

【作者】 杨永宁

【导师】 孙蓉; 赵德武;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 寿险公司的资金运用长期以来都是我国寿险业界十分重视的问题。随着我国保险业的发展,寿险资金在规模上不断壮大,关于寿险资金运用问题的探索也在不断深入展开。由于寿险公司在经营上的特殊性,其在资金运用方面也具有区别于其他资金的独特属性,因此在寿险资金的运用和管理上需要进一步加以分析,寻求一些特殊的资金管理方法和措施。本文从寿险公司的资金来源出发,分析了寿险公司资金运用的特殊性,在资金运用风险管理理论的基础上,对寿险资金管理在实践中面临的一些问题进行了探讨。按照论文的行文和逻辑顺序,对论文中探讨的问题归纳如下:(1)寿险公司资金运用的风险特性和风险防范。资金来源、资金属性和资金运用的风险特性这三个方面存在着一种内在的逻辑关系。寿险公司在资金来源、结构和流动方式上同其他资金有很大差别,具有独特的资金特性。寿险资金可以划分为权益类资金和各种责任准备金,在资金运用方面也要求流动性、安全性和收益性相结合。通过资金来源、属性和风险特性的分析,我们可以认识到在寿险公司资金运用中风险管理的重要性。寿险公司资金来源的特殊性决定了寿险公司在资金运用方面的特殊要求。寿险公司的资金运用行为遵循理性经济人假说,即寿险公司在资本市场上以收益最大化为目的。但是由于寿险的特征和功能,寿险公司比起其他资金运用者,其风险厌恶程度更高一些。寿险公司在进行资金运用决策时,首先必须考虑它能够承受的风险程度。寿险公司资金运用的风险特性,既有一般性资金运用风险的共性,也有其不同一般之处,这种差异性主要源自于寿险资金的特殊性及寿险资金运用的特有规律。一般性资金运用风险主要包括了价格风险、违约风险、金融资产的流动或可流通性风险、汇率风险、通货膨<WP=4>胀风险或购买力风险等。特殊性风险主要是指资产负债匹配风险和利率风险。本文分析了寿险公司资产负债的不匹配和利率变动对公司的直接影响。资产负债的不匹配产生了现金流入和现金流出的不平衡,影响了公司的财务状况。而利率变动的影响则体现在三方面,一是对资产和负债价值的影响,二是对客户现金流选择的影响,三是在预定利率和实际利率发生差异时产生的影响。在风险控制方面,寿险资金运用不仅需要满足外部监管的要求,同时还需要建立完善的内部控制制度。本文介绍了美国、日本、加拿大和我国在寿险资金运用的一些法规政策与控制措施。可以看到发达国家对于寿险资金运用的监管,主要表现在对投资方式的准入、资产类别、单项投资的比例限制、资产和负债相匹配的要求以及资产价值的评估等方面的监控,而我国在寿险资金运用中风险控制政策比较粗而且不灵活。此外,寿险资金的合理运用还需要加强公司的内部控制制度的建设,建立责、权、利明晰的资金管理组织。(2)寿险资金运用的风险管理理论。在风险特性与风险防范的基础上,本文介绍了一些在寿险资金运用风险管理方面的理论、观点和方法。对现代投资理论、资产负债管理理论以及风险预警理论运用于寿险公司资金运用做了一些探讨。文中以马柯维茨的均值—方差模型、夏普的资本资产定价模型、罗斯的套利定价模型等现代投资理论为出发点,结合寿险公司资产配置的特殊性,寻求了这些理论在寿险公司资产配置中的实际用途和理论指导。现代资产组合理论认为所有资产都具有风险和收益的两重性,且是对称的,寿险公司的资产组合也具有这两重特性,因而寿险公司需要把其资产广泛地分散于不同种类的资产,就可以分散单个资产的非系统风险,只承担系统性风险。同时寿险资金管理者还需要制定出切合自身的投资策略、在市场上寻找合适的套利机会。寿险公司的资产负债管理是在认识到资产业务、负债业务以及资产与负债关系的基础上,对资产负债实行综合管理,使资产与负债在规模上、速度上、期限结构上均相匹配,使资产满足负债的要求。本文在介绍资产负债管理理论发展的基础上,借鉴了国外寿险公司资产<WP=5>负债管理的先进技术,其中较为典型的方法有“现金流匹配”,“现金流测试”,以及“免疫技术”等,对资产负债管理技术在实际中的运用作了一些说明。“风险价值”,是在正常的市场条件和给定的置信度下,用于评估和计量任何一种金融资产或证券投资组合在今后特定期间(持有期间)内所面临的市场风险大小和可能遭受的潜在最大损失。将风险价值法引入寿险公司的资金运用对于寿险公司有效的预测资产可能发生的变动、防范风险将起到十分重要的作用。寿险资金运用的总风险限额是对公司可承受的最大资产损失大小的管理,通过与风险价值的结合可以提前预测寿险公司资产可能发生的变化是否超出了规定的限度,从而对公司资金运用做出一种适时调整。(3)寿险公司资金运用的实务管理。在这一部分主要通过寿险公司在资金运用方面的一些实际情况和问题,应用风险分析和风险管理的一些理论和方法,对寿险公司资产配置策略进行分析比较,提出了固定收入工具投资策略、投资风险控制策略、适当保守的财务策略和法规政策应对策略,从不同的角度阐述了寿险公司选择资产配置、资金运用的策

【Abstract】 In the life insurance corporation of our country, the risk of fund application and management is the problem that attention is paid to by the life insurance industry for a long time. With the development of our country insurance industry, the insurance fund is constantly strong in the scope, and also constantly thoroughly spreading out about exploring fund application problem of life insurance. Owing to the management particularity of the life insurance Corporation, the Corporation is also faced with the special risk at the aspect of the fund application. So the study of the application and the management of the fund is also gone forward to seek some special fund management method and measures. According to the style of writing and the logic sequence of thesis, the problems discussed in the thesis are as follows: (1) The risk characteristics and the risk prevention of life insurance corporation fund application.The particularity of source about life insurance corporation fund has decided the special requirement at the aspect of the fund application of Life Insurance Corporation. To great extent, it has decided the life insurance fund that has its self-unique attribute. Following the rational faculty person’s hypothesis in the economics, the life insurance corporation takes the income maximum as the purpose in the capital market. But owing to characteristic and the function of life insurance, the life insurance corporation is more detested the risk than others. The same with the other fund application, the life insurance fund application will be faced with all risks in the capital market, and some risks that are different from the general fund application the life insurance fund application also will be faced with at the same time. When the life insurance corporation <WP=8>is carrying on the fund application policy decision, it firstly thinks over the risk level that it can bear. Therefore at source of fund– fund attribute – risk of fund application, these three aspects exist one kind of inherent logical relation. The life insurance corporation source of fund chiefly come from the debt, and has the very big difference from other funds in source, structure and mobility, and possesses unique fund attribute, and also asks mobility, safety and return at the fund application. The general fund application risks include the price risk, the violation of contract risk, finance risk, rate of exchange risk, inflation risk or purchasing power risks and the mobility risk etc. This part introduces some built-in control methods of the regulations policy and control measure of risk control. Advanced country supervision chiefly show in the requirement to allow income, capital and property classification and proportion restriction etc. Also, the constructions of the built-in control system of insurance company still need to be strengthened in the fund application.(2) Theory to the risk management of life insurance fund application This thesis begins with the fund application risk of the life insurance corporation, and recommending some corresponding theory, viewpoint and methods about risk management and the risk-guarding methods. Combining with the particularity of life Insurance Corporation, this part introduces the assets disposition based on the modern investment theory, and seeks practical effect as well as application in the life insurance corporation.In the ALM theory, the comparatively typical method include “cash flow matching” ,“test of cash flow”, as well as “immunity technology”. It carries out the synthetically management to the capital and property, and making capital and property and the obligation in the scope and speed and on the allotted time structure makes the requirement of satisfied <WP=9>obligation of capital and property.Risk value of the life insurance corporation can effectively forecast the capital and property’s change what probably will occur. Through this method the insurance company can control the biggest loss and makes one kind of adjustm

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