

【作者】 虞东海

【导师】 颜钢锋;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着半导体业的快速发展,特别是数字信号处理器的出现,以及精确的异步电机模型和各种先进的控制策略的提出,很大的促进了电机控制的发展,使得精度高、调速范围宽、控制性能好的电机控制器的实现成为可能。 矢量控制作为一种先进的控制策略,是在电机统一理论、机电能量转换和坐标变换理论的基础上发展起来的,具有先进性、新颖性和实用性的特点。其思想就是将异步电动机的模型通过坐标变化,使之成直流电动机模型,将定子电流矢量分解为按转子磁场定向的两个直流分量并分别加以控制,从而实现磁通和转矩的解耦控制,以期达到直流电机的控制效果。 本课题应用矢量控制的原理,以电机控制专用的DSP芯片TMS320F240为核心,开发出一套基于矢量控制的变频调速系统。文中对整个系统的硬件电路和驱动软件的实现都作了详细的介绍,同时采用了一种新型的PWM调制方法一电压空间矢量法(SVPWM)来实现对异步电机的控制,提高了能量的利用效率。该控制系统已经应用于电脑绣花机电控系统上面,经实践证明,基于DSP芯片的矢量控制变频调速系统性能优良,运行稳定,抗干扰能力强,电机运行噪音小,不失为一套具有先进型、新颖性、实用性的控制系统。

【Abstract】 It is the real time-processing properties of silicon, such as the TMS320F240 DSP controller, the accurate asynchronous motor model and all kinds of advanced theories that have resulted in the development of a highly reliable drive with highly accurate and variable speed controls.Field Oriented Control (FOC) is one of the advanced theories, which is based on motor unification principle, energy conversion and vector coordinate transformation theory. It has many advantages such as novelty, practicability and advancement. By transforming the model of AC motor to DC motor, the stator current is decomposed into two DC parts which are orientated towards the rotator magnetic field and controlled respectively. Thus the magnetic flux and torque are decoupled. In which way, It controls the asynchronous motor in a synchronous way.Using digital signal processor (DSP), TMS320F240, which is special for motor control, we develop a suit of speed adjustable, reliable and highly effective induction drive based on FOC principle. Realization of the whole hardware and the whole software is described. At the same time, a new Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) named Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) method is introduced which is more effective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TM921.5
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1120