

Political Legitimacy of China Communist Party

【作者】 姜立强

【导师】 许佳君;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 任何公共权力主体都要为谋求合法性作出努力。公共权力主体与客体是合法性的结构载体,合法性往往通过公共权力主体的制度安排来实现,表现为非正式制度安排(意识形态)和正式制度安排的良性互动。在人类政治发展的过程中,公共权力的主体经历了多种不同的转换形式。现代政治社会的构成通常有三个要素:公民、政党、公共权力。公共权力通常通过政党来实现。合法性是政党有效政治的必不可少的条件,一个政党失去了合法性不可避免的要被历史所淘汰。政党政治合法性的本质是党群关系,其实现和特征受制度安排的内在规定。政党以何种形式产生,往往对政党合法性的诉求产生很大的影响。中国政党政治合法性不完全同于西方政党政治合法性,既有共同的规律,也有中国历史发展本身带来的特殊性。本文以非正式制度安排和正式制度安排的互动关系为分析工具,对中国共产党的政治活动(革命和执政)作了分析,在此基础上对新世纪党的政治合法性的发展路径提出了自己的观点,即坚持社会主义制度价值理性(非正式制度安排)和社会主义制度技术理性(正式制度安排)的统一。

【Abstract】 Every owner of public power makes the effort to seek the legitimacy .The owner and the object of public power is the structural carrier of the legitimacy. The owner realizes its legitimacy through institutional arrangement, that is, the well interaction of informal institution (ideology) and formal institution. In the process of political development, the owner of public power has come through different forms. In modern society, citizens, parties, and public power form the modem politics. Parties fulfill the public power, and the legitimacy is the prerequisite of the parties’ political practice. The party who loses the legitimacy will lose its life in the development of history. The essence of political legitimacy of parties is the relations between the parties and masses. The institutional arrangement regulates its realization and features. The natal way of parties often has great influence on its political legitimacy. The political legitimacy of CCP does not identify with political legitimacy of the western parties incompletely, with the common rule but more particularities of the historical development of China. With the analytical tool of "the interaction of informal institution (ideology) and formal institution", this article analyses the political practice (revolution and reign) of CCP, and brings forward my suggestions of the developing path for political legitimacy of CCP, that is, adhering to the interaction of value rationality of socialism (informal institution) and the technical rationality (formal institution).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D20
  • 【下载频次】395