

Research on Chinese Parsing Based on the Field of Mechanical Design

【作者】 耿春霞

【导师】 赵克;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 句法分析在自然语言理解中起着举足轻重的作用 是衔接自然语言理解中词法分析与语义分析的桥梁 文章首先对现有的一些句法分析方法进行了比较 综合 在总结前人研究理论的基础上 本文对句法分析采用了规则与统计相结合规则为主 统计为辅的方法本文论述了自然语言理解(NLU)句法分析的特点 原理 以及方法 并给出了面向机械设计领域的汉语句法分析的整个过程 它包括词性确定 语块分析 事件处理 添加连接符等一系列过程 句法分析的难点在于歧义解决与语块分析针对这两大难点 本文在专门章节进行了研究最后 本文研究了自然语言理解句法分析在机械设计领域中的应用 通过对以自然语言形式表达的用户需求进行分析 并将分析结果交给 NLU 语义 语用分析继续处理 从而最终将用户需求转化为概念设计要求 为产品设计提供支持

【Abstract】 Chinese parsing has played such an important role in NLU, and has been a bridgejoining word segmentation with semantic analysis. At first, some parsing methods thatexist are compared and summarized. Basing on the research theory that thepredecessors have obtained on parsing, a new technique rule-based andstatistics-consulted is adopted. This paper discusses the characteristics, principles and methods of NaturalLanguage Understanding (NLU) parsing, and presents the whole parsing process ofmodern Chinese, which includes part-of-speech tagging, chunk parsing, eventhandling, signal adding and so on. The difficulty of parsing based on the field ofmechanical design lies in ambiguity solving and chunk parsing, which are researchedin special chapters. At last, the application of NLU parsing in mechanical design domain is studied.By understanding and analyzing the user requirements in natural language style andhanding the results on the NLU semantic analysis and context analysis to go ondisposing, the consumer demands, finally, are transformed into the requirements ofconceptual design the product design is supported.

  • 【分类号】TH122
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】80