

【作者】 朱悦蘅

【导师】 岳彩申;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 公司章程作为由全体股东或发起人共同制定的规范公司的组织与行为以及公司与有关各方权利义务关系的基本法律文件,内容十分丰富,几乎涵盖了公司法的各个重要方面。从总体上看,各国法制背景不一,立法技术水平有别,对公司章程的具体规定各有差异,但有一点是可以肯定的,即公司经济发达的国家,其社会的章程意识必然强烈。我国是在商品经济不发达的土壤上,在政企不分的情况下发展公司制度,长期计划经济体制的影响,听从国家指令的企业行为,使得整个社会章程意识比较淡漠,公司章程的规范性、真实性与权威性都较差;而且公司章程这个重要的问题也长期被民商法学界所忽视,在很多民商法学书籍中都是略笔之处,弱化了所谓“宪章”的地位。传统上,公司法被归类于商法,被认为是私法的一个分支。一般认为,商法以民法为基础,也即以私法规范为基础。但是我们应当看到,随着生产的社会化、企业组织的扩大化,现代商法所调整的对象发生了变化,既不是传统意义上的商人(自然人),也不是一般市民的商行为,而是经过设立登记、具有法人资格的企业组织。商法原本强调对平等主体的保护,但现代企业法律关系中,原本平等的主体间,其地位已发生了质的变化,没有同质性了。例如,早期股份公司中的股东基本上是自然人,虽有大小之分,但其地位有相互交换性,利害关系有同质性。而今天的股份公司中的大股东多为机构法人,他们与自然人小股东之间,已经没有地位相互转换的可能性,也少有共同的利害关系。在现代企业社会条件下,仅靠私法保护中小股东利益已实属困难、力量有限,还需要通过公司法从保护经济弱者及维护市场交易秩序考虑,做出政策性保护规定。因此, 尽管以“私权神圣”和“私法自由”为理论基石的传统公司法理论将公司章程的影响力限定在了公司内部,然而,这一认识正在逐渐受到挑战。由于公司章程在很多时候因规定与公司有关的外<WP=4>部事物而具有显著的涉他性,因此应该受到法律规则的调整。即便是在公司制度发展时间较短的我国,因公司章程产生的纠纷也不再是个别现象,尤其是具有开放性和公众性特点的上市公司。上市公司的行为是否规范,将直接影响到广大股东的切身利益。目前,在我国的证券市场中,不少上市公司的现任大股东常常为了维护自身利益,利用了章程自治规章的性质,在章程中设置障碍性条款,限制甚至剥夺了其他股东的法定权利,侵害了股东的利益。而《公司法》作为国家意志的体现,其价值取向是保护股东的权益,尤其是中小股东的权益,使证券市场上的博弈双方在法律上取得一种平衡。如果上市公司章程与公司法的冲突问题未能得到有效地解决,很可能会动摇公司在整个社会经济中的地位,并损害公司法公平公正和股份平等的基本立法精神。本文以“上市公司章程与公司法的冲突及其解决机制”为题,正是期望能在这一方面作一些探索。本文共有四章:第一章是导论部分。在该章首先分析了上市公司在社会经济中的地位,并从事实上和理论上阐述了目前我国上市公司章程与公司法冲突的现状及其危害性,然后确立了我们应该以保护股东利益为解决该冲突的指导思想,并在讨论对冲突理论研究状况的基础上提出了本文的研究方法以及目标。这些内容实际上是阐明了研究上市公司章程与公司法冲突的意义以及正本清源,廓清思想上的认识,为后面的具体研究铺平道路。第二章分析了公司章程与公司法冲突的原因。由于二者在性质、体现的意志和价值取向这三方面的差异,导致了它们有产生冲突的可能性。公司章程是公司内部的自治规章,是股东意志的体现,效率是其永恒的追求;公司法是“私法公法化”的产物,体现了国家意志,平等是它的一个重要价值目标。再加上现有公司制度中强化大股东地位的“资本多数决”的决议原则以及上市公司两权分离产生的“委托-代理问题”,为大股东在章程中加入有损中小股东利益的条款,从而使章程与公司法相冲突提供了有利条件,进一步加剧了产生冲突的可能性。 <WP=5>第三章通过分析具体案例中章程与公司法的冲突来归纳冲突较为常见的表现形式。由于上市公司章程与公司法冲突的形式是千姿百态、千变万化的,从不同的角度看可以分为不同的类型,我们不能仅仅通过对一组案例和规范的分析就总结出冲突的所有类型,如果坚持如此总结的话,很可能会患上“一叶障目”“以偏概全”的毛病。即便是成功了,这种公式化的表述对于以后的进一步讨论也会成为一种障碍。因此,笔者从股东权利保护的角度出发,通过对具体案例中章程条款的违法性分析,归纳出两种最常见也是最容易发生的冲突形式,让我们能更直观地了解章程与公司法的冲突所在。第四章针对我国目前上市公司章程与公司法的冲突问题提出了相应的解决机制。因为法律需要理念,同时需要在这种理念指导下的具体制度。笔者试图从冲突的事前防范和事后救济两个大的方面来构架一个系统。本文认为:要解决这一问题,在事前防范这一方面,公司法至少应健全以下两个方面的具体制度:(一)借鉴英美国家公司法区分闭锁公司和公开公司的相关规定,在《公司法》中有关股份有限公司应更多地适用强制性规则;(二)完善《公司法》有?

【Abstract】 The articles of corporation, a basic document mandated by the corporation laws, and made by all of the shareholders or promoters, rules the organization and practice of the corporation and the relationship between the corporation and all relevant parties. It concerns almost all of the important aspects of the company law. The articles of corporation have the contract value to the corporation and its member and all officers, as well as publicity values to the third party. It binds the corporation, shareholders, directors, auditors and managers of the corporation, thus making it the most important document of the corporation. Its stability and reasonability is beneficial to the healthy development of the social economy.Traditionally and historically, our society pays much less attention to the articles of corporation than the western countries, because our socialist market economy is far from perfectly established, and the effect of enterprise’s behavior in compliance the state order still exist, and our corporation system just put in operation for less than ten years, hence many loopholes, the standardization, authenticity and authority for the articles of corporation are not up the requirement of laws, and also the understanding of the issues, such as the nature, the legal effect, the contents, the forms and the modification of it is varied in the academic circle. All these make the articles of corporation not much effective, which it should have.Based on the theory of Private Autonomy and Sacred Private Right, traditional Company Law limited the influence of the articles of corporation within the company. But this idea is confronting a challenge. Because the articles of corporation always govern the external matters of <WP=8>the company, it should be put under the governance of the rule. Although the institution of the company was introduced into China briefly in time, the disputes resulting from the institution of the company come once and again, especially in those listed companies. At present, in our stock market, many majority shareholders set some restrictive clauses in articles of corporation to deprive of other minority shareholders’ rights under the permission of the institution of the company. The Company Law demonstrates the will of the country and struggles to the interests of the shareholders, especially for those of the minority shareholders. In this way, it balances the game players’ interests. If the conflict between the articles of corporation and the Company Law cannot be dissolved justly, the social status of the company will be undermined, and the spirits of the Company Law will be impaired.For an in-depth exploration of this problem, this thesis sets its research on the conflicts between the articles of listed company and the Company Law with its solutions mechanism as its topic. It consists of four chapters.The first chapter begins with an analysis the social status of the listed company. It elaborates the present situation of the conflicts and its consequences and renders a guideline to protect the minority shareholders interests. Actually, this part expounds why the author did the research and highlighted the problems that paved the way to the further research.The second chapter probes into the causes of the conflicts. It is the difference between their characteristics, will and value that results in the conflicts. The articles of corporation are not only an array of the internal autonomy rules, but also the embodiment of the will of the shareholders. It gives top priority to high efficiency. The Company Law is the product of the publication of the private law; the manifest ion of the will of the country, it enhances equality values. Besides, the decision principle and the problem of “ trust and agency” make it easier to infringe the minority <WP=9>shareholders’ interest, resulting in the occurrence of the conflicts.The third chapter analyzes the form of the conflicts with detailed case study. The diversity of the form makes it impossible to include all the forms; otherw

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