

【作者】 陈晓玲

【导师】 任治君;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 政治经济学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 国际贸易、国际投资和国际金融活动在近20年里推动了经济全球化的进程。经济全球化所带来的资本、商品、劳务及信息超越国界的自由流动,实现了资源的最佳配置,但同时由于各国出于自身利益的考虑,对同一事物的看法往往大相径庭,由此也带来了各种各样的矛盾和冲突,不仅发达国家之间、发达国家和发展中国家之间存在着矛盾和冲突,发展中国家之间也同样存在,这些矛盾和冲突影响了经济全球化的进程,同时也对冲突双方的利益产生了损害,为了共同的利益,迫切需要建立一些协调机制、机构、规则、制度等来协调彼此之间的矛盾和冲突。在这种背景下,世界贸易组织,世界银行,国际货币基金组织等国际机构应运而生,并制定了相应的国际经济关系规则,这在客观上为各国的经济发展提供了较为有利的国际环境和条件。这些相对统一的国际经济规则、制度和秩序的形成,适应了当时生产和资本国际化的要求,为世界经济较快且较为稳定的发展立下了汗马功劳。但是,经过几十年的运作,这些制度和秩序已越来越不适应新的形势和要求,尤其在关于贸易和投资方面的规则、协议方面,要求改革的呼声日益高涨。第二次世界大战以后,尤其是70年代以来,以跨国公司为主体的国际直接投资活动日趋频繁,年直接投资数额和直接投资累积存量不断扩大,直接投资对各国经济和国际贸易产生了重要的影响。与此同时,投资国和东道国以及投资者和东道国之间围绕着直接投资和贸易方面的矛盾与纠纷也不断增多。为了减少和克服矛盾与纠纷,为了促进国际投资活动的健康发展和积极作用的更大发挥,迫切需要加强国际协调与合作。为此,国际社会在近几十年间曾做出了多方面的努力,起草或制定了一些规则和协议。这些规则和协议有的实施了,有的并未付诸实施,而且已经实施的规则很多已<WP=4>经不能适应当今国际贸易和国际投资之间相互促进、相互补充、相互融合的新形势,因此,国际社会要求对贸易和投资方面的规则、协议进行改革的呼声日益高涨就不难理解了。乌拉圭回合谈判开始之前,在《关贸总协定》的框架之内,贸易与投资的关系没有受到多少关注,许多国际贸易谈判和协定历来只讨论国际贸易问题,给予外国直接投资的注意较少。1986年10月,关贸总协定各缔约国部长在乌拉圭埃斯特角城签署宣言时首次将TRIMs列入了新一轮多边贸易谈判的三个正式议题之一,该宣言将TRIMs协议定义为:“对贸易起限制和扭曲作用”的任何对投资的鼓励或非鼓励措施。经过艰苦的努力,关贸总协定对投资问题的谈判最终在对与贸易有关的投资措施这一范围狭窄的领域进行,并于1991年1月20日达成了《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》(《TRIMs协议》)。 《TRIMs协议》协议与乌拉圭的其他协议一样,也是各方妥协的产物。但是由于发达国家和发展中国家力量对比的截然不同,该协议的一些内容对发达国家和发展中国家的意义是截然不同的,从而《TRIMs协议》作为一把双刃剑,更多的是针对发展中国家;从这一点来说,深刻认识该协议的涵义及其影响对发展中国家,尤其对已经加入WTO的中国来说是具有极其重要的意义的,本文就是出于探讨该协议的涵义和影响的目的,在前人研究的基础上,运用经济学的基本原理,从TRIMs协议的产生背景、主要内容、条款理解、作用评析等方面出发,更进一步的分析了TRIMs对于发展中国家、发达国家的不同影响,从而希望能够对我们国家正确处理和执行《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》提供有益的启示。在上述思路的指引下,本文共分为五个部分,分别从投资和贸易的关系以及GATT/WTO关于贸易和投资的讨论、《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》(TRIMs)的主要内容、“与贸易有关的济分析、发达国家和发展中国家对待TRIMs不同态度、TRIMs的评价,现状和前景等方面对TRIMs对于发展中国家、发达国家的不同影响进行了分析。第一部分主要介绍了当前国际贸易和国际投资之间存在的替代、互补以及相互融合等关系,并且介绍了WTO/GATT相关规则对国际<WP=5>贸易和国际投资政策的有关论述,为下面的研究做了一定的铺垫。第二部分介绍了《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》(TRIMs)的主要内容:包括TRIMs订立的根据和目的、与贸易有关的投资措施的含义及分类、TRIMs协议内容以及《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》的解读等,从而给TRIMs以简略的介绍,为对其进行经济分析提供基础。第三部分是本文的主体,在这一部分里作者运用经济学原理对“与贸易有关的投资措施”进行了深入的经济分析。首先对出口、国外直接投资以及特许权贸易的进行了对比分析,然后又分析了“与贸易有关的投资措施”的经济效应。第四部分在前面运用经济学原理对TRIMs进行了深入的经济分析的基础之上,分别从国民福利、经济结构调整、保护幼稚产业、与普惠制的矛盾、跨国公司利益、社会问题、发展中国家与发达国家的国际地位角度出发分析了发达国家和发展中国家对待TRIMs的不同态度的原因,同时提出了发展中国家参与TRIMs应注意的几个问题,主要包括警惕TRIMs所倡导的投资自由化可能带来的消极影响、实行投资自由化应与其投资开放的渐进性和管理经济的自主权相协调、积极参与在国际层面上建立或制定投资协议

【Abstract】 International trade, international investment and international finance activities have promoted the process of the economic globalization during the past 20 years. The freedom movement of the capital, goods, labor service and information surmounting the national boundaries has realized the best disposition of resources. But at the same time in consideration of each country’ s own interests, the view on the same thing is often far from each other, therefore it has brought various contradictions and conflicts, Not merely between the developed countries, and the developed countries and developing countries. They also exist between developing countries. These contradictions and conflicts have influenced the process of the economic globalization, and damaged the benefits of both sides too at the same time. For the common interests, it is necessary to set up some coordination mechanisms, organizations, rules and systems to coordinate the contradictions and conflicts urgently. Under this kind of background, World Trade Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund etc arised at the historic moment, and has made the corresponding international economic relation rule, which have offered comparatively favorable international environment and condition for economic development of various countries objectively.The formation of these unified international economic rules, system and order, met the needs of internationalization of the capital and production at that time, However, through the operation of decades, these systems and orders do not meet the needs of new situation and request, the voice of reforming the rule and agreement on international trade and investment have grown to even greater heights. After World War II, especially since the 1970’s, the international direct investment activity taking by MNC has becoming more frequent, annual direct investment number expands quickly, and it has made important impact on economy <WP=7>and trade of various countries. Meanwhile, contradictions and disputes around direct investment have increased among investment country and host country, investor and host country. In order to reduce and overcome the contradictory and promote the development of the international investment activities, it is needed to strengthen international coordination and cooperation urgently. For this reason, the international community has made the efforts in many aspects, and has drafted or made some rules and agreements. Some of these rules and agreements have been implemented, some have not been put into effect. But nowadays, a lot of implemented rules implement can’t adapt to the new situation, so international community require to reform the trade and investment rules and agreements.Before Uruguay Round, within the frame of " General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ", the relation between trade and investment doesn’t be paid close attention, In October of 1986, every contracting party minister of GATT listed TRIMS in a new round of MTN (Multilateral trade negotiation) for the first time, Through arduous efforts, GATT reached " TRIMS (Trade-related investment measures) agreement " on January 20, 1991.TRIMS agreement is a result of each side’s compromise like other agreements of Uruguay. But because developed country and developing countries are completely different in force, the meaning of some contents of this agreement to the developed country and developing country are completely different, Thus " TRIMs agreement " is mostly directed against developing countries as a double-edged sword; From this point, to know the meaning and influence of the agreement has extremely important meaning to China that has already joined WTO and other developing countries. This thesis is just to probe into the meaning and influence of this agreement, on the basis of other economists’ studies, uses the basic principle of economics, set out from these aspects, such as production background, main content, clause understanding, function evaluation of TRIMs agreement etc, analyze further TRIMs’s different influ

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