

【作者】 龚治国

【导师】 袁远福;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪70年代以来,洗钱犯罪,特别是利用金融系统和金融工具的洗钱犯罪活动,日益成为国际社会面临的一大公害。这已引起世界各国执法机构、金融机构的高度关注。进入本世纪,反洗钱更成为衡量政府能力、国家信誉的标志。随着世界经济的发展,令各国政府头痛的洗钱犯罪也更一步的升级,对社会及其各个领域产生的危害也越来越大。如今,反洗钱已经成为国际社会所面临的共同职责。在加入WTO后,我国的各个领域的开放程度已经加大,资本运作更加频繁,国际上的“黑钱”趁此机会更容易进入我国,从而给我国的经济、社会的发展带来不良影响。故全文都是以此为出发点,希望通过加强反洗钱工作对洗钱犯罪进行防范和打击,进而减少因洗钱犯罪给我国社会、经济带来的危害。 反洗钱工作在20世纪七、八十年代就处于起步阶段。但真正提上各国议事日程的,还是近几年的事。因此,在开展反洗钱工作时,不可能从国外获得更多的措施及经验。加上我国语言、法律制度、文化与别国存在较大的差异,故只有在借鉴国外成功的案例,并结合我国当前各类环境及国情的基础上,探索出一套比较完善的反洗钱运作机制,使之有效的运行,进而有力的打击洗钱犯罪活动。全文的基本写作思路是:全篇分成四大部分,各部分独立性较强,可以单独成题,也可相互关联从全局上对反洗钱问题做一总的探讨。内容涉及比较广泛:洗钱到反洗钱,洗钱的巨大危害而导致的反洗钱国内合作和国际合作及其他相关论题。文中着重探讨了洗钱犯罪的发展和反洗钱工作的发展以及反洗钱工作中存在的难点等问题。在参照国际公约及他国的反洗钱经验基础上,建立并完善我国的反洗钱体系,提出了加强反洗钱工作的一些具体措施和对策,以此希望能够对洗钱犯罪活动进行有效的打击。第一部分 对洗钱活动进行了较细致的分析与描述,通过它可以<WP=4>对洗钱的一些基本问题进行全局性的把握,在最后部分对洗钱犯罪活动的危害性进行细致的分析,阐明了洗钱犯罪不仅可以破坏一国的金融体系,影响金融业的健康发展,而且还会对一国的经济建设和社会稳定产生严重的破坏作用,甚至会对国际社会的安定局面带来威胁。在此基础上,引出本部分的题眼 反洗钱,必然会成为世界各国所面临的共同职责。第二部分 详述了因洗钱犯罪活动的巨大危害而导致的国际合作问题。在洗钱与反洗钱的博弈中,各国的反洗钱工作都有了一定程度的发展。在此基础上,洗钱活动的国际性又促使各国为了有效的防范和打击洗钱犯罪活动,必然要加强反洗钱的国际合作。此外,还参考了国际反洗钱法律框架及不同法系的典型国家的反洗钱法律框架。第三部分 对我国的洗钱犯罪、反洗钱工作及合作给予了细致的分析,说明了我国的洗钱犯罪不再是纸上的问题,而是实实在在的现实问题,并且已对我国的经济发展、社会稳定带来了极大的威胁。然后对《金融业反洗钱规定》及相关的法律、法规文件进行了分析,引出我国已经形成反洗钱法律框架的雏形,金融机构在遵照《金融业反洗钱规定》的有关条款下,也已经建立了反洗钱工作中具有重要地位的反洗钱内控制度。第四部分 分成二小节,其中第一节主要分析了我国反洗钱工作中存在的主要困难及障碍,并在此基础上,提出了完善我国反洗钱工作体系的具体措施及对策。由于洗钱与反洗钱的相互博弈,使得打击洗钱犯罪将是一项艰苦的长期斗争,是正义与非正义之间智慧的较量,在短期内是不可能将之消灭的。全文的观点是:由于洗钱犯罪活动对社会及其各个领域产生的危害越来越大,反洗钱已经成为国际社会所面临的共同职责。因此,各国都加大了反洗钱工作的力度,以及反洗钱的国际合作,希望通过打击洗钱犯罪活动,切断其他有组织犯罪及恐怖活动的资金来源,进而保持国际社会的稳定与发展。也希望反洗钱工作的开展,使那些因腐败等经济型犯罪产生的非法收益没有清洗渠道而慢慢消亡。 <WP=5>反洗钱工作是一个系统工程,需要国内相关部门的合作,也需要国际社会的相关合作。由于各国的语言、文化和法律制度等的不同,往往造成国际合作上的困难。如洗钱资金的追缴问题。在本文中,提出了以利益机制进行洗钱资金的追缴、分配。因为每个国家都是以国家利益为前提的条件下开始的合作,没有利益的获得,可能在合作中会产生道德上的问题,使得资金的返还难以实现。洗钱犯罪活动是一个经济领域的问题,也是一个法律上的问题,因此,在进行反洗钱工作时,首先需要获得法律上的支持。因此本文在谈及我国的反洗钱工作时,就提出了应尽快制定《反洗钱法》,增加打击洗钱犯罪活动的有效性。同时,要求我国刑法加大对洗钱犯罪的惩罚力度,进而加大对犯罪分子的威慑作用。现阶段我国反洗钱工作的领导部门是中国人民银行。曾有文章认为我国的银监会如果领导反洗钱工作可能比中国人民银行主抓的效果更好。但现实是中国人民银行的反洗钱地位已经获得法律上的支持,因此本文没有涉及这方面的争论。法律地位的获得,也让我们相信中国人民银行制定的相关规章会在更大的范围上产生效力。本文详解了《金融业反洗钱规定》中洗钱犯罪的上游犯罪的界定范围,认为该界定更具有可执行性,也

【Abstract】 Since the seventies of the 20th century, money-laundering crime, especially money-laundering criminal activities of the financial system and financial instrument, has become a great public hazard that international community faces day by day. This has already aroused great concern from the law enforcement agencies and national financial institutions all over the world. On entering this century, anti-money-laundering become the sign of weighing government’s ability and national prestige. Nowadays, anti-money-laundering has already become the common duty that international community faces.The basic train of thoughts of writing of this thesis is: The whole one is divided into four major parts. Every part has its unique focus and can be considered as an independent issue, they can be interrelated to doing the discussion in all anti-money-laundering issue from the overall situation. In the thesis, the author probes into money-laundering criminal activity’s development, anti-money-laundering’s development and difficult point that exists in the anti-money-laundering work emphatically. On consulting international convention and other countries on anti-money-laundering experience foundation, the author sets up and perfects our country’s anti-money-laundering system, puts forward some concrete measures and countermeasures on strengthening anti-money-laundering, and hope to carry out the effective blow to the criminal activity of money-laundering. First part carries out the careful analysis and description of the money-laundering activity, which puts forward some basic problems of the money-laundering through it, and carefully analyzes harmfulness of the money-laundering criminal activity at the end. On this basis, the author draws the key of this part----anti-money-laundering, will <WP=7>inevitablely become the common duty that countries all over the world faces.Second part details the international cooperation of the anti-money-laundering because of the hazard of the money-laundering criminal activity. In addition, the author consults the world legal frame of the anti-money-laundering and the legal frame of typical country on different laws in the anti-money-laundering.The third part offering careful analysis on money-laundering crime, anti-money-laundering work and cooperation to our country, have proved that the money-laundering crime of our country is no longer a question on paper, but true practical problem, and has already brought the great threat to economic development and social stability of our country. Then it analyzes the "regulation of anti- money-laundering of financial circles" and relevant laws and regulation files, and draws the basis legal frame of our country in the anti-money-laundering.The fourth part can be divided into two parts. One analyzes the main difficulty and obstacle that exist in the work of our country’s anti-money-laundering. And on this basis, it puts forward concrete measure and countermeasure of perfecting our country’s anti-money-laundering working system.The view of this thesis is: various countries have strengthened the dynamics of the anti-money-laundering, and the international cooperation of the anti-money-laundering. hopes to cut down capital sources of other organized crimes and the terrorist activities through attacking the money-laundering criminal activity, and then keeps the stability and development of the international community.Being a systematic project anti-money-laundering work needs cooperation of the domestic relevant departments and international community. The differences of the language, culture, legal system of various countries often cause the difficulty on international cooperation. <WP=8>The money-laundering criminal activity is a problem in economic field, and it is a problem in law too. So, while combating the money-laundering, we need to obtain support from law at first. This thesis proposes to make "the law of the anti-money-laundering" as soon as possible, to increase the validity of attacking the criminal activity of money-laundering.

  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】2
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