

【作者】 张宏力

【导师】 傅慧芬;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,全国造林绿化速度和质量取得了历史性突破。随着林业建设的高速发展,林木种苗成为发展潜力非常大的产业之一,国家及政府部门的高度重视为种苗业的发展提供了强大的发展动力。正是在这样的市场背景下,笔者通过收集大量的一、二手资料,并对几个苗木行业成功企业案例进行深入研究,找出了“绿之星”公司的初步成果、存在差距及原因。通过综合运用4P’S理论,结合苗木市场的机会与“绿之星”存在的问题,总结归纳出“绿之星”公司宜采取的主要营销策略。 本论文主要由研究意向、研究方法、案例陈述、案例分析、结论、不足之处和参考文献等七个部分组成。 笔者从国家对林业苗木行业宏观政策及北京绿之星植物技术有限公司背景入手,充分调研了我国苗木市场的现状,描述了国家对林业苗木行业的宏观政策、行业竞争势态及“绿之星”公司成立三年来的运营状况,分析了我国苗木市场面临的机会、挑战及竞争势态,“绿之星”公司初步成功的原因、营销中存在的主要问题与不足,指出了公司未来的营销策略。 通过调研分析可知我国绿化种苗市场需求呈现出快速增长态势,但市场竞争日趋激烈。苗木用量和供应量增加,品种呈现多样化,大规格苗木缺口增大,彩叶树种、花灌木,冬季常绿树、容器苗热销已成为苗木市场发展的趋势。目前我国苗木市场竞争主要是行业内的直接竞争,与“绿之星”公司有竞争关系的主要是经营中小苗圃的苗农和像汉枫(集团)这样的有一定规模的绿化公司。通过合理的市场细分并以常绿阔叶乔木和彩色植物这两个细分市场作为目标市场,“绿之星”公司较好的满足了市场需求并取得了初步的成功。但近两年“绿之星”公司的销售额和利润逐年下降,主要因为公司的营销还存在着产品品种单一,创新不足,科技手段拉动力不强;没有很好地利用和维护农科院的品牌优势;定价不合理;宣传、广告运作缺少系统性,产品推广不力;产品营销终端工作不力,服务意识欠缺等问题,这些问题的存在严重制约了公司的可持续发展。 基于以上问题,笔者对“绿之星”公司未来的市场营销战略提出如下建议: 1.充分利用公司科技优势,加强新产品开发研制 2.打造强势品牌,提升品牌价值 3.制定有竞争力的价格 4.根据苗农购买行为,以农技推广、广告宣传等手段,加强产品的销售力度 5.为苗农提供优质的服务

【Abstract】 Historical breakthrough has been achieved for both speed and quality in national forestation recently. It becomes one of the most potential industry for the forest seedling business with the rapid development of forest segments. Great attention from government stimulies its potentiality. The author make deep researches about several successful cases in seedling industry via many investigations, and find the first achievement, constrains and the reasons about Lvzhixing. With the 4P’S together with the opportunity in the seedling market and dilemma, the writer summarized the main marketing strategy for Lvzhixing.This essay contains ’the research intention, research method, case description, analysis, conclusion, weakness and reference.By studying the government marco-policy for forest seedling industry and the background of Beijing Lvzhixing plant technique Co., Ltd, the author do deep survey about the current situation of domestic seedling market, and make review the national policy for this industry competition, and 3 years operation for this company. Also in this essay, it analysis the opportunity, challenge and competition in this market, and probes the success of this company, the constrains in the marketing sector, and gives the advise for the future marketing policy.By research and investigation, the author thinks the forest seedling market presents the inclination of rapid development for the demand with the stiff competition. Both supply and demand are increasing with the diverse varieties. There is an increasing shortage for big size products. A big demand is for colorful leaf trees, flowering bush, every green trees, and pot seedlings. Competition in this market is mainly within sectors. The competitors for Lvzhixing are the companies or growers with middle to small nurseries, e.g., Hanfeng Co. By reasonable market segmentation, and focusing the every green large tree and color leaves plant market, Lvzhixing did first step success because of meeting the market needs. Due to the single product, lack of innovation, in-efficient use of technology, weakness in using the academic image, in-reasonable pricing, not good work for the market terminal, lack of service, un-systematic propaganda and ad activities, the turnover and profit are going down year by year. All these problems constrain the company’s sustainable development.Suggestions are given to the company’s future marketing strategy of Lvzhixing according to the problem above.1. trengthen the R&D activities of new product efficiently using the sci-tech advantage.2. Make strong brand image, promote brand added value.3. Competitive pricing policy.4. Improve the sales by technique extension and propaganda according to the buyer’s behavior.5. Provide qualified service for the farmers.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
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