

A Study of Advertisement Translation--Metaphor Translation from the Perspective of Cognition

【作者】 耿艳梅

【导师】 阮红梅;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在从认知的角度研究广告中隐喻的翻译原则和策略。随着国际间的交往日益频繁,广告得以迅猛的发展。现代广告语言研究已成为语言研究的一个主要方向。本文主要以英汉语广告间的翻译转换为主题,因为英语是最主要的国际商业语言,英语广告主导着国际市场。本文作者详尽地探讨了广告鲜明的语言特点,指出隐喻是广告的灵魂,广告翻译关键在于隐喻翻译。继而本文对隐喻做了透彻的分析,并以认知理论,尤其是关联理论及最佳关联原则为依据,论证了隐喻翻译的策略。最后作者提出了一系列隐喻翻译的原则和具体方法:译成隐喻,译成明喻,译成非隐喻表达,并说明在广告隐喻翻译中对源语进行增词、减词或改变都是允许的。本文选择在我们经济和生活中日显重要的,并最具隐喻语言特色的广告为要点来探讨隐喻翻译的问题,尝试对隐喻翻译研究做出自己的思考。

【Abstract】 This dissertation aims at finding out the principle and strategies of metaphor rendering in advertisement from the perspective of cognition. Advertisements have become a key issue in language study with advertisements’ prompt development, and the frequent international communication. The rendering between English advertisements and Chinese advertisements stands as the focus in this paper, because English advertisements prevail in our daily life as English is a main international commercial language. The author makes a detailed exploration on the vivid language features of advertisement and concludes that metaphor is the soul of advertisement, and advertisement translation is metaphor translation. Then the author extends a thorough analysis of metaphor, and metaphor translation based on the theory of cognition, in particular, relevance theory and the principle of optimal relevance. As a result, a cognitive framework for metaphor rendering between English and Chinese is provided, and the strategies of metaphor rendering are proposed. These are: metaphors to metaphors, metaphors to similes, and metaphors to nonmetaphors. These strategies are further developed into seven individual methods: reproducing the same image in the target language, replacing the image in the source language by a standard target language image, same metaphor combined with sense, conversion of metaphor to simile retaining the image, simile plus sense, conversion of metaphor to sense, and deletion. Based on these methods, the resultant omissions, additions, and alterations may indeed be justified in metaphor translation. This paper is intended to enrich the study of translation, in particular, the study of metaphor translation, through the angle of advertisements which embody a far vivid feature of metaphor and plays an important role both in our economy and our life.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】1199