

Study on the Analysis of Landscape Pattern and the Assessment of Mountain Ecosystem Health

【作者】 韩红霞

【导师】 高峻;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 自然地理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以景观生态学的基本原理作为论文的理论基础,研究了两方面的内容,一是进行景观格局分析,通过对研究区现状格局的描述来推导发生过程;二是进行生态系统健康评价,对研究区的生态系统健康状况有了定量的掌握。在生态系统健康评价中,借鉴了经济地理中的一些思想,从社会、经济、自然三方面考察山地生态系统的健康状况,并提出一个健康的生态系统不仅要从自然的角度去衡量,也必须考虑经济的发展程度和社会人文的成熟度。 甘肃天祝县哈溪林区位于祁连山东段,依据哈溪林区的自然条件、土地类型和林相图,将研究区划分为苗圃,未成林地,宜林地,农田,牧草地,荒地,青海云杉林,祁连圆柏,针叶混交林,杨类阔叶林,红桦、榆、山杨硬阔林,针阔混交林、灌木林、疏林地和阔叶混交林等15种景观类型。论文采用景观指数法来分析景观格局,选取了8种景观指数作为景观格局分析指标。研究区内共有15个景观组分,885个斑块。牧草地是面积最大的景观组分,占林区总面积的32.3%,是景观的基质。就斑块数而言,青海云杉林斑块数最多,有245个,占林区总斑块数的27.7%。与牧草地相比,青海云杉林是其面积的26.5%,但斑块数却是草地的2.7倍,呈现出较为破碎的状态。对主要景观组分在不同海拔高度分布的统计表明,农田主要集中分布在海拔2100-3000m之间;牧草地主要集中分布在海拔3000-4350m之间,其面积占到牧草地总面积的86.7%;青海云杉林主要集中分布在海拔2550-3000m的山地中下部,约占青海云杉林总面积的80.9%。上述这些景观的不同高度分布就构成了哈溪林区山地的垂直景观带。作为具有重要涵养水源功能的青海云杉林,大多分布在海拔2550-3000m的阴坡和半阴坡,阳坡有零星分布,其斑块形状最为不规则,平均斑块面积小而距离近,容易受到各种干扰而造成逆向演替,使森林生态系统发生功能退化,从而影响水源涵养。 论文以哈溪林区为例,采用层次分析法,建立适用于干旱区的山地生态系统健康评价的指标体系。一级指标有三个,为生态系统特征指标、生态系统功能指标和社会人文影响指标。每个一级指标下又分为若干个二级指标,山地生态系统特征指标有11个二级指标;生态系统功能指标有9个二级指标;社会人文指标包括14个二级指标。景观格局指标也被引入生态系统特征指标中。对哈溪林区的哈溪镇、毛藏乡和大红沟乡进行生态系统健康评价的结果表明,生态系统特征指标值为:哈溪>毛藏>大红沟;生态系统功能指标值按总量计算的结果为:哈溪>毛藏>大红沟;按单位量计算的结果为:大红沟>哈溪>毛藏;社会人文影响指标值为:毛藏>哈溪>大红沟。总体的健康评价结果为:哈溪>毛藏>大红沟。 通过对研究区进行景观格局分析和生态系统健康评价,对区内二个行政单位的现有生态环境状况和政策实施情况有了定晕的掌握,并针对分析中所发现的问题,为当地的管理者提供科学基础,便于制定管理政策,以减少各种对生态环境不利的干扰,加强区域生态建设和经济发展,实现区域持续管理。同时本项目的研究也为今后进行整个祁连山生态系统健康评价和区域生态安全分析提供了初步的经验,对我国西部的环境保护和生态建设将具有积极的作用。

【Abstract】 This paper studies two major contents based on the general principles in Landscape ecology. The first is the analysis of landscape pattern to deduce occurred processes through the description of the existing landscape pattern. The second is the assessment of mountain ecosystem health to quantitatively catch on the condition of the study area’s ecosystem health. In assessing the ecosystem health, it has drawn some ideas from Economic Geography to judge the condition of mountain ecosystem health. This paper puts forward that consider the nature character as well as economic development and social & human factors in a health assessment. The research in large scale need consider the impact on ecosystem health that human activities have made. Ecological features, function indicators and social-human impact together constitute the fundermental system of regional ecosystem health assessment.Haxi forestry center is located in Tianzhu of Gansu province. In view of the natural conditions, land use type and forest map, we classify the research area into 15 landscape types. This study selects 8 landscape indexes to analyze landscape pattern. The research area contains 15 landscape elements and 885 patches. Among them, grassland has a 32.3% of the total area and is the matrix of the landscape. Qinghai spruce has a maximum of 245 patches and occupies 27.7% in all patches. The area of Qinghai spruce is 26.5% of that of the grassland. Since it, Qinghai spruce shows fragmentized. The statistics for the primary landscape elements distributed in different height state farmland concentrate between 2550 to 3000 meters in altitude; grassland distribute 3000-4350m in altitude; Qinghai spruce distribute 2550-3000m in altitude. Qinghai spruce concentrate in northern slope, northeast slope, east slope and northwest slope. There is Qinghai spruce scattered in south slope and southwest slope. Qinghai spruce is most anomalistic in patch distribute, is small in mean patch area and is close to each other. So, Qinghai spruce is easy tosuffer disturbance and converse succession which lead to the function of forest ecosystem degenerate.This paper use The Analyticl Hierarchy Process (AHP) and construct the standard for assessment of mountain ecosystem health adapted to arid zone. Indicators of assessment of ecosystem health can be divided into three groups: ecological features indicators, function indicators and social-human impact indicators. There are some sub-indicators in each group. Landscape indexes are introduced to the assessment of ecosystem health. Through the assessment of ecosystem health in the three distribute: Haxi, Maozang and Dahonggou, we conclude that Haxi > Maozang > Dahonggou in value of ecological features indicators; Haxi > Maozang > Dahonggou in total value of function indicators; Dahonggou > Haxi > Maozang in individual value of function indications; Maozang>Haxi>Dahonggou in value of social-human impact indicators. Haxi > Maozang >Dahonggou in total value of ecosystem health.Through the analysis of landscape pattern and the assessment of ecosystem health in Haxi forestry center, we hold quantitative information on ecosystem health and implemented policy in three districts. The study can help governor to make measures to decrease disturbance to environment, promote ecological construction and regional sustainable development. Also, this project provide a reference to future study on the assessment of Qilian Mountain ecosystem health and regional ecological security.

  • 【分类号】P901
  • 【被引频次】10
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