

On Anticipation Skills in Simultaneous Interpretation

【作者】 郭顺杰

【导师】 隋云;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在同声传译的过程中,译员始终处于工作压力中。为了获得更好的翻译效果,译员需要应用一系列的技巧,其中包括预测技巧。预测,即在实际的话语说出之前预先推测到译入语中可能出现的信息的能力。预测在同声传译中扮演着重要角色。预测在通常理解中的作用已经早有论述,甚至有人称所谓的语言理解就是不断形成预测的过程。但是,预测为什么重要,以及如何在同声传译的过程预测则很少有人涉足,至少很少系统探讨这个问题。本文在先前专家学者研究的基础上,把对预测的研究具体到同声传译的范围中,试图回答上面提出的两个问题。本文作者首先简要回顾相关领域的研究,一方面为本文的写作提供参考,另一方面也为本文有所突破提供了借鉴,将尽可能弥补预测理论与同传实践脱钩的现状。随后,作者深入分析了预测对同传有重要影响的原因。在借鉴认知心理学相关理论的基础上,分析得出预测具有缓解译员大脑疲劳的作用,同时在大脑得以解脱的前提下,预测能够加深对译入内容的理解,可以带来更好的同传效果。实证研究从实践上支持了这样的理论论述。进而,作者在预测对同传具有重要意义的基础上提出了在同传中形成预测的方法,该部分构成了本文的重点。 预测可分为语言预测和话题预测,因此如何培养语言预测和话题预测对同传质量的提高至关重要。对语言预测而言,要形成良好的句子分析能力,而对于话题预测,作者引入了图式的概念。同时,实证研究也从实践上证明其不失为有效的提高预测能力的方法。在结论部分,作者重申了预测对同传的重要性以及如何形成预测的策略,并指出了本文写作中的不足之处。

【Abstract】 During the process of simultaneous interpretation (SI), the interpreters work under great pressure and compete against the time in order to reproduce what is expressed in the source language. To achieve better performance, the interpreters are supposed to apply a number of techniques, among which anticipation, the ability to predict what is coming, plays an important role. The importance of anticipation for general comprehension has been somewhat recognized and touched on by some psychologists and linguists, with evidence being recorded that comprehension in effect is a process in which anticipation shall be gradually generated. (Carell, 1984) However, why anticipation is important and how anticipation can be conducted specifically for the purpose of SI has been barely explored, not to mention in a systematic fashion. In this thesis, the author, on the basis of previous studies and researches, will limit the studies of anticipation to the scope of SI, tentatively trying to provide answers to the above two questions. In the thesis, the author will firstly give a brief introduction to the current relevant studies, shedding light on their illumination for this thesis while pointing out their lack of pertinence to the study of SI. Second, the author will go deep into the analysis of why anticipation is a must in SI. Cognitive psychology offers some theories, such as Role of Working Memory and Memory for Discourse, which prove effective in highlighting the importance of anticipation in SI that it may partially relieve the memory of exhaustion. Besides memory load relief, anticipation deepens the understanding of the discourse. An experiment will illustrate how anticipation may make a difference in comprehension during the process of SI. Still, the author will move on to identify how anticipation can be generated in SI. Anticipation requires topic-specific knowledge (TK) and general knowledge, with knowledge of language (KL) included in the latter, and therefore the cultivation of the two kinds of knowledge is deemed indispensable in anticipation. For TK, Theory of Schemata will be introduced and <WP=6>analyzed; and for KL, Parsing Strategies. Experiments will be conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theories in generation of anticipation. In conclusion, the author will readdress the importance of anticipation and the strategies to come up with during SI.

【关键词】 同声传译预测译员
【Key words】 Simultaneous InterpretationAnticipationInterpreters
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】402