

【作者】 董敏周

【导师】 闫杰;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 红外成像导引头可以提供丰富的目标和背景信息,能较好的解决远距离目标自动识别和近距离命中点选择等问题。红外成像制导导弹在现代战争中起到越来越重要的作用。抗干扰能力是红外成像制导导弹的一个重要指标,当某个导弹生产定型以后,必须要对其抗干扰能力进行评估。通常的评估方法是进行实弹打靶。但实弹打靶是一项非常复杂的工作,需要耗费大量的人力、物力和财力。另外对红外成像制导导弹而言,受环境气候等自然因素的影响严重,进行打靶不可能对导弹的抗干扰能力作全面测试和评估。本文就红外制导导弹的抗干扰效果评估的方法进行论述,提出了一个评估准则并分层次进行了简单的评估,论述了各个阶段仿真试验安排和仿真试验中数据的收集,以便于进行评估。 进行评估试验必须要有目标、背景和干扰。包含目标、背景和干扰的红外热图像称为导引头红外信号源。随着计算机技术的发展和硬件设备价格的降低,用计算机来模拟红外目标的红外热图像成为可能。计算机模拟可以节省大量的试验经费,还可以产生恶劣地理条件以及自然条件下外场试验无法获取的红外热图像。通过计算机模拟得到的红外热图像可以作为仿真系统的输入目标源,可用于测定和评估导弹控制系统跟踪目标的能力、抗干扰能力等等。本文通过三维建模工具Creator建立目标、背景和干扰的三维模型,再通过视景仿真软件VEGA生成载机、导弹和目标飞机的可见光场景图像,实时地对导弹攻击工程进行可视化仿真;并分析了目标、背景和干扰的红外辐射特性,计算出传感器路径上大气衰减等等,将经过衰减的目标、背景和干扰的辐射强度量化为灰度图,以子窗口形式实时显示;进一步可以使目标和干扰按照各自的运动轨迹运动,便可产生动态的红外热图像序列。

【Abstract】 Infrared imaging seeker can provide much information about the target and the background, which helps to settle the problems of the automatic targets recognition (ATR) at long distance and of aiming at fatal parts within short distance. And for that advantage the IR imaging guidance missiles play an important role in the wars. The IR counter-counter-measurement ability is an important factor of the seekers’ performances. When a missile is finalized, the IRCCM ability must be assessed. The general method is to fire some missiles in the shooting range and acquire test data. This method involves much work and cost much. On the other hand the experiments are liable to the environment and the climate etc. This leads to that the IRCCM ability of the missiles can’t be fully tested through these experiments. This paper is concerned about the method of the assessing the IRCCM ability of IR imaging guidance missiles, which includes both a set of criteria and the hierarchy of the assessments and arranges the data acquisition in the experiments for the assessments.The assessment experiment involves the target, background and the IR flares. The IR image of the target, background and the IR flares is called IR signal for the IR seeker. Nowadays the technologies of the computer science are booming and the prices of the hardware decrease much, by using Computer Generated Imagery technique it becomes available to output IR images that can’t be available in shooting range. It also can save many outlays for the experiment and instruments. The IR images generated can be used as the input signal to the simulation system for the purpose of testing the IRCCM and tracking abilities of the missiles.In this paper, firstly, three-dimensional geometrical models of the target and IR flares are established and by using the software VEGA missile attacking process is real-time simulated visually.Secondly, The IR radiation characteristic of the target, background and the IR flares are analyzed, in which the wave radiation of the sun at different time, wind speed, the relative humidity and IR radiation attenuation characteristic of the atmosphere is under consideration. From above the IR image of the target, IR flare and the background are got and then are normalized to gray color image that will be showed in a child window in real time. And what’s more, considering the dynamics and kinematics equation of the target and the missile, dynamic IR images can be obtained.The works mentioned above has a great value in engineering practice. It helps the designers to increase the IRCCM abilities of the missile.

  • 【分类号】TJ765
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】795