

【作者】 卢余群

【导师】 施放;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 技术经济与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,大量集体土地被征用,由此使大量的农民失去了土地。目前,全国被征地农民的总数估计在4000万人左右,每年还要新增200多万人。构建合理的被征地农民的利益补偿与保障机制,对保障被征地农民利益,推进城市化、维护社会稳定有着积极的意义。 嘉兴市根据中央精神,结合地方特色,提出并实施了“以土地换保障”为主要特征的被征地农民安置补偿办法改革,由政府统一实施征地,统一补偿政策,统一办理被征地人员农转非和养老保险,并为不同年龄段的安置对象分别进行安置。政府将所有安置费和部分土地补偿费转入到劳动社保部门的社保专户,直接落实到安置人员个人帐户上,较好地解决了被征地农民的长期生活出路问题。但这一做法存在着安置资金渠道单一,利益补偿标准低,被征地农民就业困难,许多农民的生活水平下降等实质性的问题。 本文在评价嘉兴市“土地换保障”机制的优势和不足的基础上,借鉴国内外先进经验,根据经济学有关理论,从制度保证、保障资金筹措和管理、区域统筹协调等方面,提出了在土地征用补偿过程中解决被征地农民当前利益、长远利益、以及实质性融入城市等问题的思路和对策。

【Abstract】 With civilization getting faster in China, lots of group soil has been levied, which makes many farmers lose their own soil. About 40 million farmers have lost their soil presently throughout China, and the number is increasing by 2 million each year. It is positive for the interest of the farmers, civilization and stabilization of the society to build a system of interest compensation and insurance.According to the rules of Central Government, combined with local characteristics, Jiaxing Municipal Government raised and actualized an innovation for settlement compensation of the farmers with an aspect of "Insurance for Soil". The Municipal Government uniformly levies, compensates, executes procedures such as endowment insurances for the farmers, and settles the farmers according to their ages. All the settlement compensation and some of soil compensation go to the special social insurance accounts of the right departments, and go to the private accounts of the farmers. This helps their long-turn lives, but there are some material problems: fund source is simplex; compensation level is low; it is hard for the farmers to find jobs; many farmers’ lives get worse, etc.On basis of reviewing advantages and disadvantages of this innovation; referring to experiences of the world; according to economics theories, from the aspects of rule insurances, insurance financing, zone plan as a whole, this text raises some strategies and ideas on how to solve the farmers’ problems: short-turn interests, long-turn interests, real civilization, etc. during their being levied.

【关键词】 被征地农民利益补偿社会保障
【Key words】 farmers leviedcompensationsocial insurance
  • 【分类号】F323.89
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】502