

Functional Stylistic Analysis of English Political Public Speaking(EPPS)

【作者】 马建和

【导师】 牛亚军;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展,世界范围内竞争的加剧,社会对人才的选择标准也日趋综合 化。演讲能力就是对这种新型人才的一项起码的素质要求。我国领导人,包括温 家宝总理最近出访美国等国,常常会在国外发表一些重要演讲:外国总统候选人竞 选的一个重要途径就是通过演讲宣传自己的政治主张,让国民了解自己,以求得 民众支持。进入WT0,我国在许多方面都要与国际接轨,对英文演讲能力的要求, 肯定很快会在未来的各个行业,各个领域成为不成文的规定。特别是英语政治演 讲,由于其在国内国际事务中举足轻重的地位,使我们不得不慎重分析研究。 一篇成功的演讲主要包括两大因素:实质性的内容和非常得体很有特点的表 达手段。本文作者从英语政治演讲的功能出发,对促成该种功能实现最大化的文 体张力因素进行有益的探索性研究。该探索主要立足于杰出的系统功能文体学派 代表人Halliday所提出的语言三大元功能(概念的,人际的,语篇的)理论,结 合许多其他著名文体学家文体理论的精华(如Buffon的作家决定论,Riffaterre 的读者反应论,Stanley Fish的感受文体学),借助Jakobson的文体分析多维思 路,提出功能文体分析的多维理论,并且推崇功能决定文体的理念,试图从功能出 发对演讲进行文体分析。Jakobson是将诗歌语言的研究同具有强大生命力的语言 学分析模式相结合的第一人,暗示文体分析应兼顾作者,文本,读者及语境等多 种相关因素。以往所有的文体分析都是从形式去说明功能内容,本文中的论点与 其相反,是从功能目的出发考察实现这一功能最大化的文体手段,指出功能文体 分析应从政治演讲的每项功能出发,进行多角度的实现这一功能的文体因素分析, 这也是一种思维方式的创新与探索,因此本文的方法论意义胜过其学术理论意义. 本文着重从文体的定义,本质和表现因素,以及演讲特别是政治演讲的功能 特点出发,寻求二者的接合点,政治演讲的突出功能为告知,感化,说服,鼓动 听众。告知是每篇演讲的论题核心,属于概念功能,本文从众多国外政治演讲名 篇中选出几例,研究实现这一功能的几种有效的文体手段。感化说大服和鼓动是政 治演讲的直接目的,本文从人际功能出发,结合多种文体理论之长,全面阐述这 些功能的实现途径。实践证明这种多维分析思路比较合理,有一定的说服力。篇 章功能是演讲功能的整体体现,直接决定演讲成功与否。本文着重从篇章的组织 和衔接功能去考察实现这一功能的文体手段:<逻辑纽带,语法纽带和词汇纽带等 多方面探讨>? 这种从语言功能出发去探讨实现这些功能的文体途径,无疑对文体学的学习 和应用会大有裨益。每种作品都有自己独特的功能,这种立足于本身功能特点的 文体分析对该作品的理解及从事这类作品的创作指导有一定的学术意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern society, the competition has become more and more intense the world over and the demands for talents have become more comprehensive. Among them, the ability of public speaking is something indispensable; let alone that of the political public speaking. Therefore, the study of it cannot be waited any longer.An effective public speaking has at least two crucial factors. One is the substantial content, and the other is the very decent use of some necessary stylistic features. This thesis starts with the functions and purposes of EPPS, and makes a constructive exploration of those stylistic features, which can attain those expected functions and purposes to the maximum extent. The exploration is chiefly based on Halliday’s Three Great Functions (ideational, interpersonal, and textual), together with some valuable views in some other famous stylists’ theories, such as the Author’s Decision by Buffon (1707-1788, a French naturalist), the Reader’s Reaction by Michael Riffaterre, the Affective Stylistics by Stanley Fish, and the like. Another enlightenment on my argument is coming from Jakobson’s theory (1896---1983) of multi-dimensional stylistic analysis. Contrary to all those available stylistic analysis, the analyzing approaches originate from the functions and purposes to the stylistic features that can be used to achieve the wanted goals, and study how the functions and purposes can be achieved to the maximum degree.This thesis starts from the study of the definition and nature of styles, and then goes on with the functions and purposes of the public speaking, and next to the study of the best match of the functions to its necessary stylistic features. The most fundamental functions of EPPS are to inform, to move, to persuade and to inspire the audience to take some actions that the speaker expects. Informing is the base of the public speech, belonging to ideational function; moving, persuading and inspiring the audience are the direct purposes of the speech, belonging to interpersonal function. The textual function is the comprehensive function of a single political speech, and it is directly related to the success of the speech. The thesis examines this function and its realization from three major stylistic aspects: logical , grammatical and lexical connectors.This exploration is new to the study and application of the stylistic features based on the functions of language in EPPS and many other literary works.

  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1846