

The Solution for Universities in Building Digital Library

【作者】 韩秀梅

【导师】 高迎慧; 李昕;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 计算机科学及应用, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术和计算机技术的不断发展,网络的逐步普及,需要存储和传播的信息量越来越大,信息的种类和形式越来越丰富,传统图书馆的机制显然不能满足这些需要。因此,人们提出了数字图书馆的概念。 数字图书馆这个概念从开始流行到现在不过十年左右的时间,而在国内成为图书馆界,IT业乃至整个社会的热点甚至焦点只是近几年的事情。数字图书馆是高技术的产物,信息技术的集成在数字图书馆的建设中扮演了非常重要的角色。具体来说,其涉及数字化技术,超大规模数据库技术、网络技术、多媒体信息处理技术、分布式处理技术、安全保密技术、检索技术以及海量信息的存储技术等。数字图书馆目前仍然是一种新概念和新技术,技术上存在着许多尚未解决的难题,特别是高校图书馆,建设数字图书馆还需有一段漫长的路要走,需要图书馆界的不断努力。为了完成毕业论文的写作工作,查阅了大量的相关资料,对数字图书馆的概念及相关技术加以研究,得出的结论如下:1.高等学校的网络建设是最基础的工作,在网络建设采用综合布线建设,千兆以太网、第三层交换技术,保证信息的快速传速,减少瓶颈现象。2.高等学校图书馆是信息集散中心,拥有大量的信息资源,需要大容量的存储空间,在存储建设上采用最新的SAN结构,通过网络实现数据的存储和共享。3.信息资源建设要保证专业性、实用性和可靠性,馆藏资源包括:书目资源、电子图书、网络资源及特色馆藏资源。4.本文还对高等学校数字图书馆的安全建设、备份设计、硬件选择等加以探讨。

【Abstract】 With the unceasingly developing of information technology and computer technology, progressively popularizing of network, the information capacity which needs to store and spread is getting larger and larger, and the information kinds and information forms are getting more and more colorful. Evidently , The service pattern of traditional libraries can not meet these demands. Therefore, People put forward the concept of digital library.It is less than 10 years or so that the concept of digital library exist from it beginning popular till now, but it is just true that it became as hot point even more focus on the domestic country world of libraries ,IT and the whole society. Digital library is the product of high-technology, The integration of information technology play a very important role on the process of building digital library. We can give some examples, It involves many technology such as the technology of digitalize, the technology of super-scope database, the technology of network, Multi-media information processing technology. distributed processing technology, security and secret technology, retrieval technology and large-container storage technology and so on.At present, digital library is still a new kind of concept and a new kind oftechnology, on technology, there are a lot of very difficult problems which have not been solved, especially for the university libraries, To build digital library.It may be a very long way that we have to go when we are building our university digital library.It needs the whole world of library continuously working hard.For finishing the graduating the paper, the Author looked up a lot of material, study the concept of digital library and related technology of digital library.The main conclusions as follow:1.The network building is the basis work of university digital library, <WP=5>They must adopt technology of Premise Distributed System, Gigabit Ethernet and Layer 3 switching,so it can insure that information will be transferred quickly, decreasing phenomenon of bottle-neck.2.The university library is the center of information distributed, They own a lot information resources and need large space of storage, The university library use the newest technology of SAN constructers for building storage project, achieve storage and share of data through network.3.Establishing of information resources must insure professional, functional, reliability, it includes: book catalog information, ebooks, net-information , characteristic resources.4. This paper also include some discusses about security, backup, hardware select.

  • 【分类号】TP399
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