

【作者】 杨经纬

【导师】 颜文俊;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着工业自动化技术和计算机技术的进步,出现了各种新的控制概念。柔性控制是近年来发展起来的控制概念。它专门致力于以更少的时间周期和更低的费用开发开放、高性能、高可靠性的分布式容错系统。在已知一个被控对象的前提下,如何快速、有效的去设计其控制系统,选择一种合理的控制方法,保证控制系统性能要求,这是一个值得深入研究的问题。为此,提出了柔性控制系统。其目标就是提供一个集成工具包来支持整个发展周期:仿真/建模,发展及应用。 开发一种好的控制策略(通过试验和评估一些其他方法)在自动化制造系统(比如FMS)或半自动化制造系统(比如生产线)中是特别重要的。本文根据柔性控制的定义,结合近现代的控制理论,比较全面地阐述了一些柔性控制的具体实现过程。利用MATLAB提供的各种控制工具箱作为控制手段,针对某一类控制对象提出控制指标,用PID控制或者H_∞。控制,在MATLAB上通过建模仿真,在一个大范围中迅速找到满足这些控制指标的最优参数。通过以上的方法,解决了传统手工选择参数方法时需要通过经验试凑等的缺点,省时省力,达到了柔性的目的。再进一步将系统扩展为利用Java的网络编程优势,进行MATLAB和Java的混合编程,从而达到进行远程柔性控制的目的。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development in the technology of industry automation and computer, many new control theories have arisen. Flexible control theory is developed recently. This theory specifically addresses the development of the capability to produce open, high performance, dependable, distributed fault tolerant systems in reduced timescales and at lower cost. How to design a control system fast and efficiently, choose a sound control method to guarantee the performance of the control system under a known object under control is a question to be investigated deeply. Therefore, the concept of the flexible control system is put forward. The aim is to provide an integrated suite of tools to support all the development life-cycle phases: simulation/modeling, development and implementation.To develop a suitable control theory(thorough testing and evaluating some other method) is very important in automatic manufacture system(i.e. FMS) or semi-automatic manufacture system(i.e. assembly line). Based on the definition of flexible control, combining the control theory, the paper expounds some of the implements of the flexible control. Using the control toolboxes offered by MATLAB as control means, we bring forward some design method for a kind of control plant bymeans of PID control or H∞ control. Results of simulation and modeling inMATLAB show that it is more effective to find the optimal parameters quickly for various systems by following these control design procedures. Thus, we overcome the shortcomings of traditional manual choosing parameters and achieve more flexibility in design. Furthermore, using Java network programming, MATLAB and Java multi-programming, approaches proposed in the paper are also applied to remote flexible control systems.

【关键词】 柔性控制PID控制H_∞控制MATLABJava混合编程
【Key words】 flexible controlPID controlH_∞ controlMATLABJavamulti-programming
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】247