

【作者】 何飞

【导师】 姜凌;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 政治经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一、论文的主要内容及观点本文的写作围绕着发展我国民营企业海外投资这一主题,结构安排上第一章着重突出我国民营企业海外投资的主体竞争优势及入世所带来的机遇和挑战;第二章通过对当代国际直接投资理论尤其是适合发展中国家投资理论的回顾和借鉴,探求发展我国民营企业海外投资的理论基础;第三章阐述了我国民营企业海外投资的难点和问题,主要从民营企业自身和政府政策两方面来分析说明;第四章针对民营企业海外投资存在的难点和问题,提出一些解决的措施和建议。各章的主要内容及观点如下:我国的海外投资始于1979年,发展至今大体上可分为三个阶段:对外投资起步阶段(1979-1985年)、对外投资探索阶段(1986-1991年)、初步发展阶段(1992年至今)。截至2003年底,经商务部批准的我国非金融类海外企业累计达到7470家,中方协议投资额114.27亿美元,海外投资已扩展到世界160多个国家和地区。中国海外投资近10年出现了很大的飞跃,但是无论是其规模还是行业构成都还相当有限。与美、日等发达国家相比,我国海外投资存量还是很低的,仍处于较低层次。到目前为止,国有企业一直是“走出去”的主力。据统计,从改革开放至今,我国“走出去”的7000多家企业中,国有企业差不多占了80%。目前海外的中资企业效益并不理想,而这当中国有企业与民营企业相比,明显处于下风。我国国有企业产权关系尚未理顺,仍然存在所有者缺位问题,并不适合成为我国海外投资主体。经过20年的发展。我国一些民营企业已经初具规模,已经具备了开展海外投资的条件。在目前国内规模较大的民营企业中,新希望股份有限公司、华为、东方集团等,都已不同程度地走向国际市场。与国有企业相比,民营企业的竞争优势体现在企业体制优势、经营成<WP=4>本优势、机制上的优势和经营理念上的优势等方面;与国外企业相比,民营企业也具有一定的竞争优势,体现在品牌优势、技术优势、投资发展中国家的比较优势、海外华侨的“人脉”资源等方面。我国加入世贸组织后,民营企业在国内市场经营环境中将面对更加激烈的竞争。入世后,也给民营企业带来新的机遇。民营企业在开展海外投资方面也将获得比以往更有利的条件,同时通过对外直接投资,实现在国外当地生产和当地销售产品是一种较为有效的应对反倾销的手段。特别是2002年中国与东盟共同签署了 《中国东盟全面经济合作框架协议》,决定到2010年建成中国—东盟自由贸易区。中国—东盟自由贸易区是一个全部由发展中国家成员组成的自由贸易区,中国—东盟自由贸易区建成后,巨大的内部市场、丰富的自然资源和廉价的劳动力资源都将为中国企业包括民营企业带来更多的机遇。总体来看,传统的对外直接投资理论(如垄断优势理论、内部化理论、产品生命周期理论和国际生产折衷理论等)主要是以英美等发达国家的跨国公司为其研究对象的,只是为具有优势的发达国家的大型跨国公司提供了对外投资的理论依据,对以众多中小跨国公司为主的发展中国家的对外直接投资行为的解释能力有限。比较而言,研究发展中国家对外直接投资的一些理论对我国民营企业的对外直接投资更具指导意义。小规模技术理论是将发展中国家跨国公司的竞争优势来源与发展中国家自身经济特征相结合,该理论对于我国的民营企业在发展海外投资时利用世界市场的多元化、多层次特性,通过技术创新和适当的经营战略逐步获得竞争优势颇具启迪意义。拉奥的技术地方化理论对于发展中国家对外投资的意义在于,它不仅分析了发展中国家企业形成对外投资竞争优势的可能性,而且强调了形成竞争优势所需要的企业技术创新。在拉奥看来,正是发展中国家对发达国家进口技术的适应性改造和在此基础上的创新活动给企业带来了新的竞争优势。与威尔斯相比,拉奥更加强调发展中国家跨国企业对引进技术的再创新过程在竞争优势形成中的作用,这对于我国的民营跨国企业尤为重要。面对激烈的国际竞争,我国民营企业进行海外投资也面临着巨大<WP=5>的挑战,存在着一些难点和问题。从一般性上看,表现为投资区位、投资产业和投资方式的如何选择。从特殊性上分析,主要体现在两个方面:一是民营企业自身的局限,表现为:1、缺乏强势企业品牌。与世界跨国公司相比,国内民营企业品牌尽管日渐崛起,但就企业整体素质而言,存在的差距还是非常明显。2、管理制度相对滞后。中国民营企业内部普遍实行家族制管理,企业中存在家族文化、家长制作风以及与之相适应的伦理观念。3、技术创新能力不强。同西方跨国公司相比较,我国民营企业的发明专利相当少,在企业核心竞争力,尤其是创新能力方面差距尤为突出。大多数民营企业只能处于垂直分工的底层,在国际新经济和知识经济竞争中处于不利地位。4、跨国经营人才匮乏。跨国经营的投资、外贸、金融、外语、营销等方面的专业人才奇缺,导致绝大多数民营企业的“走出去”不仅在管理、效率和技术应用、开发上难以上水平出成绩,而且亦决定了其经营理念的陈旧、局限和经营方式的落后。二是政府政策对民营企业海外投资发展的制约,表现为:1、当前我国对企业进行海外直接投资的审批由多个主管部门负责,标准过严、手续繁杂。同时,我国

【Abstract】 The main content and the view of the thesisThe thesis is around this theme of overseas investment of private enterprise of our country. Chapter One stresses private enterprise’s competition advantage as subject of overseas investment and the opportunity and challenge for the entry to the WTO; Chapter Two seeks the theoretical foundation of overseas investment of private enterprise; Chapter Three explains the difficult points and questions of overseas investment of private enterprise from the private enterprise itself and the government policy mainly ; Chapter Four puts forward some measures and suggestions. The overseas investment of our country started in 1979, which can be divided into three stages on the whole .Up to the end of 2003, overseas investment has already been expanded to more than 160 countries and regions in the world. China overseas investment has developed very fast for the past 10 years, but compared with developed countries, such as the United States and Japan etc., the stock of overseas investment of our country is still in a lower level. Till present, the state-owned enterprise has remained primary in overseas investment, but the benefit is unsatisfactory. The private enterprise is obviously better than the state-owned enterprise. The relations between ownership and management of enterprises of state-owned enterprise of our country have not been made in order yet, and unsuitable to become the main fact of overseas investment of our country. After 20 years’ development, some private enterprises have already been qualified to launch overseas investment. Compared with state-owned enterprise, the competition advantage of the private enterprise embodies in the following respects, such as the advantage on enterprise’s system advantage, operating cost advantage, etc. Compared with foreign enterprise, the private enterprise has certain competition advantages too, such as advantage of the brand, <WP=8>technological advantage, etc. During to our country’s entry to the WTO, the private enterprise faces keen competition during the management environment of domestic market, and gets the new opportunity in foreign direct investment Especially, the China - ASEAN Free Trade Area will be built up by 2010, which will bring more opportunities to the private enterprise.All in all, traditional foreign direct investment theories serve mainly for the developed countries, and just offer the theoretical foundation of the foreign direct investment for the large-scale trans-corporation of the developed countries, the explanation ability is limited to the foreign direct investment of the developing countries. Some theories of studying developing country’s foreign direct investment have greater directive significance to the foreign direct investment of the private enterprise of our country, such as the technological theory of the small-scale, and the technological localization theory.In the face of the fierce international competition, the private enterprise faces the enormous challenge in overseas investment too. Difficult point and question of overseas investment lie in two aspects mainly: First, the private enterprise’s own limitation, the backward management system relatively, the poor technological innovation abilities and so on. Secondly, the government policy’s restriction, such as lack in overseas investment insurance system at present, the narrow financing channel of the private enterprise.To difficult points and question, our private enterprise should open up Europe, American market, expand the Asian market, drive on the potential markets, and invest in the developing countries and developed countries according to different goal modes and individual’s advantage. To the overseas investment of developing countries, we should focus mainly on the resource intensive type investment and market type. To the developed countries, our country should and concentrate the investment on the fields of modern techniques. The purpose is mainly to learn <WP=9>advanced science and technology and experience of man

  • 【分类号】F279.245
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