

【作者】 李代江

【导师】 王远均;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 主要内容和观点:我国已加入WTO。为了应对WTO的挑战,在激烈的市场竞争中生存与发展,各市场主体只有继续深入进行经济体制改革,不断创新,提高自身竞争力,才可能在竞争中立于不败之地。金融是经济的核心。金融业的存在和发展对经济的影响是深远的,而金融业的竞争又是异常残酷的,因此各市场主体通过不断地金融创新来维持竞争力。电子货币正是金融创新的一大重要的成果。金融监管作为一种管制手段对金融创新既有促进作用,也有抑制作用。不同类型的金融创新对金融监管也提出了不同的要求。金融创新与金融监管共同促进金融业发展。本文拟对电子货币监管法律问题作初步的探讨。第一章,绪论。本章首先对电子货币监管法律制度的研究起点——电子货币的界定、特点、种类等进行了研究。通过对电子货币定义的讨论,比较几种电子货币的含义,笔者指出了,电子货币还没有统一的定义,同时,它作为一种金融创新,对它下过早的定义反而不利于它的发展;通过对电子货币基本特点的分析,使人们明白了它目前是什么的一种东西,也让读者知道它与传统货币的一些差别,从而对电子货币有更深的理解。本章重点讨论了电子货币的法律属性,从英国与美国对其的具体规定,从“货币”与“存款”两方面分析了它的法律属性,最后笔者认为,它不是一种新型的货币,它还不具备有传统货币的特征:如价值尺度、支付工具、流通手段等,它是一种金融创新,是货币层面的电子支付。最后,本章阐述了电子货币监管的一些内涵,并讨论了电子货币监管法的概念,界定了本文的讨论范围仅限于电子货币监管方面。第二章,电子货币监管的理论与实践分析。为了论证实施电子货币监管的必要性,本章从理论上与实践上进行了分析。首先对政府干预的一般理论进行了简单的分析,认为政府干预的动因在于市场缺陷<WP=4>的存在,对市场缺陷的分析,不仅使我们认识到政府干预的必要性,同时也为我们科学的界定政府干预的范围提供了基本思路,即政府干预的范围应当限制在市场失灵的领域;其次,鉴于以往研究监管的时候,往往从外部环境出发的缺陷,笔者不再笼统的探讨一些理论上的分析:比如社会利益论、管制新论等,着重分析了发行电子货币主体的一些内在特征:(1)发行电子货币的主体有一定的垄断性,为了规范其行为,有必要对其进行监管。(2)它们承担了一定的社会职能,这也要求对其进行监管。(3)电子货币业具有金融的一般特征:高风险性,内在的不稳定性,如其违规操作,很有可能冲击整个金融业的发展,破坏公众对金融业的信心,甚至使整个支付系统瘫痪。这些决定了必须有一个规范而又权威的电子货币监管机关,代表国家来对电子货币实施监督和管理。关于电子货币监管的实践分析,笔者着重从其带来的冲击来论及,电子货币作为一种金融创新,它在网络银行的发展方面具有不可替代的优势,可以说,它是电子商务的核心。它带来的冲击有:(1)对中央银行与货币政策的影响。传统货币一般是由央行发行,以保证流通与整个国民经济的稳定,但电子货币的出现改变了这一现实,它可以绕开中央银行的发行而进入市场。同时,由于对流通中的现实货币具有一定的替代作用,从而使央行控制货币流通的传统手段受到了挑战。商业银行也可以借助电子货币这一金融创新而规避央行的监管,这无疑对整个货币政策都产生了影响。(2)对商业银行的挑战。随着小额结算方法的多样化,开放式网络结算服务使用者队伍的不断扩大,结算业务作为商业银行固有地位受到越来越大的威胁,结算业务的提供者已逐步超出银行的范围。例如,电信、交通、旅游等行业发行的名目繁多具有储值性质的磁卡或IC卡,实际上已成为新形势的“结算帐户”。在这种情况下,是通过立法保证商业银行的结算权,还是允许其它结算实体继续开发研究,无疑是监管者必须考虑的问题。(3)对货币主权的挑战。货币主权是国家主权的一部分,传统国际法承认主权国家享有自己铸造货币的权利,国家对其通货拥有不可否认的主权,并且这种由国内法所赋予的权利,在规制其通货时享有其他国家所不能反对的国家权力,这已成为一项普遍<WP=5>接受的国际法则。然而,在网络化的情况下,电子货币这种货币替代物的使用,使得国家的这种独立管理本国货币的权利受到挑战。第三章,电子货币监管的法律价值与原则。本章对电子货币监管的法律价值与原则进行了思考。首先对电子货币监管的法律价值进行了讨论,分析了法律价值的含义,并指出电子货币监管的几种价值:即秩序、效益、公平。这几种价值既矛盾又统一,共同指导电子货币的监管。其次,本章分析了监管的原则,重点论述了货币主权、适度、风险有效配置、最惠国待遇、国民待遇原则,并指出了他们的相互关系。第四章,电子货币监管模式的研究。本章从金融监管模式的分析入手,探讨电子货币监管的模式选择,简单的说就是由谁来监管电子货币。因为电子货币可以说是一种金融业务,笔者不主张为了电子货币单独建立一个监管机构,以避免成本的扩大。本章分析了目前存在的金融监管模式:一元监管模式与二元监管模式,并分析了一些代表性国家的做法。从这些监管模式中得出我

【Abstract】 Since our country has entered the WTO. To face up the challenge it brings, each main body in the market execute reformation on economic system . Finance is the key of economy, its development has profound impact on economy. The competition in the field of finance is very cruel, so each main body in the market through financial innovation for maintaining competition. Electronic money is the production of financial innovation. As a measure of control , financial regulation can not only promote but also restrain the financial innovation .Different kinds of financial innovations demand different financial regulations. The financial innovation and regulation promotes the development of financial industry simultaneously .The author want to analyze the legal system of supervision on electronic currency.The composition consists of six chapters In chapter 1,I firstly give a general investigation on starting points of research the legal system of supervision on electronic currency: definition, characteristic, species, such as .After analyzing the definition of electronic money, The author think there is no confirm definition on electronic money .At the same time ,as a kind of financial innovation, the author think it is no good making definition on electronic money. After analyzing the characteristic of electronic currency, we can know what it is and its difference as to traditional money. The chapter analyze the law property of electronic money mostly,the author use the system of England and American as example. In the end, the author think it is not a new money and hold the character of traditional money------- value on criterion, implement of disburse, implement of circulation.Traditionally, to assure circulation and stability, currency is issued by central bank. However, e-currency can circulate without the issue of it. <WP=8>At the same time, e-currency can work as the traditional currency to a degree. Then, it is a great challenge to the method that central bank used to control currency circulation. By the way, the possibility of commercial bank escapes supervision through e-currency usage exists, which must affect the whole currency policy.(1) It challenges the commercial bank. With diversification of little amount balance methods and enhancement of open-web balance user, Commercial bank’s status on balance has been threaten. More and more servers in other fields appear, such as telecom, traffic and tour. The varieties of magcards or IC card they issue can save money and become new balance account. To supervisor, whether he should assure the balance right of commercial bank by legislation or he should maintain present condition is a question. (2)Dominion on currency is challenged. Traditionally, international law admits the right that nation can fabricate their own currency because dominion on currency is a part of dominion. A nation owns dominion on currency and the dominion is authorized by civil law, which can’t be against by other nations. This has been a widely-acceptance international rule. However, e-currency challenges the dominion the right for a nation to manage his own currency independently is questioned by the network.Chapter 3, the legal values and principles of the electronic currency supervision. This chapter considered of the legal values and principles of the electronic currency supervision. At first, the chapter discussed the legal values of the electronic currency supervision, analyzed the meaning of legal value, and mentioned several values of the electronic currency supervision: order, performance, and equity. These values are conflicting and consolidate, to direct the supervision of the electronic currency. Secondly, this chapter analyzed the principles of supervision, emphatically discussed the currency sovereignty, degree of humidity, allocate risks effectively, most-favored nation treatment <WP=9>principle, national treatment principle, and pointed out the mutual relationship among them. Chapter 4, research for supervisory modes of electronic currency. This chapter started

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