

【作者】 刘雄

【导师】 赵寅生;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代海战对鱼雷的各战术指标提出了更高更新的要求,而研究更高效的鱼雷动力系统更是鱼雷发展的迫切要求。由于仿真技术具有安全性和经济性的两大特点,因而在各个领域内逐步兴起。采用仿真技术来研究鱼雷动力系统,为鱼雷动力系统的设计和发展提供了一种新的思路。 本文对鱼雷涡轮机结构类型、鱼雷涡轮机的三速制工况进行了计算研究,对涡轮发动机的工作过程进行了分析。以工程热力学为基础,建立了涡轮机内部参数和热力计算的数学模型,并对鱼雷涡轮机的各个部分进行了热力计算和结构设计计算。分析了各个参数之间的相互影响。对鱼雷处于非设计工况时的参数进行了分析。 建立了开式鱼雷涡轮动力系统的稳态过程、开环状念下的恒深变速过程、恒速变深过程的动态数学模型,采用经典的四阶龙格—库塔算法对其进行了仿真计算,得到了比较满意的结果。并采用面向对象语言Delphi6.0编制了具有友好用户界面的仿真程序,用MATLAB6.0对仿真过程进行了分析。相信得到的仿真曲线和仿真程序在鱼雷涡轮动力装置的设计过程中发挥良好的作用,并在未来鱼雷总体设计、仿真中同样具有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 More and more higher performance of thermodynamic propulsion system of torpedo is required to adapt to the modern sea tight. So the research of efficient thermodynamic propulsion system becomes urgent in the research and development of torpedo. Because of its security and economical use. digital simulation technology is widely being used in all kind of engineering fields. The use of digital simulation technology in thermodynamic torpedo provides a new way to the design and development of thermodynamic propulsion system.In the paper, the structure type of torpedo turbine engine and the three-speed system states of work gas were researched. The work process of torpedo turbine engine was analyzed. Based on the theory of engineering thermodynamics, inner parameter and thermodynamic calculation mathematic model of turbine engine were established. The thermodynamic calculation and the structure design of torpedo turbine engine were completed at the same time. In addition, the interaction of all parameters was analyzed. The non-design condition parameters of torpedo turbine engine were also analyzed.It was established that the dynamic mathematic models of typical work state: steady states, process of changing speed of the open-loop propulsion system in the same depth, process of changing depth in the same speed. Four steps Runge-Kutta was adopted in the simulation of the process mentioned above, satisfying results gained. After simulator program with friendly interface programmed using object oriented language, Delphi 6.0, the simulator process was analyzed with MATLAB 6.0. Simulator curves and programs will work well in the design of torpedo turbine propulsion system and have important reference value in the design and simulation of whole torpedo.

  • 【分类号】TJ630.32
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】257