

Design of Multimeter for Electrical Parameters

【作者】 章军

【导师】 张平;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本项目所研制的多功能电参数测量仪以 INTEL8031 单片机为核心,采用了交流采样计算技术,以软件代替了传统仪器中的大量硬件,将多种测量功能集于一身,用一台仪器就可以测量电流电压真有效值、有功功率、功率因数、频率等参数。由于采用了计算机技术,仪器可以与上位机方便地进行数据交换。在仪器中,我们采用了广泛应用的 RS-232 接口与上位机通信,并编制了上位机通信软件,实现了仪器的远程测量与控制,有利于促进电力系统自动化的实现。文中论述了该电参数测量仪的工作原理,着重研究了提高测量精度的准同步采样算法,并讨论了该算法在单片机中应用的几个实际问题。在此基础上,详细介绍了整个仪器的软硬件开发过程。最后对仪器进行了实验和误差分析,给出了实验结果和误差分析结果。

【Abstract】 The multimeter for electrical parameters is based on Single Chip Microcomputer (Intel 803 1).We adopt alternating sampling and numerical computation technology. Software replaces much hardware that in traditional instrument . We can measure the effective valuesof voltage and current,power,frequency by the instrument .The instrument can easily communicate with PC for the use of Microcomputer.Inorder to realize remote measuring and control , we adopt RS-232 interface and its correspondent protocol that is widely used.In this paper,the operation theory is ntroduced.We research the Quasi.synchronous Alternative sampling echnology in detail to improve the precision of the instrument and discuss some problem about the plication of this method .We introduce the develop of hardware and software in the whole instrument .At last ,we sive out the result of experiment and the analyses of error.

  • 【分类号】TP368.1
  • 【被引频次】8
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