

Study on Cultural Integration after the Merger & Acquisition of Private Enterprises with State-owned Enterprises

【作者】 孙巍

【导师】 张阳;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济体制改革的进一步推进,国家对民营经济的态度经历了一个从“接受”、“认可”到“支持”的过程,民营企业得到了迅猛的发展;同时,国有企业改革的步伐也不断加快,政府提出了“抓大放小”、“组建大型企业集团”的方针政策。这二者相结合,就出现了大批有实力的民营企业参与国企改制,对一部分国有企业,特别是国有中小型企业进行并购重组。但由于二者的文化差异而使得并购重组后的整合显得尤为困难。 本文正是针对这一问题进行研究的,文章对国有企业以及民营企业文化进行了概括,从整体上勾勒出二者的文化状况,从中找出民营企业并购国有企业过程中,二者企业文化可能会出现的冲突,从企业价值观、管理风格、经营理念和经营方式、以及习俗和形象方面分析了文化冲突,为后面的文化整合应用框架预作铺垫。 本文认为,民营企业并购国有企业后文化整合成功率不高,其重要原因是民营企业家自身对文化整合意识不够,新文化导入时没有与员工进行适时沟通,以及文化整合的进度掌握不好等。因此,在提出了针对文化整合失败原因的对策后,本文又提出了民企并购国企后文化整合应用框架,希望此应用框架的建立,能给民营企业进行文化整合时有一个可供参考的大致思路。而此框架的指导思想是民营企业应利用企业并购这一契机,对自身企业文化进行审视,一方面结合自身文化和国企文化的长处、抛弃它们不利于时代、企业发展的内容,一方面借鉴现代社会一些成功企业的企业文化,使文化整合过程成为一个以文化重塑为中心的循环往复的过程,使企业文化真正成为企业管理的有效手段。

【Abstract】 With the reformation of economic system in China proceeding, the attitude of the government to private economy has turned from "acceptation", "comprehension" into "supporting", and private economy has made great progress; meanwhile, as the reformation of business system of state-owned enterprises has been accelerating, the government puts forward such policies as "building large scale enterprises or group". Therefore, a lot of private enterprises that are powerful in funds anticipate in the reformation of state-owned enterprises, and especially merger and acquire, and reorganize medium or small scale state-owned enterprises. Because of cultural difference between these two kinds of enterprises, great difficulty has emerged after the mergers & acquisitions.Based on the present situation of corporate culture of state-owned and private firms, this article tries to find out the possible conflicts after the mergers & acquisitions in such fields as "corporate values", "management style", "business notions", "business mode", and "corporate image and traditions". And this analysis prepares for the applying model of cultural integration afterwards.The author puts forward that several important reasons why not many private enterprises can succeed in the cultural integration after mergers & acquisitions are as following: first, the entrepreneurs of private enterprises is short of relevant knowledge of cultural integration; second, the acquirers ignore communication with employees as the new culture comes in, and so on. Thus, after giving some measures to save the possible failure in cultural integration, the author puts forward the applying model of the mergers & acquisitions of private firms with state-owned enterprises. The guiding principle of the model is private enterprises should look into their own corporate culture, combine the advantages of their culture and that of state-owned enterprises, throw away the contents of the cultures that do not fit the time and development of enterprises, and study the corporate culture of some successful firms of the time. Thus, this process of cultural integration should be a process based on cultural rebuilding, and corporate culture should be efficient measure of corporate management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】409