

On the Phenomenon of Equivalence in Terms of Definitions in Bilingual Dictionaries--An Empirical Study

【作者】 冯克江

【导师】 章宜华;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 双语词典的中心任务就是在目标语中寻找对等词。因此,等值问题在双语词典编纂中就显得尤其重要。 20世纪五、六十年代开始,翻译理论家门开始尝试更系统地分析翻译,并展开新的争论,而争论的焦点就是等值问题。自那以后多年,等值的观念在翻译界一直居于主导地位。翻译等值可大致分为三类:完全等值,部分等值和完全不等值,在三类等值中,不等值问题的处理尤为重要和困难。 自从意识到不等值问题的存在,翻译家、学者就想方设法以解决不等值问题。他们尝试各种方法,加以归纳,以便向目标语读者传递更为完善的信息。而双语词典编纂者为了解决词典编纂中的问题,就借鉴于前者的经验和方法。 词典翻译以文学翻译为基础,但有别于后者。因此,许多在文学翻译中可以用来解决不等值问题的方法,在词典翻译中就不能应用。 双语词典的翻译可分为词目翻译和例证翻译。本研究先分析文学翻译中不等值问题的解决办法,然后比较文学翻译和词典翻译,分析词目词的不等值问题在双语词典中的处理方法,在此基础上提出改进方法。 最后,本研究提出了一些启示、不足以及对未来研究的建议。

【Abstract】 The main task of a bilingual dictionary is to find an equivalent in the target language. Hence, translation equivalence is of great importance to compilation of a bilingual dictionary.In the 1950s and 1960s, theoreticians started to systematically analyze translation, and began to debate over equivalence. Many years after that, equivalence was regarded a central concept in translation. Equivalence can be roughly categorized into three types: complete equivalence, partial equivalence and non-equivalence. Of the types, solution to the issue of non-equivalence is particularly important and difficult.Translators and scholars tried various means to solve the issue of non-equivalence ever since they met this problem. Compilers of bilingual dictionaries try to solve the issue of non-equivalence on the basis of their achievements.Dictionary translation is based on general translation, but is different from the latter. Therefore, some methods that can be used to solve the issue of non-equivalence in general translation may not be useful in dictionary translation.Dictionary translation can be classified into two types: translation of headwords and that of examples. In this thesis, strategies used to solve non-equivalence should be analyzed, then a comparison will be made between general translation and dictionary translation, after that, strategies used to solve non-equivalence in bilingual dictionaries will be analyzed, and on this basis, recommended techniques to deal with non-equivalence in bilingual dictionaries will be presented.The thesis will end with some implications, limitations of the present study and suggestions for further research.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】1
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