

【作者】 范晓婷

【导师】 李松森;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 财政学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 国有企业效率低下,竞争力不强,一直是困扰国家高层和经济专家的大问题。改革开放以来,我们一直在进行国有企业改革的探索,虽然取得了一些成就,但是并没有从根本上解决国有企业的问题。关键就在于缺少一个高效的国有资产管理体制,为国有企业改革保驾护航。国有企业改革进行到现在,构建国有资产管理新体制,已经是绕不过去的问题。十六大明确提出进行国有资产管理体制改革,中央经济工作会议也将其作为2003年着重抓好四项改革的首要任务。这意味着,经过十多年的酝酿,国有资产管理体制改革终于进入了实施阶段,进入了改革的“深水区”。目前,中央层次的改革已经展开,国有资产监督管理委员会已经成立,但这并不意味着改革的完成,而仅仅是新一轮国有资产管理体制改革的开始。国有资产监督管理委员会成立以后,其职能、权限、管理方式、管理范围如何确定,中央与地方如何分别履行出资人职责,国有控股公司的形式有哪些、如何组建、功能和职能如何定位、法律风险和财务风险如何控制、资本经营路径如何选择等等,都是需要进一步研究的问题。 本文分四部分: 第一部分,国有资产管理体制的基本理论。该部分是全文的理论基础,主要介绍了国有资产管理体制的定义、构成层次、基本内容,国有资产管理体制改革与公共财政的关系以及未来成熟的国有资产管理体制应包括的内容。 第二部分,我国国有资产管理体制改革评价与现状分析。该部分在介绍我国国有资产管理体制改革历程的基础上,总结出改革的不足,以及今后改革中应注意的问题。 第三部分,国外国有资产管理体制模式的比较分析及对我国的启示。该部分介绍了国外国有资产管理体制的主要模式,分别介绍了两层次模式、三层次模式以及分类管理模式;通过对各种模式的比较分析,总结出各种模式的优缺点;通过对国外经验的总结,得出对我国国有资产管理体制改革的启示。 第四部分,国有资产管理新体制的制度设计。该部分主要介绍新体制的目标模式及要素设计。国有资产管理体制的目标模式是分级所有,分层管理。首先介绍了国有资产管理的所有制形式——分级所有,以及分级所有的含义,实内容提要行分级所有的依据,今后需要做的工作。其次,介绍了国有资产的管理模式一一分层管理。介绍了第一层次国有资产监督管理委员会的机构设置、管理目标、管理范围、职能、管理方式等;第二层次国有控股公司的类型、来源、现存弊端及改革建议:第三层次国有独资、控股、参股企业存在的问题及改革建议。

【Abstract】 In china, the low efficiency and lack of competition of the state-owned enterprises has always been a puzzling issue to the state leaders and the economic specialists. Since implementing the policy of Reform and Open, we have been exploring the reform of state-owned enterprises. Although, we have made much progress, the basic issue has still not been resolved. The key reason is that there is not an effective state-owned assets management system to direct. So, redesigning an effective state-owned assets management system is a crucial assignment.This thesis is organized as follows:Part one, the basic theory of the state-owned assets management system. This section introduces its definition, arrangement of constituting, the main content and the content that a perfect system should include in future.Part two, the evaluation of the reform and the existing situation of the state-owned assets management system. This section summarizes the shortcomings of the reform before and the aspects to pay attention to thereafter by introducing the process of the previous.Part three, the comparison and analysis of the foreign models of the state-owned assets management system and enlighten to us. This section introduces the main models of the foreign state-owned assets management system; summarizes the advantages and shortcomings of all kinds of models and enlighten to our reform from the foreign experience.Part four, the design of the new state-owned assets management system. This section introduces the design of factors of the new system. The objective model is "owned by levels and managed by layers". Firstly it introduces the form of ownership, the implication, necessity of "owned by levels" and work to be down in implementing it. Secondly it introduces the form of management-"managed by layers". It introduces the mechanism, scope, function and fashion of managementof "State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council"; the type, origin, malpractice and recommend to improve of state-owned proprietary company; the malpractice and recommend to improve of state-owned enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F123.7
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