

Information-Theoretically Secure Secret-Key Agreement Based on Noisy Authentic Channels

【作者】 王保仓

【导师】 杨波;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 密码学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 实现无条件安全的关键就在于安全密钥协商协议的设计。现在通常的做法是通信双方使用有扰信道或量子信道建立无条件安全模型,然后在公开认证信道上交互信息进行密钥协商,通信双方把协商之后的安全的密钥作为双方共享的密钥使用一次一密体制进行保密通信。 在这一研究领域,本文的主要研究成果如下: 1.提出了一种新的信息理论安全信道模型。在该模型中,通信双方使用虚拟的二元对称信道来控制窃听方接收信道的误比特率,而且使用该模型也不存在信息接收同步的问题。 2.提出了一个新的信息协调协议。该协议即使在最坏的情况下也要比已有的信息协调协议的效率高而且泄漏的信息量也较少。

【Abstract】 Information-theoretically secure secret-key agreement is the key to make perfect security. The models of unconditional security from quantum channels and noisy channels are two typical methods now. Once the secret-key has been agreed over a public channel, one can use the key to encrypt messages by using one time pad. The main work in this thesis is as follows:1) A new information-theoretically seure channel model is proposed. In the new model, the legitimate partners can control the error bit rate of the eavesdropper’s channel by adjusting their virtual binary symmetric channels. When our new model is implemented, the problem of receiving synchronization of the partners will not occur.2) A new information reconciliation protcol is presented. The efficiency of our new protocol is much higher than those of all known information reconciliation protocols even under the worst case, and simultaneously, its information leakage is relatively small.

  • 【分类号】TN918.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】122