

Loneliness Structure Study of College Students in Henan Province

【作者】 李艺敏

【导师】 蒋艳菊;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 基础心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “孤独感”是近30年来受到西方学者广泛关注的研究领域,业已引起我国学者的研究兴趣。本研究在对国内外有关孤独感的理论、研究现状进行归纳整理的基础上,采用了开放式调查法、访谈法、问卷法、探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析方法,对河南省大学生孤独感结构进行了初步研究,证实了研究提出的四个假设,获得的结论主要有: 第一,河南省大学生孤独感结构主要包括四个维度,按重要性依次排列为社会孤独感、人际孤独感、自我孤独感和发展孤独感。 第二,河南省大学生孤独感的内容并不仅仅局限于社会交往活动的范畴,而是至少包括与其自我同一性发展有关的内容。 第三,河南省大学生孤独感并不总是消极的。更多的大学生认为适度的孤独感可以为其提供动力,因而也具有积极意义。 第四,河南省大学生在孤独感结构问卷的各维度和总分上的得分存在性别、生源、学科门类、学历层次、年级、学校性质等人口学变量上的差异,但差异的表现是复杂多样的。 本研究的创新之处可能集中在以下几点上: 首先,在社会活动的领域里探讨孤独感的概念,而不是仅仅将其局限在社会交往的范畴里。这与西方学者关于孤独感的主流观点并不一致,可以说在某种程度上体现了我国的文化背景对中国人孤独感体验的制约作用。 其次,从发展的角度来理解孤独感的概念,将孤独感和个体特定阶段的发展任务联系起来。特别地,将大学生孤独感和其自我同一性发展任务联系起来。这与西方学者仅将大学生作为成人被试来研究成人孤独感(不考虑发展)的视角不同,可以说在成人孤独感的研究中吸收了西方学者关于儿童青少年孤独感的研究优点(关注发展问题),而这更符合我国大学生发展的实际情况。 第三,证明了大学生孤独感并不一定都是消极的,适度的孤独感可以为个体的活动提供动力,具有积极意义。 第四,编制了本土化的河南省大学生孤独感结构问卷,不仅采用探索性因素分析探明河南省大学生孤独感的结构,并用验证性因素分析进行验证,提高了研究的科学水平。 今后,关于孤独感的研究应该扩大研究对象范围、拓展研究领域、重视“自我同一性”问题并寻求研究方法上的突破。

【Abstract】 Many studies on Loneliness have been done in late 30 years in Western countries, and psychologists in China have now been becoming interested in this field as well. The purpose of this paper is to examine the loneliness structure of college students in Henan Province using the methods of Investigation, Interview, Questionnaire Survey, Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Results revealed that the structure of the college students’ loneliness includes four dimensions. The four dimensions, arranged in descending order of importance to loneliness are: 1) social loneliness 2) intimate loneliness 3) self-loneliness and 4) development loneliness. This author maintains that loneliness is not only related to one’s social relationship, but also to the development of one’s self-identity. This author also points out that the college students’ loneliness isn’t necessarily an aversive experience; On the contrary, many college students view modest loneliness as a motivational factor and thus think it plays a positive role. Multiple differences in sex, source, major, academic rank, grade and the nature of the school, have been found on each dimension’s scores and on the total loneliness scores.There are several new ideas brought forth by this paper as follows: a) One should explore the concept of loneliness not only in the field of social relationships, but also in the broad range of social life, b) View the concept of loneliness by including the individual’s development. College students’ loneliness and their self-identity development are combined in this paper to explore their loneliness, c) Results of this study suggested that not all college students’ loneliness is an aversive experience. Modest loneliness may motivate one’s activities and thus play a positive role, d) A questionnaire of the loneliness structure of college students in Henan Province has beendeveloped in this study and it proves to have high reliability and validity by means of Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmative Factor Analysis.Implications for future research are discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】972