

Research of Network Attack Description System and Typical Attack Countermeasures

【作者】 郎良

【导师】 高有行;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 对网络攻击进行科学合理的分类是深入理解并从而抵御攻击的有效方法,目前的攻击分类主要基于攻击者的角度来进行,而并没有从实际应用的主体——受害者的角度进行分析和研究,导致不能深入刻画受害者所受的破坏并进而指导采取有效措施防止遭受类似攻击。本文首先在总结前人研究成果和不足的基础上提出了访问权限分类法和其他几种分类法,它们的分类特征限定为攻击受害者可以发现和探测的,随后运用RDF模型将这些分类法逻辑组合成为基于受害者的网络攻击描述体系。再结合对典型攻击——DoS攻击与防范技术的深入研究,不仅提出了一套比较完整的“预防—检测—响应”对策,更展现了描述体系优异的扩展性、描述性和应用性。最后总结以上研究成果提出了网络攻击自动响应和决策系统。

【Abstract】 Rationally classifying network attacks is an available method to deeply comprehend and defense them. Present attack taxonomies don’t stand on the primary part of the practical application-victim’s viewpoint, but on the attacker’s. Therefore the damages could not be depicted and the same attacks could not be validly avoided. This thesis first presents an access level taxonomy and several other taxonomies based on the analyses of previous work, and their taxonomic characteristics used to define a network attack are limited in scope to those features that are observable and measurable at the victim of the attack. Then the taxonomies are integrated into a Victim-based Network Attack Description System under RDF model. Associating with the deeply research of DoS attack and protection technology, completer "Protect-Detect-Response" countermeasures are proposed; furthermore better expansibility, descriptive power and application of the description system are shown. Finally summarizing above achievement, proposes the Automatic Network Attack Decision Making and Response System.

【关键词】 网络安全分类法RDF拒绝服务攻击对策
【Key words】 Network SecurityTaxonomyRDFDoSCountermeasure
  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】866