

【作者】 李辉富

【导师】 王文宁;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,我国国有银行治理结构都缺乏有力的权利制衡机制和激励约束机制,银行治理结构效率低下。随着我国成功入世,以及金融业全面开放的日期日益迫近,强化国有银行公司治理,提升其治理效率显得异常迫切。本文结合银行组织的特殊性,运用资本结构与治理结构理论,通过分析银行资本结构对其治理结构的独特的影响机制,从资本结构的角度来寻求改善国有银行治理结构的基本途径。本文首先分析了资本结构及其决定机制。莫迪格利安尼和米勒(Modigliani & Milly,1958)在其经典论文《资本结构、公司融资和投资理论》中提出了MM无关性命题,即在完全竞争资本市场等严格假定条件下,企业资本结构的选择与企业价值无关;詹森和麦克林(M.Jenson & W.Meckling)则注意到了企业所有权和经营权分离的现实,并得出结论说,企业最佳的资本结构是使总代理成本最小;在最优点上,股权的边际代理成本等于债权的边际代理成本;罗斯(S.Ross)在非对称信息情况下, 研究了负债融资的必要性:企业负债比例能反映内部人对企业的信心,从而起到向外部投资者传递信息、示意企业优劣的作用;阿洪和博尔顿(P.Aghion & P.Bolton)在契约不完全的前提下,研究了企业控制权在不同融资主体之间相机转移的机制,并指出最优的负债比率就是在该负债水平上导致企业破产时将控制权从股东转移给债权人是最优的。本文接着对公司治理结构的定义进行梳理,并进一步界定其内涵,强调指出,企业是一系列契约的联结,本质上是一系列要素与资源的组合;而要素与资源总是存在所有者的,因此,企业实际上也体本文特指工农中建四大国有商业银行 <WP=4>现了参与合作的各要素所有者的利益或者权利关系。由于市场的完全性等原因,企业的各参与者的利益存在相互冲突的一面,因此,协调这种冲突是企业存在的首要前提。治理结构实质上是企业各方参与者之间的一种关于剩余索取权与剩余控制权的权利配置结构,是一种利益冲突的协调机制。因此,治理结构逻辑地包含这样的意思:基于企业的要素界定企业治理结构的参与者;并基于要素的特征界定参与者的地位和权利制衡关系;当参与者之间的利益冲突不可避免时,公司治理倾向于维护谁的利益等等。通过归纳对比,我们发现了资本结构与公司治理结构之间的关系,并进一步分析资本结构的公司治理效应,为银行资本结构的公司治理效应分析做了理论框架上的准备。 尽管现代企业资本结构与公司治理结构理论的研究成果颇为丰富,得出的结论也具有一般性,但其在商业银行等金融机构的适用性却是一个值得认真思考的问题。本文考察了银行业在资本结构与治理结构方面的特殊性。笔者首先从银行资本的功能的角度对其进行了界定,将资本从传统的所有者权益扩展到债权,并区分了两种债权形式;笔者进一步关注了银行资本结构的特殊性。商业银行是一个参与支付系统活动并使资金从盈余主体向短缺主体流动的金融中介机构,在经济体系中从事期限转换、为存款人提供流动性保险,以及进行信息生产、代为监督借款人等经营活动,履行着货币创造、支付与清算中介等重要职能。银行相对一般性公司企业的特殊性就在于其资产和负债本身的特殊性,这些特殊性表现为,其一,银行资本具有高杠杆能力。其二,银行的负债是硬约束的,即不仅是一定要偿还的,而且还有可能提前偿还;同时,银行贷款资产的价值高度依赖于银行经营者的私人信息,而且还要承担系统风险。其三,银行主要的债权人是分散的、信息不灵的、爱好搭便车的小储蓄者,其对银行直接的干预行为是由其代表行使的。基于银行资本结构的这些特殊性,本文指出,银行资本结构的公司治理效应体现在,其一,银行资本结构潜伏巨大的股东道德风险与逆向选择;其二,银行资本结构使银行风险制造者与风险承担者不匹配;其三,银行资本结构要求银行治理结构强调保护债权<WP=5>人利益。银行资本结构对其股东、债权人以及经营者的行为选择产生影响,并进一步影响银行的风险与市场绩效。理论研究的意义在于解释现象与指导现实。本文结合企业资本结构与治理结构理论分析了银行资本结构对治理结构的独特影响机制之后,接着展开了对我国国有银行资本结构与治理结构的现实考察。从国有银行资本结构与治理结构的现状来看,我国国有银行资本结构不合理几乎是人所共知的事实,其主要表现为:其一,权益资本和债务资本之间的结构不合理,资本来源几乎是100%的国家股权;其次是权益资本内部,产权主体单一,即单一的国家所有制,没有形成多元化的股权结构;再次是债务资本缺乏,附属资本几乎为零,没有诸如存款保险机构这样的大债权人参与银行的治理结构;这些缺陷已经直接或者间接地导致了如下一些公司治理问题。其一,国有股东一股独大,缺乏制衡,其冒险倾向与行动已经严重侵害了债权人的利益。其二,经营者缺乏充分的激励与约束,道德风险盛行,内部人控制问题严重。其三,债权人代表失位,对国有银行采取的近乎放纵的宽容政策已经侵害了小存款人的利益,并加大了银行体系的风险。因此,有必要通过完善国有银行的资本结构来改善其公司治理结构。通过调整国有银行资本结构,改变各参与人的?

【Abstract】 China has been in a long term undergoing a quasi-administrative bank governance model under which there is no check and balance of power and no incentives and constraints mechanism; and its efficiency is relatively low. As China has successfully entered WTO and the timetable to open up the financial industry is impendent, it is imperative to enforce the corporate governance of commercial banks and to increase its efficiency. This paper is with a view to the unique features of banking organizations and further explores the basic clue of a better way to improve the corporate governance structure of state-owned banks from the angle of how to perfect the capital structure. The author uses his basic analysis approaches of the enterprise structure and capital structure theories to study the unique impact mechanism of the bank capital structure on bank governance structure, in connection to China’s financial system in a transitional economic environment. In the first place, the author studies the capital structure and its determination mechanism. In their 1958 paper “The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment”, Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller brought up the theorem of irrelevance of capital structure, that is under the strictest assumption such as a complete competition capital market the selection of the capital structure in an enterprise is irrelevant to the enterprise value. M.Jenson and W.Meckling noticed the separation of ownership and control and they drew a conclusion that the optimum capital structure in an enterprise is a structure which makes the agency cost down to a minimum where the marginal agency costs of equities equals to that of bonds. Under an <WP=8>information asymmetry assumption, S.Ross studied the necessity of liability financing. He discovered that the liability ratio may reflect inside people’s confidence in their enterprise which may deliver information about the enterprise performance to outside people. With the incomplete contract assumption, P.Aghion and P.Bolton studied the discretionary transmission mechanism under which the optimum liability ratio is a liability level that causes an enterprise to go bankrupt and brings about the optimum control transmission from shareholders to creditors. Although the modern capital structure theory has advanced significantly and its conclusions are also of generality, its applicability in financial institutions such as commercial banks is still a question worthy of an in-depth consideration. This thesis then investigates the unique features of the capital structure and the governance structure in banking industry. Commercial banks are financial intermediaries that transfer funds from lenders to borrowers through the payment system. In the economic system, they are engaged in assets term transformation, provide liquidity for depositors, produce necessary information, and supervise borrowers’ behaviors, etc. In addition, they have important functions such as money creation, payment and clearing. In contrast to that of common companies, the unique features of banks lie in their assets and liabilities. Firstly, the bank capital has a high leverage capacity. Secondly, The bank liabilities have a hard constraint. That is to say, banks need not only just pay up, but also repay in advance probably. Meanwhile, the value of bank loan assets highly depends on the inside managers’ private information and banks also bear certain systematic risks. Thirdly, the main creditors are dispersed small depositors who are likely to be free riders and have no timely information. They have their agents directly intervene banks’ operation on behalf of themselves. These unique features certainly have impact on the behavior selections of shareholders, creditors and managers. As a result it further affects the market value of banks, <WP=9>This thesis investigates the current situation of the capital structure and governance structure of China’s state-owned banks. It reaches a conclusion that the improvement of bank governance structure

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