

【作者】 刘俊

【导师】 张鹤飞;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 人机与环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对太阳能飞机的飞行纬度和飞行方向对能够获得的太阳能辐射量的影响进行了研究,以及对应用于汽车空调的两种溴化锂制冷机组,即单效溴化锂制冷机组和两级溴化锂制冷机组进行了热力分析和研究,同时,结合太阳能集热器作为整个制冷系统的热源,对系统的最优综合性能进行了分析和研究。太阳能飞机在飞行时,飞行纬度和太阳方位角都在随时发生变化,所以本文着重讨论了每个时段使太阳能飞机获得最大辐射量的纬度和方向(太阳方位角)。由此,可以得到每天每个时间段的最佳纬度的分布,以及太阳能飞机的理想的飞行方向。 溴化锂吸收式汽车空调以汽车发动机冷却水的热量为热源,具有油耗少、运行安全、无污染、无噪音等优点,本文主要是从热力性质上对其进行了分析。又在此基础上,结合太阳能集热器作为系统的热源,对整个系统的最优综合性能进行分析,得出了最优集热器的运行温度以及在该温度下的系统最优综合效率性能系数。

【Abstract】 In this article, a research on how the change of latitude and direction of a solar powered long endurance aircraft effect the received solar power was developed. And on the basis of the car air conditioning, the thermal properties of the single-effect lithium bromide absorption hot-coldwater unit and two-stage lithium bromide absorption hot-coldwater unit applied in car and driven by high temperature cooling fluid of the car engine are advanced and compared. The technique of energetic optimization is employed to investigate the optimal performance of an irreversible hybrid air-conditioning system consisting of a vapor compression refrigerator cascaded with a solar-driver absorption refrigerator. During flight of a solar powered aircraft, latitude and direction are changing at all times, therefore the optimal latitude and the optimal direction at different period is developed.The lithium bromide absorption hot-coldwater units have many merits, such as low consumption of oil, safety in operation, pollution-free and noiseless, and their thermal properties are analysised in this article. On the basis of these results, the optimal operating temperature of the solar collector and the maximum overall coefficient of performance (COP) of the cooling modes of the system are derived.

  • 【分类号】V320
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】210