

【作者】 郝丽华

【导师】 张士元;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 金融控股公司是全球金融业进入二十世纪以来,在稳定与效率间寻求平衡发展的产物,是各国探索金融混业经营的主要模式。本文所称金融控股公司实质是指控股公司采用控股或持股等方式实现对另一公司的控股权,从而通过被控股公司实现主要在银行、证券、保险等金融领域大规模提供金融服务,而控股公司自身并不从事业务经营的金融集团。 近年来,金融控股公司在我国悄然诞生,但根据我国有关法律的规定和现有“分业经营、分业监管”体制的要求,其法律地位尚不明确,监管也存在体制上的障碍。随着我国入世过渡期的结束,金融领域的逐步开放,我国将面临国际金融集团的巨大挑战。因此研究金融控股公司的监管体制对我国防范金融风险至关重要。 本文对金融控股公司监管体制的研究主要涉及监管主体的构成、职权分工以及金融监管机关对金融机构监管机制的分析等。文章内容分为四章:第一章主要介绍了与金融控股公司相关的基本理论和金融控股公司在我国的发展现状;第二、第三章,分析了金融监管的内涵,比较研究了英、美、日金融控股公司监管及其立法,总结了对我国的借鉴意义。在此基础上提出引入功能性监管理念,构建伞状监管模式来实现对我国金融控股公司的全面、有效监管,并通过分析对金融控股公司中法人治理结构的监管、资本充足性的监管、内部交易的监管、不正当竞争行为的监管来分析我国金融控股公司监管体制的制度建设;第四章从市场准入、“防火墙”设置、存款保险制度、控股公司对被控股子公司的责任等方面探析了金融控股公司监管体制下的风险防范与救济,提出了一些完善的建议。

【Abstract】 The financial holding company is the result that the global finance seek efficiency and balance since the 20th century. It has become the main choice of the counties whose financial system is changing from separate operation to universal operation. The financial holding company defined in the article is a company that provides multi-financial services in such fields as banking, insurance and securities by way of directly or indirectly controlling or holding a certain percentage of these financial companies’ shares and other ways and never performs other operations and managements.In recent years, the financial holding companies developed quietly in China. But according to the relevant laws and regulations and the requirements of "separate operation, specialized supervision", the financial holding company’s status in law hasn’t been defined and there are barriers on its supervision. With our entry into WTO, the financial fields will be opened and we will confront great challenges coming from the international financial groups. So it is extremely important for us to keep the financial risks away by studying the supervision system of the financial holding company.The article consists of the main body, the preface and the concluding remarks. The main body includes four chapters, of which the first chapter introduces the principle theory and current development of the financial holding company; the second and the third chapter analyses the connotation of the financial supervision, compare the supervision and legislation of the financial holding company in British, USA and Japan, conclude the use for reference to our country. On the base of these, this article introduces the functional supervision, builds the umbrella supervision pattern to realize the rigorous and efficient supervision over the financial holding company in our country. In these chapters, the article discusses the supervision system construction of the financial holding company in China by analyzing the supervisions over the corporate governance structure, capital adequacy, internal trade, and illicit competition. The forth chapter introduces such precaution and rescue measures against risks as market admittance, establishment of the "fire wall", duties that the mother company bears to the son company, and deposit insurance system, puts forward some advises for improvement.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】149