

【作者】 黄万钧

【导师】 郭雷;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 模式识别与智能控制, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术和网络应用的迅猛发展,人们的日常生活与工作越来越趋于数字化和网络化。大量私有数据在网络上的传播、网络交易的日益风行,都使传统的版权保护手段和数据安全技术面临极大的挑战和某些难以克服的困难。数字水印技术正是在这样一种背景下产生并发展起来的。数字水印技术是通过一定的算法将一些标志性信息嵌入到多媒体内容当中,但不影响原媒体的使用价值,通过专用的检测器或阅读器可以提取这些嵌入的信息,从而实现版权保护,篡改检测等应用。本文在前人工作的基础上,针对当前数字水印的发展状况,完成了以下工作: 1.设计了一种将串谋安全码与小波域嵌入技术相结合的数字水印方法。该方法除了具有一般数字水印技术所具备的健壮性与不可见性外,还对串谋攻击具有一定抵御能力,可以作为数字媒体拷贝跟踪的一种手段。此外详细分析了抵御串谋攻击所需具备的条件,以及他们之间的关系。 2.利用组合设计理论中的均衡关联区组设计,构造出非线性均衡关联区组设计码作为数字媒体(图像、视频等)指纹码字,该码字具有抵御串谋攻击的特性。利用码字本身的冗余度,使水印信息具有一定的纠错性能,进一步提高了系统的健壮性。根据码字的特点,设计了一整套水印嵌入、提取与追踪串谋用户的方案,可以作为数字媒体版权保护的潜在解决技术。实验显示改方案比其它同类水印算法具有更好的抵御串谋攻击的能力。 3.设计出一种用于检测信息篡改的数字水印技术,是网络环境下对多媒体信息进行认证和防伪的新型技术。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of computer and network, the daily life and work of human beings are becoming digitalized and networked. A large number of private data are transformed in the Internet, and electrical commerce is more and more popular. All these challenge the traditional method of copyright protection and technology of data security. In this background, digital watermarking is developed gradually. Digital watermarking technique is an available protection technique, which embeds an invisible structure into multimedia products in order to authenticate the ownership or transmit other available information. Based on the research and work of pre-scholars, regarding the situation of nowadays digital watermarking, some innovative work is done in this dissertation and is listed as follows.(1) Designed a method which combines the watermarking scheme and secure-fingerprint. The technique not only has the robustness and imperceptions ability of watermarking, but also can anti collusion attack. So it can be one method to track the transaction.(2) Uses combinatorial theory and constructs nonlinear DBBD (Differential Balanced Block Design) code as fingerprint for digital media (image, video, etc). The code can anti-collusion and has the capability of error correct. Based on the special characteristic of the code, designed the embedding, extracting and tracking scheme for the copyright protection.(3) Designed one innovative watermarking technique for tamper detection, which is a new technique for authentication and anti- counterfeit.

  • 【分类号】TP309
  • 【下载频次】130