

【作者】 李燕

【导师】 叶红;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 好乐照明集团公司是国内最早致力于光学玻璃灯具生产的综合性照明设备制造商、销售商,产品为玻璃棱镜灯具系列,涉及广告、油站、道路、工商业等众多领域,提供专业照明设计和咨询,以及安装、测试、维护等一系列服务。该集团公司2003年发展规划和财务目标是要实现销售收入6000万元,但年度终了却未能实现销售目标。公司决定及时找出问题的关键原因,以便寻求解决问题的途径和办法。本文通过对公司对全年的销售情况进行了回顾和总结,对产品市场结构,营销策略进行了详细分析,特别在针对年内遗失的工程项目进行分析,发现好乐集团的产品属工业用产品,与一般消费品不同,不是直接面对最终消费者,它的市场细分一般按照产品种类进行划分,市场相对固定,因此客户群也比较集中,销售很大程度上依赖于客户关系的建立和管理,而且随着市场竞争的加剧,这种依赖就越来越强烈。特别是集团的部份产品系列,如路政系列,客户相对固定而且采购金额高,重复采购的频率也高,客户保留率的高低就直接影响到公司的经营状况,如果再去争取新的客户往往要花费比保留住客户所需费用多得多的成本。公司目前的营销战略重点强调以“以产品技术领先”为主导,虽然加强了销售力量,加大了广告宣传力度,为提高品牌价值做了很多努力,但却疏忽了客户关系的建立和维护,导致了几个重点客户的遗失。好乐集团必须认识到重点客户关系维持的重要性和紧迫性。本文结合公司实际情况从对重点客户管理方面进行了研究,提出了重点客户从识别、选择再到管理的改进方案,希望能帮助公司建立起以“客户关系”为核心竞争力的体系,为实现公司的战略目标服务。 文章对这一问题分六部分进行了论述。第一部分对整个照明行业的基本情况和发展趋势进行了分析,描述公司的外部环境;第二部分对公司内部情况包括组织结构、产品分类等进行了分析,描述企业基本情况;第三部分主要通过2003年的遗失项目对公司目前在客户管理方面存在的问题进行了分析;第四部分就重点客户管理的意义等相关理论进行研究,为企业的客户关系管理找到理论依据;为了突出重点,文章在公司众多产品中选择路政系列的油站灯作为具体分析对象,在第五章通过运用客户吸引力和相对优势分析双因素结合的方法对油站灯系列的重点客户进行了识别和选择,并对在该产品范围内的主要竞争对手的状况进行分析比较,以便明确竞争优势与劣势。在第六部分主要针对油站灯重点客户的管理从公司组<WP=3>织结构、人力资源配备、信息收集与分析、客户关系的维护和管理、产品质量与服务相配合提高产品附加价值以及信息技术的使用等7个方面提出了公司改进客户管理的合理化建议和措施。

【Abstract】 HaoLe Illumination Corporation (HLIC) is the earliest domestic company to manufacture and supply series of optic glass lamps. It provides professional illumination design, consultation, installation, testing, and maintenance of prism lamp to markets including advertisement, gas station, municipal administration, commerce and industry and so on. HLIC had planed in the development draft and financial purpose to achieve the sales income of RMB 60 millions in 2003.However, the result turned out to be disappointing. The company was eager to find out the key problems to improve its performance in the next business year.After retrospecting and summarizing the trade records of HLIC in 2003, the present dissertation investigated the product market structure and sale strategy of HLIC in detail. Three characteristics of its market were found. First, the market of HLIC is not the end consumer as ordinary commodity, but industrial accounts. Second, It`s market can be subdivided by its product series, different series facing different market. Last, its markets are relatively stable, which make its accounts limited. Its performance to a large extent depends on the construction and maintenance of its account relationship, and the dependence is becoming more and more vital following the intensifying of the market competition. Some series, such as the municipal ones, the accounts are relatively constant and their purchase amount is extraordinary large and trade frequency is high. As a result, the retention of such accounts directly determines the performance of the company. It will cost much more to develop new accounts than reserve old ones. The current sale strategy of HLIC stresses “the advance of technique”. This made the construction and maintenance of its account relationship relatively neglected. Although HLIC enhanced its advertisement and made other efforts to improve its brand value, a few previous key accounts were lost in 2003. Based on previous consideration, HLIC must realize the importance and urgency of the maintenance of key accounts in the future to improve its performance. In this study the management of key account relationship was investigated combined with the reality of HLIC, and an improved management scheme was proposed in which the recognition, screening, and maintenance of key account were elucidated. A new sale strategy “relationship to account” was hoped to be constructed for the company, to serve as an approach to help it to achieve its strategic goal.The present dissertation was subdivided into five chapters. The first chapter described the background of the total domestic illumination industry and its development trend. This gave a basic knowledge of the external environment of HLIC. In the second chapter, the internal <WP=5>organization structure and product series of HLIC were analyzed. This gave the information of its internal environment. Chapter three found out the weakness in the management of its key account relationship by analyzing the cause of the lost of key accounts combining with the significance and the manner of the management of the key account relationship. In the following fourth and fifth chapter, the analysis was focused on the market of the gas-station sub-series of municipal series (GSMS). Chapter four elucidated the recognition and screening of key accounts of GSMS using the bifactorial method of account attraction and relative advantage, and compared HLIC to its main business competitors to identify its advantage and disadvantage in the competition. In Chapter five, rational advices related to the management of key account relationship were given in seven aspects: company organization structure, staff setting, information collection and analysis, maintenance and management of account relationship, increasing the additional value by the combination of the product quality and service, and information technology.

【关键词】 好乐集团重点客户关系管理
【Key words】 HLICkey account relationshipmanagement
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】247