

【作者】 郭付全

【导师】 王幼军;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一、研究的目的和意义 政府采购制度作为一种先进的财政支出管理制度,在市场经济国家迄今已有200多年的历史。上世纪90年代中后期,我国为适应国内外形势发展开始推行政府采购制度,2002年6月,全国人大通过了《中华人民共和国政府采购法》,2003年1月1日正式实施。中国工程物理研究院(以下简称“中物院”)是我国唯一从事国防战略核武器研究生产的综合科研机构,是相对独立的使用国家财政性资金的科研事业单位,在国家计划中单列。为积极稳妥地执行国家的政府采购制度,在物资采购方面进行了实践和探索。政府采购制度是政府采购实体、采购范围、采购方式、采购政策及采购管理等一系列规定的总称。政府采购是指各级国家机关、事业单位和团体组织,使用财政性资金采购依法制定的集中采购目录以内的或者限额标准以上的物资、工程和服务的行为。尽管政府采购已经立法,中央及地方政府也在大力推进政府采购,但对于中物院这样的科研事业单位如何实行政府采购制度的研究少有见诸于文,为此本文选题目的在于:一是概括政府采购的基本理论,概括政府采购的模式、原则、方式;二是通过对中物院政府采购存在的问题进行深层次的分析和探讨的基础上,为完善中物院政府采购制度体系、组织体系、操作程序提出一些具体措施。本课题的研究意义在于:笔者在研究和分析中物院政府采购存在问题的基础上,通过应用政府采购理论、原则、方式,提出中物院政府采购的体系构建和如何规范运行具体措施,为中物院完善政府采购提供思路。 二、基本思路和逻辑结构本文的体系安排大致循着这样一个思路展开:理论基础探讨——提出问题——分析问题——解决问题,充分贯彻了理论与实践相<WP=4>结合的原则。在本文中,笔者首先综合概括了政府采购的基本理论、原则、方式;接着分析某中物院在政府采购中存在的问题并具体分析存在问题的原因;最后应用政府采购理论、原则、方式,提出完善中物院政府采购体系的具体措施。 三、结构安排及主要内容本文共分三章:第一章:政府采购综述。本章概述政府采购制度的一般理论,政府采购的模式、原则、方式,以及我国实行政府采购的意义。第二章:中物院政府采购现状及问题分析。本章介绍中物院基本概况与历史,中物院实行政府采购制度的国内发展背景,中物院政府采购简要发展历程和现状,中物院政府采购存在问题及原因分析。第三章:构建中物院政府采购体系。本章就如何构建中物院政府采购组织体系、制度体系、政府采购操作程序等进行了探讨。 四、主要贡献本文综合概括了政府采购的一般理论和政府采购的模式、原则、方式。同时,本文认真分析了中物院现状、存在的问题和原因,结合政府采购原则、方式,提出了建立以平衡制约机制为基础的制度、组织体系和以竞争机制为主导的操作执行程序,从而为中物院进一步推行政府采购制度提供了一些思路。

【Abstract】 1. The purpose and significance of the articleAs an advanced management system for fiscal payment, the government procurement has been used for more than 200 years in market economy countries. In the late of 1990, our government began to carry out government procurement system. And in June, 2002, National Congress passed the Government Procurement System of People’s Republic of China, which operated from January, 2003. As an only institute that engages in nuclear power study, China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) is a relatively isolated unit that uses national fiscal fund. In order to carry out national government procurement system effectively, CAEP has practiced and probed into government procurement.The government procurement system is the one of government procurement entity, procurement range, procurement mode, procurement policy, procurement management, and so on. Government procurement is the act of buying materials, projects and services with the fiscal fund in the range of concentration catalogue or above the lever of price fixing by the government departments, enterprise units and organizations. Although government procurement has been made into law, pushed by the center and regional government, the essay on the government procurement in the scientific research units is rare. So the article is divided into (1) summing up the basic theories such as government procurement patterns, principles and modes; (2) presenting some measures in details in order to perfect the regulations, organise, and operation process of government procurement in the CAEP, through the analysis and study of problems in the government procurement of CAEP.The significance of the article is that author brings forward how to build the structure of government procurement and how to regulate the <WP=6>acts of government procurement in CAEP, which is a new thought to perfect the government procurement in CAEP, on the basis of study and analysis to the existing problems of government procurement in CAEP.2. The basic thought and logical structure of the articleThe article follows the thought order: (1)the study of basic theories (2) bringing forward problems (3) analyzing problems (4) solving problems. And it follows the principle of mixing theory and practice. In details, in the first part of the article, the author summarized the basic theories, principles, and modes of government procurement; at the second part, the author analyzes the existing problems in the government procurement of CAEP and brings forward the causes of such problems; at the last, the author advances the measures to perfect the government procurement in CAEP, with the theories, principles and modes of government procurement.3. Framework and main content of the articleThe article is divided into three chapters:(1) The summary of government procurement, including the basic government procurement theories, the government procurement patterns, the government procurement principles, the government procurement modes and the significance of carrying out government procurement in our country.(2) The actuality of government procurement in CAEP and the analysis of its problems, including the current condition and history of CAEP, the domestic backgrounds of carrying out government procurement in CAEP, the history and current condition of government procurement in CAEP, the existing problems of government procurement in CAEP and the analysis of their causes.(3) The building of system of government procurement in CAEP, including how to build the organization system, the policy system, and the operation process of government procurement in CAEP. <WP=7>4. Main contributionIn the article, the author summarized the basic theories, the patterns, the principles, and modes of government procurement. And he analyzes the current condition, the problems, and the causes of government procurement in CAEP. Mixing the government procurement principles and modes, he brings forward the system of restricting balance mechanism, the system of orga

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