

Web-based Remote Monitor on Inverted Pendulum

【作者】 林光云

【导师】 王万良; 何通能;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 远程监控技术是网络技术、计算机技术和监控技术的结合。它是生产发展的需要和科技发展的必然结果。充分利用该技术,可以有效的利用异地的物质和智力资源,可以建立网上共享资源库,可以观察远程设备的运行状态等等。故对远程监控技术进行研究具有非常重要的意义。 本文主要研究的是基于Web的倒立摆远程监控,它是以本校综合自动化研究生实验室建设为背景的。该实验室建设属于省属高校实验室建设项目,它主要是为了方便本校信息工程学院研究生进行科学研究,方便研究生在任何时间、任何地方通过Internet对实验室里的一系列的实验设备进行远程监控。 本文主要为该实验室建设做一些前期的工作。本文分析比较了Web各种技术,最终选择Java技术来实现基于Web技术的倒立摆远程监控。从客户端来看,本文选择Java技术中的Java Applet技术,从服务器端来看,选择Java技术中的JSP/Servlet技术,从客户端与服务器端通信来看,选择Java技术中的Socket技术,从服务器端与监控计算机通信来看,也是选择Java技术中的Socket技术。本文的创新点是利用功能强大的Java技术去实现基于Web的倒立摆远程监控系统,除了控制倒立摆程序要用到C语言外,其它部分全部用Java语言。

【Abstract】 Remote monitor technology is the integration of network technology , computer technology and monitor technology, which is the result of development of science and technology. Through remote monitor technology, We can make full use of physical and mental resource. We can build sharable network resource library. We can observe the state of equipment through Internet. Therefore, it is significant to research on remote monitor technology.This thesis research on Web-based remote monitor on inverted pendulum. It is the part of building the laboratory of the Department of Information Engineering at Zhe Jiang University of Technology. The laboratory is built to serve graduate student in the Department of Information Engineering. Graduate student can perform a series of experiments at any time and from any location through the Internet.The thesis is the part of constructing laboratory. The thesis analyses a great deal of Web-based technology and draws the conclusion that Java technology is competent for implementing a Web-based remote monitor on inverted pendulum. The thesis selects Java Applet from the point of view of client. The thesis selects JSP/Servlet from the point of view of server. The thesis selects Socket from the point of view of communication between client and server. The thesis also selects Socket from the point of view of communication between server and monitor computer. The thesis provides the idea that a Web-based remote monitor on inverted pendulum is implemented through Java technology. The whole frame of the system is structured by Java program except some hardware control programs.

【关键词】 远程监控倒立摆JavaWebSoeket
【Key words】 remote monitorinverted pendulumJavaWebSocket
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】189