

The Characteristics of Professional School Students’ Career Self-consciousness and Psychic-intervention

【作者】 孙晓青

【导师】 岑国桢;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 社会主义市场经济下的职业学校,必须向社会输送拥有一技之长的劳动者,并使他们具有良好的思想品德素质、文化素质、身体素质和心理素质去投身于现代化建设。职业教育是以就业为主导的教育,因而学生实现成功择业是衡量职业学校办学成效的一个重要方面。而择业“三步曲”(认识自我,改变完善自我、实践自我)是学生实现成功择业的有效准备。为此我们把自我意识、人格健全与择业、适应社会有机结合在一起,进行培养和引导,从而达到社会所要求的人职匹配的愿望。 基于职业学校的职业辅导以促进学生充分就业为目标,所以职业学校学生的自我意识培养必须围绕择业准备而进行。解决中等职校生择业、就业方面的心理困惑是中等职业学校开展职业辅导、开展心理健康教育的首要任务。为此,本研究对中等职校生职业自我意识发展特点及干预展开研究。 本研究首先调查职校学生自我意识的发展特点,然后进行干预,并探究行之有效的干预方式和手段。干预时,本研究采用团体干预和班级心理辅导活动两种形式。 通过调查和干预,本研究得到的主要结论如下: 1、当前,中等职校学生总体心理健康状况良好,但学习状况不尽如人意,自卑感较强,存在一定程度的焦虑、抑郁及一定程度的敌对情绪。 2、当前,中等职校学生中,职三与职一、职二年级学生相比,在职业兴趣、专业学习动机及对今后胜任岗位的信心方面有较显著差异;职一与职二年级学生相比,基本上不存在上述诸方面差异。中等职校学生普遍对自己的容貌及外在形象感兴趣,但不同年级、不同性别在长相、容貌、行为、举止与今后就业关系的认识上无显著性差异。 3、应用团体心理辅导方式对中等职校生进行干预训练之后,在职业兴趣和胜任岗位信心方面干预效果极显著,在关注形象方面干预效果显著,在寻求帮助方面干预效果较显著。 在职三年级开展的以认知为主和以体验为主的班级职业心理辅导活动,均取得较好的干预效果。但是,相对而言,以体验为主的班级职业心理辅导干预方式效果更为明显,而且更受学生欢迎。 4、中等职业学校开展心理健康教育一定要突出职业性特点,应以职业心理辅导为中心,围绕学生职业自我意识的提高而展开。团体心理辅导和班级心理辅导的活动各有长处,在实践中应有机结合。 5、本研究从中等职业学校学生的实际出发,编制了一套适用于中等职校各年级提高学生职业自我意识和开展班级心理辅导的主题活动内容,具有在同类学校中应用和推广的价值,同时对促进职校心理健康教育的开展和提高职校心理健康教育的实效性,将产生一定的影响。

【Abstract】 Professional schools in today’s society based upon a socialist market economy are required to educate students possessing high quality and becoming skillful and qualified laborers ideologically, culturally physically and psychologically as well. And they will be ready to devote themselves to the construction for modernization.To help students get ready for future careers is the dominant factor in our professional school education. Therefore, whether they are successful or not in their employment may well reflect the performances of a professional school. To achieve success, students need a 3-step guidance, which involves self-awareness, self-improvement and self-realization. And education in these 3 aspects should be carried out as a whole so as to meet the requirements of the whole society. It is one of the main priorities to solve the problem of psychological perplexity for professional students in choosing and taking up a career. This paper just focuses on the study of characteristics of development in students’ self-awareness and explores the effectiveness of two major controlling methods -- group intervention and class-based psychological guidance.The main findings are as follows: 1. At present, most students in professional schools are psychologically sound, but areunsatisfactory in study. They tend to have a strong sense of self- inferiority. At the same time,they are over-concerned about their appearance. There are much anxiety, depression andhostility to a great extent. 2. At present, most third-grade student in professional school vary from each other greatly intheir job-interest, motivation and confidence. While first- and second-grade student inprofessional school do not differ greatly from each other in the aspects mentioned above.Most students are concerned about their appearance. Ad among different grades and differentsexes, there are no obvious distinction in understanding the relationship between appearance,behavior and future careers.3. Experiments of group-intervention among students of different grades and different sexes have proved to be effective in arousing their job-interest and increasing self-confidence towards their future career etc. As to the class-based psychological guidance, both cognitive-based and experience-based experiments have proved to be successful, and the effect of the latter one has been proved to be much encouraging.4. Mental-health guidance in professional schools must be profession-oriented with a view for increasing students’ self- consciousness concerning future career. Consideration must be given to the adoption of both group intervention and class-based psychological guidance, in which both play different but important roles.5. This study is made in a professional school context, closely related to the professional schoolstudents. A range of activities on a variety of topics, which were designed to increasestudents’ self-awareness and to carry out mental health education, are applicable toprofessional school students. They are worth popularizing among similar professionalschools and will surely give much enlightenment to their education in the field of mentalhealth and increase its effectiveness.

  • 【分类号】G711
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】580