知识、技能的堆积造成生命意义的迷失和生命体验的缺失;教育的极端科学化对人的生命情感的漠视和对生命意义的遮蔽;脱离生活世界的教育对生命情感和精神世界的遗忘等三个方面。由此得出,以生命体验为本体的教育是良好的教育的本真内涵,现实的问题也需要我们对教育的理念做出反思和建构。 论文第三部分在以上问题分析的基础上对走向生命体验的教育的进行了理论建构。主要从引导学生在体验“生命”和思考“死亡”中感受生的欢乐与幸福、追问生命的意义和价值,知识让位于生命发展的课程理念,连续性和非连续性相结合的教育形式三个方面来论述。 在结语部分笔者提出,只有走向生命体验的教育才能使人从对知识的膜拜走向对智慧的渴求,才能使生命诗意地栖居在大地上。

【Abstract】 We are striding to a various changing era. The uncertainty, relativity and novelty have become the main melody of this era. Behind these endless varieties, it’s serious anxiety that human will never communicate with his spirit. The prosperity brought by science and technology as well as the spiritual crisis which human beings is facing has made him involve in abyss which can’t be pulled out by himself. Education as a cause of promoting human’s quality of life and the value of existence, of concerning the spirit of human should take the strong responsibility. However, the education in the current time is far too perfect. We ever asked ourselves for countless times, " What is education?", "What is education for?". Life experience as a direct existing style of life makes people closer to life itself and reflects the life’s uniqueness and transcendence. Education as a cause of concerning human’s soul must begin with life experience and has a good command of life wholly.On the basis of the background of the current time, the thesis firmly thinks that approaching the education of life philosophy and Hermeneutics is the ultimate choice, the era of the rationalism must be ended. Therefore, life education is the strong sound in the 21st century. Concerning life - the value orientation of education must pay more attention to the life experience of individuality. This is the strong theoretical and realistic foundation and the basic value orientation of the paper. The first part is "know life experience". The author recalls and summarizes the theories on experience in the eastern and western culture; then, the author analyses the advancing of China’s characteristic way of thinking - the original Oneness of Heaven and Man in our modern time. The author also points out that "the post subjectivity of the Oneness of Heaven and Man" promotes the development of subjectivity as well as the ideal choice of avoiding the spiritual crisis in the west. So education aimed at reconstructing spiand concerning their soul should insist on the life realm of " Oneness of Heaven and Man" as the guide. Last part defines the life experience: life experience is the process of life as creating the natural time and space into lifetime and space; life experience is the forming object in the heart without stopping as well as the justifying of self-existence and significance of life.On the basis of the above, the second part analyses systematically and proves the life experience lies in the state of thing-in-itself in the field of education. This put also analyses various reasons for the absence of life experience in the actual education, which afford a film base for theory and practice. First, the author points out life experience will guide to transcend itself towards the broad possible life. Secondly, the author explores that life experience is the thing-in-itself of education from three aspects and concludes that the essences of ideal education must base on life experience. Moreover, the actual problems in education require us to reconsider and reconstruct the ideal concept of current education.In the third part, the ideas of education approaching life experience are constructed on the basis of the analyzing problems. We should instruct students to appreciate happiness and purse the significance of life through experiencing the life and reconsider death. Hence, knowledge should be taken place by the development of life in curriculum; the consecutive methods of teaching should combine with non-consecutive ones.At the end of the thesis, the author argues that guiding students to purse wisdom from state of admiring knowledge is the holy obligation of education approaching life experience.

【关键词】 个体生命生命体验教育
【Key words】 lifelife experienceeducation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】773