

Study on Development of Ecoagriculture in Three-Gorge Area

【作者】 易望汉

【导师】 冯中朝;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 三峡工程是一个跨世纪的伟大工程,具有防洪、发电和航运等巨大的综合效益,是我国迄今为止最大的基本建设项目,也是当今世界上最大的水利水电工程。库区移民安置和库区生态环境的变化问题一直是世人关注的焦点。相当一部分移民安置区在三峡水库建成后,将面临尖锐的人地矛盾,按照传统的“拼资源、高消耗”的农业发展模式,无法妥善解决库区移民安置问题,并且会带来生态环境的极大破坏。这就意味着必须重新定位库区农村经济的生产方式和发展模式。本文在充分分析库区农村经济资源和经济发展背景的情况下,认为库区在粮食生产和非农乡镇企业发展方面不具有比较优势,而在多种经营、特色产业和旅游业方面具有比较优势。由于库区的生态环境面临恶化困境,因此农业生产中,必须以维护库区生态环境,保持生态平衡方面着手,构建高效生态农业发展模式。这正是论文中的高效生态农业建设所强调的核心思想。由于库区的气候呈现出明显的垂直分布特征,所以,在库区生态农业布局上,论文将库区按照海拔高程划分为三个农村经济带,即低山、中山和高山农业经济带,并对各经济带的生态农业建设做了初步探讨。考虑到旅游、庭院、城郊在库区经济发展中的独特位置,也对这三种经济类型的经济布局做了讨论。最后,提出了库区高效生态农业建设的对策措施。

【Abstract】 The Three-Gorge project is the largest infrastructure program in China and the largest irrigation works and water electricity plan in the world. The allocation of immigration and the change of environment after building the reservoir are the focus. A lot of allocation area for immigration will have not enough land for cultivation. This means that we should change the development strategy and pattern of agriculture. There is no way to support the immigration with the traditional productive system, which is input more and output less. The background analysis shows that there is no comparative advantage on food and township and village enterprises, while fruit, cash crops, vegetable and travel industry have comparative advantage. Therefore it need increase the comparative advantage industry and decrease no comparative advantage industry. Since the environment is the base to develop agriculture, improving the environment is necessary. These are the basic ideas in this paper. The climate of Three-Gorge area is based on the altitude, so it can distribute three agricultural economy regions according to the altitude. Each region has the different stress industry. Considering that travel industry, yard and outskirts economy have a special situation in economy development, it also discuss their development pattern. In the end, the paper gives some advice to bring into effects of the ecoagriculture development.

【关键词】 三峡库区生态农业发展
【Key words】 Three-Gorge AreaEcogricultureDevelopment
  • 【分类号】F323.2
  • 【下载频次】185