

Out-Plane Buckling of Simply Supported Tapered Beam-Columns

【作者】 严剑松

【导师】 童根树;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对门式刚架中常用到的楔形变截面构件,以腹板高度线性渐变的工字钢楔形构件为研究对象,对约束问题和压弯杆的平面外临界荷载等进行一定的研究。主要有四个方面的内容: 一是按照虚功原理,用数值方法拟合出楔形构件在无侧移和有侧移情况下的转角位移的近似计算方法,并提出单段变截面梁的四个约束刚度。分析了门式刚架发生有侧移、无侧移失稳时,由单段、两段及三段变截面构件组成的钢梁对钢柱的转动约束问题,给出精度较高公式。 二是从增量变分理论出发,研究了适合薄壁构件非线性分析的有限元计算方法。所推导的有限单元法,考虑了构件的内应力和初变形,以便实际计算中的应用。对于不同的约束、荷载情况,都可应用这个有限单元法,作为特例研究。该方法为下文做弹性分析和以后的弹塑性分析做准备。 三是对理想条件下腹板高度线性渐变的工字钢楔形压弯构件进行了弹性稳定分析,利用有限单元法进行数值计算,结合能量法求得楔形压弯构件临界荷载近似计算式,得到物理意义明确,精度较高的扭转、弯扭屈曲荷载表达式。公式形式与等截面杆屈曲荷载的计算公式形式相同,从而将变截面构件问题转化为等截面构件问题。文章还给出梁柱P-M关系,便于在工程中应用。 四是分析由若干段等截面或者变截面构件组成的压杆,平面内稳定问题。先研究在两端铰接下,由三段等截面构件组成的压杆平面内稳定问题,并对两端为变截面构件,中间为等截面构件组成的压杆平面内稳定问题进行分析,得到形式类似的屈曲荷载计算公式。最后还对两端固接的情况进行研究分析。

【Abstract】 Firstly, this paper presented an explicit rotation-deflection relation of tapered member based on numerical analysis, this relation is used to derive the rotational restraints provided to columns by the rafters in portal frames, the rafters may be composed of multiple segments of tapered members. These restraints are intended for employment in place of the APPENDIX D of the Code of Light-Weight Steel Portal-Frame(CECS 102:2002).Secondly, a finite-element formulation is presented for analysis of the inelastic flexural-torsional instability of non-prismatic beam-columns. The formulation represents a general approach to this problem.Thirdly,this paper reports an investigation into the elastic torsional buckling under axial load and elastic flexural-torsional buckling under eccentric axial force loads of web tapered I-section beam-columns.Several formulae for calculating buckling loads are presented to provide simple means of checking the out of plane stability of these kinds of members.Finally, research is conducted on the in-plane elastic stability of columns composed of several prismatic or tapered members under different boundary conditions,the results may be used for checking the stability of rafters when large axial forces exist in these members.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU391
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】133