

Research and Practice of Web Application Framework Based on Workflow

【作者】 岑斌

【导师】 肖刚;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 计算机应用, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 工作流系统是实现业务流程再造的有效途径,而领域框架是面向领域的复用,两者结合能为领域软件提供良好的业务流程再造、提升软件复用度。本文提出了一种面向关键业务的J2EE Web应用领域的框架,能有效的为Web应用提供业务流程动态配置及再造,同时论文从系统体系结构、支撑服务、关键技术等方面对其进行深入研究。 论文共分七章,具体内容如下: 第一章,介绍了论文研究背景,并对国内外学者就工作流和Web应用框架等方面的理论和实践研究进行综述。在此基础上,详细阐述了文章的主要研究内容和总体结构。 第二章,对工作流相关概念、参考模型、工作流技术的现状和发展等方面研究的基础上,开发了一个基于关系结构的工作流管理系统,并从工作流模型定义、工作流引擎、任务指派、用户接口等各方面全面描述。 第三章,系统全面地讨论了框架相关理论和基于框架结构的开发方式,并对典型的Web应用框架进行论述。 第四章,以面向实现关键业务的Web应用为研究对象,在分析其系统结构、用例图及对象交互图的基础上,提出并实现了基于工作流的Web应用框架。 第五章,构建了面向工作流的Web组件,探索了组件构成、连接与管理及参数设置的原理,实现了通用表单生成、数据上报组件和通用数据审批等典型的Web组件。 第六章,基于工作流的Web应用框架,实现了灾害救助快速反应系统,能有效的实现业务流程动态配置和再造。 第七章,总结了本文的研究开发工作,对工作流系统、Web应用框架等技术的发展进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Workflow Technology is a useful way to implement Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), while domain engineering extends software engineering, and the design of domain framework is the most important thing of domain engineering. The combination of above two cannot support BPR but also can help achieve software reuse. This paper put up with a framework for the domain of the J2EE web Application implementing work flows and critical businesses, then describe and analysis it in terms of architecture, supporting services and key technologies.Chapter 1 the background and status of web framework and workflow is firstly introduced. Then followed by a brief introduction to the dissertation’s architecture.Chapter 2 Introduction to the technology of workflow is presented first it is described in detail from the aspects of conception, reference model and the current status and development, and then a workflow management system which is based on the Relational Database and developed for the Web Application is analyzed through the presentations of flow definition, engineer, tasks assigning and WAPI.Chapter 3 Systematically discuss the technology of framework and web framework, some prevalent examples of web framework are also given.Chapter 4 put forward a Web Application Framework based on Workflow which is based on the research of the web applications for critical businesses, and then analyze it from its architecture, use cases, sequence diagrams.Chapter 5 introduce the Conception of Web Component for Workflow, and then discuss it from the views of business logic implementation, data exchanging between Web Components, web components management and Web Component setting, etc. Finally two examples of the web component are analyzed.Chapter 6 provide an example called Disaster Ministration Rapid Reaction System, which is based on the web application framework based on workflow, it canimplement the business process building dynamically and reengineering. .Chapter 7 summarizes the research work in this dissertation, and gives the future worked of this research.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】174