

Discussing Real Property Registration

【作者】 王彦

【导师】 陈华彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 民商法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国目前正在制定物权法,不动产登记在物权法中占据重要地位。我国虽然初步建立了不动产登记制度,但尚不完善,还存在诸如登记机关不统一、登记效力不明确、登记法律依据不健全、登记内容不全面等问题。本文就不动产登记的若干重要问题进行了探讨,并针对我国不动产登记制度中的缺陷提出了完善的建议。 不动产登记是指不动产物权的取得、转让、变更、消灭都应该在法定的不动产登记机关予以登记记载的法律制度。这一制度起源于中世纪,发展于近代,是迄今各国关于不动产物权变动的重要制度,多数国家采登记为不动产物权变动的公示形式。发展到现在,综合各国立法,不动产登记形成三种立法例:契据登记制、托伦斯登记制和权利登记制。我国现行的登记制是介于权利登记制和托伦斯登记制之间的一种登记制。 不动产登记制度有若干重要内容。一,从性质上讲,不动产登记应属私法行为,因为登记的权利为当事人的私权,登记的发动权在于当事人,登记的内容和登记内容的变更也是由当事人的意愿而确定。二,不动产登记的原则主要包括:申请原则、形式审查和实质审查相结合原则、公示公信原则、合法性原则、强制登记原则和优先次序原则。三,不动产登记具有以下效力:不动产物权变动的根据效力、权利正确性推定效力、善意保护效力及风险警示效力。在采登记生效主义制度下,依法律行为发生的不动产物权变动,非经登记不发生物权变动的效力,登记为物权变动的生效要件或成立要件。且在不动产登记簿上记载的有关不动产物权状态,应推定为正确;即使存在权利瑕疵,但对于善意第三人而言,都应推定登记为正确,第三人基于登记记载而取得的不动产物权,受法律的保护,这就是权利正确性推定效力和善意保护效力。四,在不动产物权变动的物权形式主义和债权形式主义之下,登记是物权变动的生效条件,但在意思主义之下,登记不是物权变动的生效要件,而是对抗第三人的要件。登记在物权形式主义和债权形式主义中也有区别,即在物权形式主义之下,即使导致不动产物权变动的原因关系即债权合同无效或被撤销,也不影响已经发生的物权变动的效力;但在债权形式主义之下,如果引起物权变动的原因关系无效或被撤销,则已经发生的变动登记也应无效或被撤销。五,各国的登记机关对不动产登记的审查有两种主义,即形式审查主义和实质审查主义。主要区别在于对当事人的登记申请,登记机关是否审查引起物权变动原因关系,有权审查原因关系的为实质审查主义,无权审查原因关系的为形式审查主义,前者以瑞士为代表,后者以德国为典型。六,关于不动产登记的公信力。不动产登一记的公信力是出于对善意第三人的保护而赋予登记记载以绝对真实有效的效力。七,不动产登记有多种分类,我国现在还缺乏其中的不动产的顺位登记、顺位保留登记、顺位变更登记、异议登记等制度,这些有待于将来立法中予以规定和完善。八,关于不动产登记机关,各国有两种模式,很多国家由法院进行登记,也有国家由行政机关进行登记。九,关于不动产登记簿的编成,各国有两种编成主义:物的编成主义和人的编成主义。经比较可以得出结论,物的编成主义比人的编成主义更具有合理性,因为它可以准确的显示不动产的归属和物权变动过程,能够确保登记的准确和交易的安全。 我国现在的不动产登记制度存在诸多问题,如不动产登记机关不统一、不动产登记的效力不统一、我国还没有统一的不动产登一记法,缺乏统一的登记簿册和公开查册制度等。针对这些问题,论者提出相关的建议:一,关于登记机关,学者也多主张我国建立由法院进行登记的制度。但论者认为这样做与我国的国情不符,因为法院的职责在于定纷止争,而登记事务并非纠纷,且法院进行登记也不利于法院对因登记错误发生的纠纷的公正处理,还会不适当地扩大法院的职权。我们应在现在行政登记的基础上实行统一的由一个行政机关主管登记的制度,就可以很好地解决现在的多头登记、登记机关不统一的问题。二,实行统一的登记效力,明确规定登记为不动产物权变动的生效要件或成立要件。三,赋予登记以公信力,明确规定不动产登记公信力的适用条件和受保护的第三人的范围。四,建立统一的不动产登记簿册,实行一登记一用纸的原则。同时颁发统一的不动产权属证书,明确权属证书的法律效力。五,制定统一的不动产登记法,从实体和程序两方面为不动产登记确立法律依据;建立完善的登记程序,在实行形式审查的同时实行登记的实质审查主义,以确保登记的正确性和交易的安全便捷。

【Abstract】 At present, our government is making property right law. In property right law, real property registration is making an important role. Although we have preliminarily established the system of the real property registration, but not perfect. This article has analysed the problems correlated with real property registration and given some advice for perfecting the system of real property registration in view of its disadvantages.Real property registration is a legal system which refers to that the property right’s gaining, transferring, change, extermination should be registered in the legal real property registered organ. Until now, synthesizing the legislation of the countries the real property registration has formed three legislative forms: the deed registration system, the Torenssyhm and the right registered system.Real property registration includes several important contens: 1. In property, the act of real property registration is a private act. 2.The principles of real property registration mainly include: the applying principle, the principle of combining formal investigation with actual investigation, the principle of public expressing and announcement, the principle of legitimacy, the principle of mandatory registration and the principle of prior order. 3.The real property registration has the effects in the following: the reason effect of the property right’s change, the effect of inferring the right correctly, the protecting effect out of goodwill and the effect of risk’s alarming .Under the system of taking the registration as effective , the property right’s change which has occurred according to the legal action doesn’t occure without registration, the registration is an important condition makes the property right’s change effective or tenable. 4.According to the property right-formalism and the obligation right-formalism about the property right’s change of the real property, registration is the condition makes the property right’s change effective. But according to the representative form, registration is the important condition that dose not make the property right’s change effective but against the third party. 5.There are two forms of investigating the real property registration by every country’s organ, they are formal investigation and actual investigation. But comprehensively speaking, most of the counties take the principle of combining formal investigation with actual investigation.There are many problems in our present registered system and in view of these problems the writer give some advices: 1.About the registered organ, we should implement a unified system registered mainly by one administrative organ on the basis of present administrative registration so that we can solve the present problems of registering in different places and registered organ’s un-unity. 2.Implement unified effects and stipulate clearly that registration is the important condition makes the property right’s change of the real property effective or tenable. 3.Entrust the registration with the public announcement’s power, stipulate clearly the suitable condition of the real property registration’s public announcement’s power and the limits of the third party who is protected. 4.Make a unified book of real property registration and obey the principle of one piece with one registration. 5 Make a unified real property registration law, establish legal basis for the real property registration in two sides of substance and procedure.

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