

【作者】 陈莉

【导师】 林义; 傅代国;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文立足于我国的经济和政策环境现状,以我国的资本市场为研究平台,以企业年金基金投资运营中面临的各种风险为基础搭建全文的逻辑构架,探讨了我国企业年金基金投资运营风险管理的理论和实务操作问题。本论文研究的重点是企业年金基金投资风险管理体系的架构。通过透析我国企业年金基金投资所面临的各种风险,力图为构建我国的企业年金基金投资风险管理体系提供一些有意义的思路。一、论文的主要内容本论文分为四章。第一章为本论文研究的问题做了一个铺垫。通过对我国企业年金制度的一个总体的认识和一些具体概念的澄清,为文章后继部分的研究奠定了分析框架和基础。通过对企业年金区别于基本养老保险和一般个人商业保险的分析,以及对我国企业年金及其投资风险管理重要性的探讨,反映了本论文研究的意义所在。第二章是对我国企业年金基金在投资运营中面临的风险进行分析,以便为后面章节的研究打基础。本章在对企业年金基金投资风险进行划分的基础上,结合我国特殊的经济和政策环境,分析了我国企业年金基金的投资风险具有的特性。介绍了企业年金基金投资风险特别是证券投资风险的风险衡量方法,并试图加以评价和总结,指出VaR方法的优越性及其在国际上广泛的运用。建议在衡量我国企业年金基金投资风险的时候充分利用VaR方法,并在此基础上研究适合中国资本市场状况的具体风险计量模型。第三章在风险分析的基础上,提出了我国企业年金基金投资风险管理体系构建的一些思路。本论文认为,一个完善的企业年金基金投资风险管理体系应该包括企业年金基金投资风险监测与预警系统、企业年金基金投资风险控制系统和风险补偿系统。本章第一节对我国企业年金基金投资风险监测与预警系统提出了具体的构建思路和原理。建立企业年金基金投资风险监测与预警系<WP=4>统,向企业年金管理者提供及时、准确、有效的企业年金基金投资风险监测预警信息,对企业年金基金投资风险实施动态监测和先兆预警,能够使企业年金决策层合理调整企业年金基金投资策略,优化资产负债结构,有效避免企业年金基金投资营运的盲目性,从而及时引导企业年金基金投资管理者有效规避投资风险,或者在损失发生时,适时启动风险补偿机制等保护措施。同时,企业年金基金投资风险监测与预警系统的建立,能够帮助企业年金管理者找出投资管理环节中存在的风险,变事后的控制为事前的预警、事中的现场控制,这些对保障企业年金基金投资的安全具有重要的意义。从系统构成上看,企业年金基金投资风险监测与预警系统由三部分组成:预警指标体系、动态监测体系和组织管理体系。本节分别就这三个构成部分提出了具体的构建思路和原理。本章第二、三节都针对的是企业年金基金投资风险的控制。它们分别研究的是从制度安排的角度对企业年金基金投资过程中管理风险的控制和企业年金基金投资的风险控制策略。管理风险是由于投资者所雇用的投资代理人的决策失误而给投资者带来的投资回报变化的风险。企业年金基金投资的管理风险主要包括两个方面,一是由于委托代理关系引起的道德风险和逆向选择风险,二是由于企业年金各管理机构内部组织结构和管理制度的缺陷引起的管理风险。第二节在介绍企业年金的几种治理结构模式及其委托代理关系的基础上对我国企业年金基金投资过程中存在的委托代理风险进行了探讨,提出了选择适合中国国情企业年金模式、构建不同利益主体间合理的关系框架等七个方面建议,力图减少委托代理风险。另外,还提出了在企业年金各管理机构构建有效的风险内控体系的组织框架以控制管理风险。第三节介绍了投资组合策略、利用金融衍生工具的风险管理策略、资产负债管理策略、风险规避策略等几种国外流行的风险控制策略,通过分析它们适用的环境,指出在中国目前的资本市场上它们还很难有效的发挥作用,而问题的关键在于改善中国目前的投资制度环境。 <WP=5>本章第四节在介绍和分析国外企业年金基金投资风险补偿机制构建的实践经验的基础上,对我国企业年金基金投资风险补偿机制的构建做了一些建议。本文认为我国企业年金基金投资风险补偿机制可以分为三个层次:第一层是由企业年金各管理人、责任相关人的自有资金与提取的盈余准备金和管理费的一部分建立的风险准备金;第二层是利用保险机制,由政府设立专门的企业年金基金投资担保机构,为年金持有人的基本待遇提供保障;第三层是当企业年金行业发生整体性巨额亏损,前两个层次的风险补偿机制不足以弥补损失时,由政府财政出面兜底。本论文第四章探讨的是我国企业年金基金投资运营的监管。事实上,对企业年金基金投资运营的监管也是整个企业年金基金投资风险管理体系的一个组成部分。但由于它既涉及到企业年金基金投资风险控制,又涉及到企业年金基金投资风险监测与预警和投资风险补偿机制,本论文把它单独列为一章来讨论。由于企业年金基金投资监管涉及到的内容和问题实在太多,本论文限于篇幅无法一一进行深入的讨论,因此在一个全面简要介绍的基础上主要探讨在国内外争议最多的三个方面内容。其一是监管组织结构;其二是监管中的投资限制问题?

【Abstract】 Based on the reality of current Chinese political, economic and social systems,taking the China’s capital market as research platform, the author constructs logical architecture of this thesis according to kinds of risks that may be confronted with in occupational pension fund’s investment operation. Based on analyzing the risks existing in the course of occupational pension fund investment, this thesis discusses the theoretical and practical problems in the risk management of occupational pension fund investment in China and tries to put forward some useful ideas on how to design the risk management system of occupational pension fund investment.This thesis is composed of four chapters. The first chapter is the basis of the whole thesis. In this chapter the author makes an general introduction and analysis of China’s current occupational pension, defines and discriminates some important conceptions in order to make the study object clear and build up a sound basis for the following study. Through the analysis and discrimination occupational pension from public pension and ordinary individual insurance, and the study on the importance of China’s occupational pension system and its investment risk management system, this chapter implies the significance of the dissertation’s study.The second chapter is a necessary preparation for the study of the last two chapters, which are the core of this thesis. In this chapter, the author makes a basic analysis on the risks in occupational pension fund investment. Based on the classification of risks in occupational pension fund investment and combined with China’s peculiar economic and political environment, the author discusses the characteristics of the risks in China’s occupational pension fund investment. Moreover, the <WP=9>author introduces many method of measuring investment risks and tries to summarize and evaluate them. At last the author points out the advantages of using VAR method and suggest making full use of VAR to measure the risks in China’s occupational pension fund investment.Based on the risks analysis in the second chapter, the third chapter tries to give some ideas on how to establish risk management system of China’s occupational pension fund investment. An integrated risk management system of occupational pension fund investment is composed of risk-alarming system, risk-control system and risk-compensation system. This chapter is divided into four sections. In the first section, the author puts forward some ideas and principles on the construction of risk-alarming system of China’s occupational pension fund investment. The second and third section discusses the risk control of China’s occupational pension fund investment. They study respectively the management risk control and the other risks control in the process of China’s occupational pension fund investment. In the last section, based on the introduction and analysis of the risk-compensation mechanism in foreign countries, the author makes some suggestions on the establishment of risk-compensation mechanism of China’s occupational pension fund investment and advises we should build up this risk-compensation mechanism from a systematic and holistic angle.The last chapter examines the regulation of China’s occupational pension fund investment operation. In fact , the regulation of occupational pension fund investment operation is also one part of the whole risk management system of occupational pension fund investment. However, since it penetrates all of the three parts of risk management system of occupational pension fund investment, the thesis sets a new chapter to study it. There are so many questions in the regulation that need to be studied. However, due to the limitation of the <WP=10>length of the thesis, the author can’t probe into each one of them. Therefore, based on a general and brief introduction, the chapter mainly discusses three most controversial regulatory questions in the world. They are the regulatory structure, investment limits and

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