

Research on Production Logistics Management Mode Based on ERP and TOC and Its Key Technologies

【作者】 刘敏

【导师】 鲁建厦;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在系统阐述ERP、JIT和TOC三种生产物流管理模式的基础上,提出了ERP和TOC相结合的生产物流管理模式,主要构建了ERP和TOC相结合的生产物流控制模型和系统总体结构模型,给出了结合方法的实施步骤,给出了在此模式下瓶颈辨识和瓶颈排产等关键技术的实现方法,最后开发了瓶颈辨识的原型系统。全文分成七章,具体内容如下: 第一章:阐述了当前企业内部物流管理中存在的问题,在新的竞争环境下企业物流管理的重要性;介绍了现有的生产管理模式中物流控制的特点;总结了国内外现代生产管理方法的研究和应用现状;给出了本论文的研究内容及论文总体结构。 第二章:阐述了ERP、JIT的运作原理,分析了ERP中“推进式”、JIT“拉动式”的物流控制模式及其特性,并系统归纳了TOC中的物流控制原理。 第三章:根据多品种、中小批量制造企业的特点,提出了ERP和TOC相结合的控制模式,构建了此模式下的物流控制功能模型和系统总体结构模型,给出了结合方法的实施步骤。 第四章:在瓶颈辨识关键技术的研究上,依据瓶颈存在的时间动态性,通过研究已有设备时段划分的方法,提出了一种能够包含完整浙江T业大学硕士学位论文零件任务的时段划分方法,给出了实现该方法的时段搜索算法,并通过实例对算法进行了验证;同时给出了以客户订单为始点,进行瓶颈辨识的处理流程。 第五章:在瓶颈列鑫产关键技术的研究上,采用了多工件多目标排序的模糊产生式方法;在关键工序计划编制的过程中,考虑了瓶颈设备的调整时间,对传统计划编制的数学模型进行了改进。 第六章:基于班汗和TQC的瓶颈辨识原理,设计开发了瓶颈辨识的原型系统,并给出了系统实现的关键算法程序流程。第七章:对全文进行总结,并对今后研究的工作作出展望。

【Abstract】 Based on presenting three kinds of production logistics management mode of ERP, JIT and TOC, production logistics management mode based on ERP and TOC is proposed. The production logistics control function model and logistics system architecture model under this mode are built. The steps of how to realize this kind of mode are given. The realization way of the key techniques of bottle recognition and bottle production scheduling are given. A prototype system is designed and realized. The dissertation is divided into seven chapters to analyze and research the topics. The detail contents are summarized as follows:In chapter 1, the problems existed in the logistics system of Domestic enterprises are presented and the importance of logistics management under the new competition surrounding are discussed. The logistics control characteristics of Production management mode in existence are introduced.State-of-the-arts of the modern production management techniques are summarized. The main contents, general structure scheme of this dissertation are given.In chapter 2, the principles of ERP and JIT are presented. The push system of ERP and the pull system of JIT in logistics control field are analyzed. The logistics control principles of TOC are summarized in detail.In chapter 3, according as the characteristics of multi-specification, medium and small batch manufacturing enterprises, production logistics management mode based on ERP and TOC is proposed. The production logistics control function model and logistics system architecture model under this mode are built. The steps of how to realize this kind of mode are given.In chapter 4, as to the key technique, bottle recognition, according as the timeliness of the bottle existence and through research on the way of the period of time division, a new way of how to divide the time period is proposed and a search algorithm of period of time of the machine is given to realize this way. Also an example is given to validate the algorithm. At the same time, a handle flow of bottle recognition is given which begin with handling the order.In chapter 5, to the key technique, bottle production scheduling, the way of multi-objective optimization of the fuzzy production rule system isapplied. During the key working procedure scheduling, the traditional model of scheduling is ameliorated considering the adjust time.In chapter 6, according to the theory of bottle recognition in the dissertation, a prototype system is designed and realized. And the two key algorithms program flow in the system are given.In chapter 7, the main results and conclusions of the thesis are summarized and the future work is prospected.

  • 【分类号】F273
  • 【被引频次】24
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