

【作者】 冯建强

【导师】 刘文波;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要介绍了彩色图像中的人脸区域定位和面部特征提取技术。人脸定位就是从复杂的图像中找出人脸区域,它是进行特征提取的前提。特征提取是指从人脸区域中分割出特征点所在区域,并进一步找到特征点的坐标。这里所指的特征点是指瞳孔、眼角、鼻角和嘴角。 本文首先详细介绍了人脸定位的原理:根据人的肤色在色度空间的聚类特性,选择合适的色彩空间建立肤色模型,利用相似度将人脸区域分割出来,再结合人脸的结构特点进行人脸定位。接着分别阐述了各个特征点的提取方案:瞳孔的定位采用了灰度投影与边缘检测相结合的方法。先找出眼睛区域的外切矩形,再取该矩形的中心,得到瞳孔的位置,并在此基础上找到眼角的坐标。嘴角的定位则利用了嘴唇的颜色特征。先根据人脸的结构特点,定位出大致的嘴巴区域,然后利用唇色将嘴唇区域分割出来,再进一步找出嘴角的坐标。鼻角的定位利用了鼻孔的亮度值较低的特点,先通过阈值分割找出两个鼻孔区域,再根据鼻孔的形状特征寻找到鼻角。

【Abstract】 Technology of human face area location and feature extraction in color image is introduced in this paper. Human face location which is the premise of feature extraction means finding the position of human face in the complicated image. Feature extraction means locating the area where the feature belongs and finding the coordinates of these feature. Feature we point out here refers to pupil, canthus, corners of the mouth and corners of the nose.In the first part of this paper, the principle of human face location is introduced: Because human skin color clusters in the color space, we select a appropriate space to construct the skin color model, then skin color area of face is separated. Finally, we use the construction feature of face to locate the face. In the second part of this paper, different algorithm is introduced to locate different feature points. First, grey level projection and edge detection are used to find the coordinates of the pupil. After finding the rectangle area of the eye position, we calculate the center of the rectangle to get the coordinates, then the canthus can be found. Second, to extract the corner of the mouth, the color of the lip is used. After locating the proximate area of the mouth based on the construction feature of face, we separate the area of lip using its color, then the corner of the mouth can be easily found. To locate the position of the corner of the nose, we separate the nose area on the basis that its intensity of luminance is smaller than other parts of its vicinity, then the coordinates can be found based on the feature of the nostril.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】530