

Research on Behaviour of Cast-in-situ Concrete Thin Wall Pipe Pile under Lateral Load

【作者】 何筱进

【导师】 刘汉龙;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 岩土工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要围绕现浇混凝土薄壁管桩(以下简称PCC桩)这一新型的桩基结构型式的水平承载性状展开研究,通过室内模型试验、现场试验、有限元数值模拟分析试验及弹性幂级数解析法分析等手段,对PCC桩水平承载的桩身受力性状,桩身挠曲位移,桩身弯距分布,桩与桩周土相互作用的地基反力等几方面进行了初步的探讨和研究,最后将PCC桩与目前工程中的两种常用于承受水平荷载的桩型进行对比计算分析,得到有意义的结论。开展的主要工作如下: 1、研制了PCC桩水平承载的单桩室内模型试验,进行PCC桩的模型试验研究。通过室内试验手段,对PCC桩水平承载的一般受力性状进行了研究,得到了桩顶P—Y曲线,桩身弯距分布曲线,及桩周土地基反力分布曲线,试验的结果表明,由于PCC桩抗弯刚度很大,具有很好的水平承载性能。 2、运用有限元数值计算理论对PCC桩进行水平承载性状计算分析。在前人所做工作的基础上编制了基于文克尔地基模型的有限元计算程序,将水平承载桩的“m法”引入计算程序中,并用现场试验资料和本文的模型试验结果与数值计算结果进行了对比,结果表明较为吻合,验证了程序分析PCC桩水平承载的正确性和可靠性。 3、应用桩身挠曲弹性微分方程幂级数解析法对本文中的PCC桩算例进行了分析,并将分析计算结果与有限元计算结果进行了对比,进一步验证了本文有限元数值算法运用于PCC桩水平承载计算的正确性和有效性。 4、运用本文的方法对影响PCC桩水平承载性状的主要参数进行了有限元数值模拟试验计算分析,分析结果表明对PCC桩水平承载性状影响因素最大的是桩径,其次是桩长和地基土的性质,而桩身刚度和桩身壁厚的影响相对较小。 5、将PCC桩和工程中常用于承受水平荷载的灌注圆形桩及预制方形桩进行了对比计算分析,从相同的桩径和等效的截面积两个角度论证了PCC桩在承受水平荷载时的技术经济的优越性,从对比分析中证明了PCC桩优于其他桩型的薄壁性能。

【Abstract】 Nowadays,The PCC pile have been widely used for soft ground improvement and application of foundation Engineering .The behavior of PCC pile ,that subjected to lateral load has been studied in this paper. The behavior of the PCC pile has involved moment and horizontal displacement and load of PCC pile.They are studied by in the physical model experimen,field test Finite element numerical analysis, and exponential progression solution. In additional, the comparatively computal analysis are carried out among PCC pile, cast-in-situ concrete circular pile, prefabricate concrete square pile, and obtain some signification conclusion. For details. The main contents are as follow:1.. developing a physical model experiment can simulate the behavior of the PCC under lateral load,the curve of p-y and curve of moment distribution and load against soils are obtained .the results indicated that performance of the PCC pile under lateral load is very fine .2, Finite element theory is applied to research of PCC pile under lateral load. On the basis of predecessor work, the thesis developed FEM program of the pile under lateral load, which is based on Winker ground model ,and m method is introduced into FEM program. The calculation values is closed to the results of field and laboratory model experiment ,the finite elment method is verified.3 Elastic exponential progression solution which is widely recognized by the field of civil engineering are applied to analysis of the PCC pile under lateral load, and the results are compared with that of finite elment method. Accordingly, the validation of program is once more proved.4 Main parameters of the PCC pile such as length of pile, diameter of pile , rigidity of pile ,wall thickness of pile are analyzed by the method of the thesis. The calculation results indicates that most markedly factor is pile diameter, in the next place pile length and property of ground soils, the impact of rigidity and wall thickness of pile are relatively little.5, Comparatively computation analysis is carried out among PCC pile and cast-in-situ concrete circular pile and prefabricate concrete square pile by program which is develop in the paper .Two angles such as the same diameter and transect area of the pile are analysed .The advantages of the PCC pile have been proven on the aspects of technique and economy in the paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU473.1
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】330