

【作者】 牛争芳

【导师】 王国平;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 角色商品化包括作品虚构形象、名称以及其他标识等角色元素的商业化利用形式。它的运用形式复杂,潜在的经济价值可观,发展前景广阔,值得我们展开相关的研究。 本文运用了系统研究和比较研究的方法,在探求商品化以及角色商品化的历史沿革、运作现状、发展方向和国内理论研究的基础上,论述了角色的表现形式、来源及其基本属性等问题。并从角色中蕴涵的“名角效应”和对角色进行的二次商业开发两方面独创性地揭示了角色之商品化的实质。随后,推出角色商品化是对文艺作品中创作的著名角色的名角效应进行二次商业性开发的一种运作模式的定义。 理论探讨之后,本文从外观设计法、著作权法、商标法、反不正当竞争法(包括假冒之诉)等各个角度考察了各国关于角色商品化保护制度的立法例和司法实践。并阐释了国外有关角色商品化许可的成功经验,填补了相关研究的空白。 经过考察,笔者认为我国在这方面存有较多盲区,司法实践也缺乏相关依据。因此,笔者借鉴国外的成功做法,并结合我国的实际,构建了我国有关角色商品化的法律保护模式。

【Abstract】 Character merchandising involves the use of fictional characters, names, other symbols and etc. in the marketing or advertising of goods or services. The styles of merchandising are complex, the commercial potential is immense, its future is expansive, therefore, we should deeply research character merchandising.Studying by logic and comparison, this article presents the history, present situation, development and all kinds of theories of merchandising and character merchandising ; discusses the forms, sources, traits and etc; and originally discloses the essential of the merchandising i.e. the "domino effect of name character" of famous characters and the second merchandising exploitation. To draw a conclusion, character merchandising is a second merchandising exploitation pattern of "domino effect of name character" implied in the famous characters of the literary works.After discussing the relevant theory, the writer reviews the regulations and prejudications of character merchandising in other jurisdictions from the aspects of designs, copyright, trade marks, competition Act (including passing off) and etc. In addition, this article expatiates the successful experiences about license of character merchandising, and fills the vacancy of the domestic correlative research.Passing through investigation, the writer considers that there are lots of blind spots in the relevant rules of our country, as a result, judiciary practices have been limited seriously. Accordingly, this article refers to the valuable experiences of other jurisdictions, links with the domestic reality, and tries to establish the legal protection mode of character merchandising for our country.

【关键词】 角色商品化角色商品化许可
【Key words】 CharacterMerchandisingCharacter MerchandisingLicense
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】384