

The Application of Catalytic Kinetic Analysis in the Food Inspection

【作者】 胡卫平

【导师】 董学芝;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 分析化学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代社会中,随着人民生活水平的提高,人们对食品不仅仅局限在对营养的要求上,而且越来越要求“健康食品”、“绿色食品”。众所周知,食品中富含大量有益的微量元素和各种食品添加剂,恰当的摄入这些物质,会对人们的身体带来好处,可是如果摄入过量,则又会造成很大危害。因此,食品分析这一学科越来越广泛地受到人们的重视。随着食品分析这一学科地逐渐发展,要求分析方法具有更高的灵敏度、准确度和更小的样品用量。催化动力学分析法是基于测量催化反应的反应速度以确定被测物浓度或量的一种动力学分析方法,由于其具有极高的灵敏度,在食品分析检测中得到了越来越广泛的应用。本文就三苯甲烷类染料在催化动力学分析中的应用研究作了综述,同时建立起了新的催化动力学分析方法,并将其应用于食品分析中。 一 三苯甲烷类染料在催化动力学分析中的应用及研究进展 催化动力学分析法的基本原理是基于受均相催化加速的某一化学反应的速度与催化剂浓度(或间接地与活化剂浓度、阻抑剂浓度、解阻剂浓度)存在一定的函数关系,可用于这些物质的测定。 这一部分,作者对国内十几年以来三苯甲烷类染料在催化动力学分析中的应用研究作了一个简单综述,总结了十几年来人们在此方面的研究工作,并提出了自己的研究课题。 二 甲基紫动力学催化光度法在食品检测中的应用研究 亚硝酸根作为一种食品添加剂,广泛应用于肉类食品加工方面。由于它能与人体内胺类和酰胺类化合物作用生成具有致癌作用的亚硝胺类物质,因此是食品 摘要检验中重要测定项目之一。传统的Griess法灵敏度较低,且使用的试剂Q一蔡胺为致癌物,有难闻的臭味,危害人体健康。近年来,催化光度法测定痕量亚硝酸根的研究不断有报道,但是多用于水质分析,在食品分析中的应用较少。作者发现室温下KBro3在稀H3PO;介质中氧化甲基紫的褪色反应在亚硝酸根的催化作用下能明显加速,据此建立了测定亚硝酸根的催化光度法。该方法灵敏度高,用于几种火腿肠样品中亚硝酸根含量的测定,与标准方法相比较,结果满意。三三苯甲烷类染料离子选择性电极的制备与性能研究 我们分别以甲基紫一四苯硼酸根离子缔合物和甲基绿一四苯硼酸根离子缔合物为电活性物质,制备了甲基紫聚氯乙烯膜涂层玻璃电极和甲基绿聚氯乙烯膜涂层玻璃电极,并研究了其响应性能,结果满意。四催化电位法在食品检测中的应用研究l!IJ;1甲基紫电极催化动力学电位法测定肉制品中亚硝酸根 本文基于在稀磷酸介质中,痕量的亚硝酸根对滨酸钾氧化甲基紫(MV)的反应具有明显的催化作用,以自制的甲基紫选择性电极,跟踪反应过程中甲基紫浓度的变化,从而建立了一种测定亚硝酸根的催化电位新方法。该方法克服了光度法受样品颜色限制的缺点,扩大了方法的适用范围,在选择的试验条件下,该方法的检出限为7.6 x 10碑m叭,线性范围是7.6 x 10一&0 x 10一m叭,用于肉制品中亚硝酸根含量的测定,结果满意。2甲基绿选择性电极催化电位法测定茶叶中锰 锰是一种重要的微量元素,现代医学研究发现,人体内锰过多或过少都会引起不良后果。因此,食品中锰含量的测定具有极其重要的意义。动力学分析中,以KIO;氧化有机物做指示反应测定锰有过不少报道,但多是采用分光光度法,用 河南大学化学化工学院2001级硕士学位论文胡卫平甲基绿选择性电极催化电位法测锰尚未见报道。本文基于在氨三乙酸存在下,Mn2+对104一氧化甲基绿(MG)褪色反应的催化作用,首次选用甲基绿选择性电极(自制)跟踪反应过程中甲基绿浓度CMG的变化,对催化电位法测定痕量锰进行了研究。该法测定MnZ+的线性范围为3,0一loon叭smL。本文测定了茶叶样品中的锰,结果满意。

【Abstract】 In modern society, with the development of standard of living, People not only want food nutrient but also want food to be "healthy food" and "green food". We all know there are much microelement which is useful and kinds of food additive in the food. Appropriate intake can make us healthy but excess ingestion can cause disease. For this, People become to take into account food analysis more and more. The development of the food science make more and more requirements to analysis science as higher sensitivity, better accuracy and smaller quantity of the samples. Catalytic kinetic analytic method is one of the kinetic analytic method, which determined the concentration of substance based on the reaction velocity. Because of its high sensitivity, it has been used frequently in food analysis. In this paper, the application of triphenyl methane methane dyestuff in catalytic kinetic analytic method was reviewed; Some new catalytic kinetic method were found and applied in the food analysis.1. The application and development of triphenyl methane dyestuff incatalytic kinetic analysisThe principle of catalytic kinetic analytic method is determining the reaction velocity of the chemical reaction which is catalytised homogeneously. The results has a direct relationship with catalyst concentration(activity concentration, inhibitor concentration, Anti-inhibitor concentration), so ,can be used for the determination of these substances.In this part, the application of triphenyl methane methane dyestuff in catalytic kinetic analytic method was reviewed and the research were summarized in ten years.The research subject is expounded in this part.2. The application of Catalytic spectrophotometric method with methyl violet in the food determinationNitrite is widely used as a kind of food additive in the food industry. This ion can product nitrosamine with the mixture of amine and amide in our body after entering our body through food chain, Thus, the determination of trace nitrite is important in the food detection. The classical Griess method has low sensitivity and the reagent is carcinogenic which is bad to our health. In the recent years, kinetic methods based on catalytic reactions received considerable attention. But these methods were applied more in the water detection. In this paper, a new catalytic spectrophotometric method for determining trace nitrite has been developed. It is based on the catalytic effect of trace nitrite on the oxidation of methyl violet by potassium bromate. This method has higher sensitivity and has been used to determine trace nitrite in ham with satisfactory results.3. Preparation of selective electrode with triphenyl methane dyestuffThe MV selective electrode and MG selective electrode were prepared by us based on the use of MV active material and MG active material. The response quantities were studied with satisfactory results.4. The application of Catalytic Potentiometry in the food determination(1) The determination of nitrite by catalytic kinetic potentiometric method usingmethyl violet selective electrodeIn this paper, a new catalytic potentiometric method for determining trace nitrite has been developed. It is based on the catalytic effect of trace nitrite on the oxidation of methyl violet by potassium bromate. Methyl violet ion selective electrode was used to indicate the change of the concentration of methyl violet in the reaction solution. This method is operated in the room temperature and without disturbance of sample colour. The optimum experiment conditions for determination were found. The detection limit for nitrite is 7.6 X10-4 mg/L, the liner range of the determination is 7.6 X10-4-8.0X10-2mg/L.The method has been used to determine trace nitrite in ham with satisfactory results. (2) Determination of manganese in tea by catalytic potentiometry with methyl green ion selective electrodeManganese is a vital microelement . Medical researches find that much manganese or less mangaese in our body both can lead bad results. Thus , t

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS207
  • 【下载频次】420